Monday, February 4, 2008

Gisele Is The Brazilian Name For Jessica, Right?

Say hello to the Curse of the Bundchen. You know, Arizona is sooooo close to Mexico. Wonder if Brady missed practice for a bit of leisure time in ol' Cabo, eh?


  1. Sure it wasn't the curse of Frank Caliendo?

    No, wait, I was just cursing because he was on TV every 15 minutes yesterday.

  2. so... did Carl die from a heart attack? i can't WAIT to hear his thoughts on the game

  3. "2. Speaking of Brady, if the Patriots had finished 19-0, I planned on starting my column with a scene from the Patriots' postgame party. Through some mutual friends, I had arranged to hang out with Brady's crew for what promised to be a laid-back celebration in somebody's hotel room, probably no more than 15-20 people since Brady's circle is surprisingly and refreshingly small. Because it was a rare chance to catch Brady in an unguarded moment -- and an important moment at that -- I spent most of Friday and Saturday thinking about that first paragraph and all the different ways it could start. I kept seeing Brady sitting in a chair with his right ankle encased in ice, quietly sipping a bottle of champagne with a satisfied smile on his face, and Gisele would be there, and everyone would be recapping 19-0 and remembering the incredible season. I liked the thought of a famous person celebrating a historic night in such a totally normal and relatable way. And that's what it will remain. A thought and only a thought. It never happened."

    oh my GOD what a douchebag

  4. This should be tagged with 18 - 1, as should all the others, for convenient access when the readers are feeling down.

    "Man, my wife left me, what am I going to do? I know, I'm going to go read the series of posts celebrating the Patriots epic loss in Super Bowl XLII. That will cheer me up."

    Somebody last night (it's since been changed) updated Bill Simmons wikipedia to say 1969 - 2008. Oh, if only.

  5. i swear to god emmitt smith just said "the patriots were debacled!"

  6. Haha. I thought that dirty whore Bundchen was the reason the Patriots lost, but now I find out that the only reason the Pats lost was because Eddie Mush bet on them.....too funny.

  7. The real tragedy here is that Belichek cut the sleeves off a new sweatshirt just to look good in the confetti storm.

    You'll never get to see that now, America! NEVER!

    I hope you're proud of yourselves.

  8. Some poor lonely housewife is getting her ass tore up this week. :(

  9. Is it too late to put in a request for a slashie shirt?


  10. You can still post the alternate universe "Pey=Pey is the Douchish Name For Jessica, Right?"

    /gets shit on
    /'simas for all!
    /dances the night away to Robbie Williams slow jams

  11. so... did Carl die from a heart attack? i can't WAIT to hear his thoughts on the game

    Sadly, one of my first thoughts after the game.

    I bet the oxygen tank was in use.

  12. Sean Taylor curse. The Giants were still wearing the "21" stickers, Pats weren't.

    I'm a DC/U of Miami girl, it's been a bad season for both teams, this made me feel better.

  13. Hey, don't blame my girl for the Pats loss. If she knows what's good for her, she'll dump Dreamboat and come to papa. And by papa, I mean me. And by come, I mean come.

  14. @rusty: Actually, I noticed that one Pats player DID have the 21 decal in addition to the 91. I couldn't tell who it was, but in the first quarter, I definitely saw it. Still, I am thrilled (thrillicious?) that one guy wasn't enough to get them any good karma :)

  15. Have you ever noticed how Bundchen looks like a manlier Eli Manning?

  16. He ain't foolin anyone.

  17. she is no Adrianna but maybe a:
    (/gets masturbated to)

    /shuts up now
