Friday, September 8, 2006

Jeremy Shockey wants YOU to read his column

As an oft-drunk Oklahoman with a Miami "education," Jeremy Shockey is not the kind of player we expect to be literate. Fortunately, literacy is not a requirement to write for the New York Post, where Shockey's new weekly column debuted today.

Sadly, there's not a whole lot to tear to shreds -- Shockey apparently graduated from the Crash Davis School of Cliche, or at least went to class for two years before declaring for the draft. But I did enjoy this:
Sometimes, I feel like I am more of a chess player than a football player. For instance, this week I was handed a report on each Colts defensive player. The report included their head-shot photo, their height, weight, age, hometown, their college, whether they are married and have kids, and their tendencies. I even know if they had offseason trouble with the law or with contract negotiations. I am given all the information I need to anticipate what they are going to do, their strengths and weaknesses, and how to take advantage of them.
Actually, Jeremy, there's been a mistake. You're way behind on your contract killing. Seriously, Shockey's gotta be the worst hired muscle since Gigli.
And guess what, the Colts defense has a report on me.
Yup, and it reads like this: "Extremely talented. Dumb as a rock. Remove from game by distracting him with TV cameras, rum and cokes, or available shiny objects."

However, the funniest sentence in the column has to be the last:
Jason Rosenhaus contributed to this report.
That's right: if you liked T.O., you'll love Jeremy Shockey's column! Those Rosenhauses really have the Midas touch!


  1. This might hurt the NY Post's reputation

  2. sigh. it's going to be a long season, giants fans.

  3. When did the Colts and Giants start playing 'defense'?

  4. While I'm sure Shockey is pouring over opposition scouting reports like they were this month's Hustler, Jay Feeley must have spaced on the chapter in the Seahawks dossier labeled "how to make field goals at Qwest Field."

  5. Does he have one for fellow teammates? Does he know Plaxico Burress has a natural aversion to catching passes in playoff games? He should know these things.

  6. I thought the entire column would read,

    "Me catch ball, me run ball, me score ball, me have sex with girls after game. Ya! Go Giants go!"

    I wish the Washington Post would give Clinton Portis his own column.

  7. "Me catch ball, me run ball, me score ball, me have sex with girls after game. Ya! Go Giants go!"

    You can make fun all you want, but I, for one, wish that my life consisted of those activities and those activities alone.

  8. What the Post doesn't tell you is that each entry arrives to them hand written in green crayon.

    The answer is 'fries'.

  9. Fornelli

    Wouldn't it read..."me make fuck with girls after the game"?

  10. No Anon, unfortunately Mr. Shockey's love is not like a truck, but more like a Vespa.

  11. The answer is 'fries'.

    That may be the single best Simpsons reference I've seen all year. Well played.

  12. Is it true that Jeremy Shockey is the love-child of Mongo from Blazing Saddles and one-time Reds dictator Marge Schott?

  13. Tikberius "Tiki" Barber
    10 Years Pro.

    Can make love to self with both hands. Really just wants to be held, that's all. Wish Jeremy would do something in the shower instead of just stare longingly. Tired of Strahan's unwarranted advances. Ready for Eli to be "the man."

  14. Don't know why I'm defending him, but Shockey isn't exactly dumb. Into drinking, girls, and putting his foot in his mouth repeatedly, but from what I've read, he was a good student and ended up going to Miami specifically because he was an full academic qualifier, which Oklahoma didn't realize.

    And now I will shower away the shame of pointing this out.

  15. Really? I heard they shaved a gorilla.
