Monday, February 4, 2008

Guess What? The Giants Win Super Bowls By Three Points Also

If you're a Giants fan today, you're obviously feeling a joyous amalgam of elation and disbelief. You might also be annoyed that the nut graf of every recap that you've read has said that the Patriots lost first and foremost. While it's fun to twist the knife on the Patriots fans, who are deserving of every iota of grief they incur from this loss forever and always, it's not reflective of the dominating performance put on by the Giants, especially their front four, which bullied and squashed what was exhaustively told to us was the greatest offense of all time.

Manning was the MVP, but Strahan, Tuck, Osi and Robbins were the Measts.



    Hey, you're right, I could do this all day. Also, choke.

  2. Aw, damn, I was hoping that'd be a page stretcher.

  3. Ape, I absolutely agree that the Giants front 4 made the Pats'pro-bowl line men their little biyatches.

    Wish they could give an MVP to the whole front 4.

    Good shitting Osi, good shitting.

  4. Even the NFL's getting in on the schaden--

  5. @J. Can't get the whole link.

    Is that the "19-0 Denied shirt?" If so, I just bought one.

  6. Oops! Yeah, it is. We're theorizing that they had the screens for 19-0 and decided to not let them go to waste. Here we go.

  7. The Giants won? I didn't even watch the Super Bowl, because everyone said that the Patriots had it locked down. I assumed the Giants would forfeit and we'd get to watch 3+ hours straight of Super Bowl commercials (which sucked by the way).

  8. The final sack by Jay Alford, when he bent Brady in half. That was the MEASTIEST of the Measty.

  9. Brady better make an inquiry...

    19 and blow

  10. nut graf. nice j-school term.

    nut grafs are the most important of all the grafs.

  11. Fuck i hate Simmons! so the only way he can giv the Giants credit is to compare them to the 2002 Pats? shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

    Fuck that fuckety fuck

  12. Ape, shouldn't the tag be "i will do this all day"

  13. I was looking at Yahoo's Top 5 SB commercials (which inexplicably ranked the dumb-ass Justin Timberlake commercial at #5) and some broad went completely off-topic to moan that the Pats were the victims of bad officiating. Apparently, the NFL no longer allows model-esque QBs to be sacked repeatedly.


  14. eli for meast of the week? What sort of bizarre alternate earth did I wake up in yesterday? Something is wrong with the multiverse...

    sorry, geeked myself out there for a moment.

    After THE DRIVE last night I found myself hollering at the tv, "eli, i take everything bad i said about you in the past back. you aren't the utter putz i thought you were!"

    if the patriots can be blamed for anything, its for making me say that and for making it true. mostly.

  15. God I hope this isn't the last post until training camp.

  16. Douche alert:

  17. Devang: we'll be posting throughout the offseason, if perhaps not as many per day

  18. Feagles should have been named MVP. That dude pinned the Patrichokes inside their 20 the entire game.

    Punters are people, too!

  19. Reggie Nelson thinks the Giants played alright. Meh.

  20. Even the fumble forced by Justin Tuck was poetic, if you want to think of it as pay-back for that call in the game against the Raiders. God what a great game by the D-line. Their relentless pass rush was the sexiest thing I've ever seen.

  21. @smurphette

    I'm sure Osi would be willing to show you first-hand exactly what they ate to make them so relentless.

    The answer: Bananas, they're full of potassium

    /you guys...

  22. As a huge Giants fan, I appreciate all these posts. I also apologize for the bandwagon ones out there. Eli is the most unstable person on our team (in my opinion) but that gutsy 3rd down made me root for him like never before.

    I can't explain the feeling of absolute euphoria that I have for winning this game. Its a bigger feeling than 1991 since I would have rooted for any team to beat the Patriots*, but to have it be my own team- was just perfect.

    Anyone know where I can get an 18-1 shirt?

  23. From the NFL website. Because seriously, that thing is the best thing the NFL has come out with in the last century. I've ordered nine.

  24. thanks Jay.
    for some reason I can't find it on the gd nfl site. This could be caused by me being a moron, but I wonder if its sold out or if the site is moving slow... I see the 19-0 denied shirt, but can't find a 18-1
    oh well

  25. @tech n9ne: Yeah, ew. I'm sure after winning the SB, Osi will have no trouble finding a woman with slightly lower standards (and less disposable income?) to accommodate him.

    The bananas were just one of several weird close-up shots we got from the Fox cameras last night. I fucking hate Fox.
