Monday, July 24, 2006

Freedom Grill

Welcome back to work everybody! Seriously though, it's Monday and I don't want to be here. Unfortunately there's been a lag in NFL player arrests/shootings/stabbings to distract us from the utter lack of excitement we've come to expect from the Dog Days of summer. Hopefully this inspired youtube video will brighten up your morning, hell, it could even cure your hangover for all I know. We now present you with an unusual sort of tribute, this guy has created a TITILLATING homage to his favorite tailgating appliance...the mighty grill. What really makes this video special is obviously not the grill itself, instead it's the ridiculous collection of cheerleaders interspersed throughout. Enjoy.


  1. after further investigation i've determined that this Freedom Grill is actually quite an amazing contraption...and i want one.

  2. UM-

    I'd tell you to get one of these, but if a FedEx employee spotted two beer bellies on one person, they might put a call in to Jericho and order up an exorcism.


    N.W. Jerome

  3. Shouldn't that be a ridiculous collection of grill shots interspersed throughout a cheerleader video?

    Bonus points added for Hilary Clinton eating a hot dog, Jenn Sterger, and Ernie ice fishing. Bonus points deducted for failing to include mug shots of lesbian Panther cheerleaders.

  4. dweeze, i watched that video fully expecting to see the lesbians at some point...oh well

  5. I was thinking the Mascot of Kiss Me Suzy would be Asia Carrera.

  6. Ain't none a them girlz gotz gold on dey grillz! WTF! u

  7. yeah lopey, but mjd covered that over the weekend, there isn't much more to say about a guy who never plays.

    the only aspect of the ordeal that truly made me laugh was the name of the town in question...South Cumminsville...good lord.

    we'll be back with fresh takes first thing tommorow.

  8. Looks like the Freedom Grill is having a special on camel toe.

  9. I hate it when a good cheerleader montage is interrupted by pics of a lame ass grill and an ugly truck!

  10. It's a Monday like any other. You're trying to jerk off to your favorite grill...maybe its' mesquite, maybe it's Kingsford...At the end of the day, it's probably propane..You're handling it...really working the grill, then, out of nowhere, some asshole decides to put female cheerleaders in the montage, absolutely fucking your shit up. You love the women? Fine, good for you. If you tease hardcore BBQ action, however, don't drop some random tail in the picture. Gimme a three-tiered BBQ, or maybe a fire pit, but don't ruin my BBQ stroke with some stupid cheerleaders.

  11. They hate us for our freedom grill.
