Friday, July 21, 2006

Let's Go For Two And Win It Right Now

Big plans. You have some big plans for this weekend. You’re gonna clean up the house. Do the dishes, bust out a load of laundry. Shit, you have so much fucking laundry, you could do a whole load of whites. That’s right, do ‘em on hot. Vacuum, maybe scrub the toilet. You are getting shit done this weekend.

Or you could just go through a twelve of Coors Light and sleep through Saturday. I mean, you know, that other stuff isn’t going anywhere.

Big plans. We leave you to your own devices with this little episode of…well, we don’t know what the hell this is. But we do have a cheerleader. And, we’d guess, one of her close personal friends. Is he promoting that Johnny Knoxville movie? There’s no way to be sure about that. But we are sure, absolutely sure, that the retard is singing “America, The Beautiful.” Won’t you sing along:

Fo’ boo-dee-full, fell-a-tious skies
Fo’ ham-per waves of grain
Fo’ pur-ple moun-tain ma-jes-ty
And on the bowl-ling lane

A-mer-ri-ca, A-mer-ri-ca,
God wet his face on me.
And round the hood with other food
Come see my shiny seed!

Big plans, I tell you. Big plans. See you Monday, if we're not already in Hell.


  1. What the hell just happened?

  2. mmp, i hope you don't believe in hell

  3. luckily I have a job where giggling like an idiot in my office is not frowned upon

  4. becky must work for the Bush administration.

  5. I almost felt some tears there.

  6. Is that little girl Photoshopped in?

    When I was in high school, I spent my summers working at a YMCA day camp for Handicapped and social and emotionally disturbed kids. (Great mix, let me tell you.) Anyway, we started each day with saying the pledge and singing the Star-Spangled Banner. One summer one of my campers, a 5 year old boy who’s mother had fallen while pregnant and crushed his little pre-natal head, could sing the national anthem with such enthusiasm as to almost move me to tears each morning. And every day, he ended the song with “Play ball!” Turns out his parents had Pirates season tickets and they never missed a game.

    So I spent the summer teaching him how to say “Barry Bonds is a bum”. Which coming from a small blonde special needs kid, is hilarious.

  7. Is that little girl crying because of where her hand appears to be stuck?

  8. What phrase do you use on Google to come up with that picture?

  9. I wanna be photoshopped in!

    Cheaper by the Dozen..? No..? ok.

  10. has anyone ever seen the performance of "Rock On" by David Essex that they play on VH1 Classic? because I think that dude (or perhaps one of his companions) was in the audience really really enjoying himself the whole time...and it's not like *I* laughed or anything, but you degenerates may have...
    sadly I can't find it on youtube, to not laugh at again.

  11. The more I look at this, the more convinced I am that Jim Kelly is the guy holding the microphone for the tard. He really looks like him... Plus, the tard is wearing what appears to be a #12 Bills jersey... Having grown up a Bills fan in the early 90s, I am incapable of making fun of Kelly... (the tard is fair game though.)

  12. making fun of corky will result in a marine with a vendetta

  13. That's a number 12 PATS jersey you 'tards!
