Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This Guy's a Chubby Chaser

Okay, we've had enough of mourning death for one day. Back to celebrating it with this clip of a tiger trying to bag itself a cow. Stop nipping at its legs, tiger, that's poor tackling form. If it were a horse, Roy Williams would have some useful advice for you.

Anyway, this must be what trying to rape Raven Simone is like.


  1. You're with me, LeatherDinner.

  2. Nothing better than a good cow killin' to get me through the week!

    /Looking forward to getting to know my draft picks

  3. Anyway, this must be what trying to rape Raven Simone is like.

    That's So Ape!

  4. Looked like last call at my old college bar

    20+ years ago

    /dating self
    //time for afternoon nap

  5. That was some fucking weak sauce from the world's largest cat.

  6. Among a certain circle of my friends, "Chubby Chaser" has an entirely different meaning...

  7. That's the most boring tiger attack I've ever seen... it must have been directed by Jim Jarmusch

  8. Raven Simone wishes she was that thin.

    Snyder just made the Tiger a $20 million dollar offer over 3 years. He loves anyone who can kill a Cow, Boy!

  9. I haven't been that thrilled by a wildlife fight since I saw that shark eat a gorilla.

  10. See, this is why the Westland/Hallmark Meat Company quit using tigers to slaughter their cows. With their new strategy, tiger related injuries are down almost 50%!

  11. @the pirate sloth: It's used to refer to the consumption of an alcoholic beverage either before or after the, er, performance of a particular sexual act upon a male.

    This is the same group of friends that decided that the name of a local dentistry chain, "The Gentle Dental," was a perfect euphemism for the exact same sex act referenced above.

    I'm merely a messenger.

  12. With his lack of tackling ability and killer instinct, it seems this Bengal Tiger may be imitating some of his childhood heroes who currently play in Cincinnati. Of course, Marvin Lewis will take his 134th straight first round defensive back to remedy this problem in the Queen City.

  13. @fmra - your friends' ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to their newsletter.

  14. The Gentle Dental is what I am all about.

  15. @pirate sloth - wait till you get married and have a kid on the way. The gentle dental is only but a a fleeting dream.

  16. If I can spread the usage of the phrase "Gentle Dental" in our proposed alternate meaning such that it extends beyond the confines of this little New England hamlet, I shall not have lived in vain.

  17. @ grimey

    Thank you for using any opportunity to thrash that hack Jarmusch. But if he made this film, it would go for a minimum of 85 minutes.

    Getting back to the tiger. This tiger is clearly a pussy. It takes him way to long to demolish the cow. It would not fare well against faster and/or smarter animals like the wildebeast, water buffalo or gazelle.

    The only thing slower, fatter and stupider on planet earth to attack is Tony Siragusa.


  18. Looks like this guy is goning to need a little of Rodney Harrison's Special Cocktail to get thru the rest of the season.

    Just saying...

  19. @underdog

    +pts for zach galifianakis reference.

  20. "Charlie bit me"
    "Ow, Charlie! That really hurts"
    Charlie bit me and it's still hurting"

  21. how original, a cat that wants a [cheez]burger

  22. Man. That music made me crave black tea and spring rolls.
