Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Internet wags mock Dreamboat's existential crisis

These guys definitely didn't skimp on the effects budget; the transition from the real Brady to the faux one is seamless. You probably won't notice, except upon several studied viewings.

If Brady ever needs a double to distract the media while he sneaks over to Gisele's crib, this doppelgänger should get the first call. See for yourself:


  1. I think you put up the wrong clip. That was nothing but Tom Brady.

    A painfully unfunny and incredibly lame Tom Brady.

  2. I melted when I looked into his eyes.

  3. A powerfully reverent exercise in remystification, an attempt to waft some of the clouds of glory back around the great man, clouds that might have dispersed since the last super bowl.

  4. +1 Bob; we would also have accepted "Shipwreck"

  5. I'm glad to see that Drew Bledsoe isn't bitter about being escorted out of the NFL

  6. Funny vid, but this guy is definitely NO Tom Brady!
