Wednesday, February 27, 2008

5 / 6 of KSK celebrates never having to hear the Maj talk up BLloyd again

“He's is going to make some lucky CFL team VERY happy. You'll see!”

The Washington Redskins have decided to cut their losses in the failed Brandon Lloyd experiment. The Skins shelled out a couple draft picks and $10M to land Lloyd a couple years back. While their quarterbackery was sketchy during his stint in DC, the fact remains that BLloyd scored as many touchdowns for the Skins as I did.

While some would call Lloyd a woeful bust (and lazy to boot), in Unsilent Majority's world he was a delicate flower, who never got the respect he was so richly due. A fact that Maj was often reminding of us of in the daily email threads. (“If they don't throw to him then what's he supposed to do?” * ) While the rest of us grudgingly admire Maj's pie-eyed enthusiasm-- and even tacitly endorse Lloyd's Aikman-baiting, if we never hear his name again it will be too soon.

*- He really said it; I shit you not.


Otto Man said...

While the rest of us grudgingly admire Maj's pie-eyed enthusiasm

I saw the video and can only assume you meant "pot-eyed" there.

Because you'd have to be higher than Lloyd Bridges on a glue bender to think this B-Lloyd would do a goddamn thing.

Otto Man said...

Off topic, but check out this video of former Detroit Lion Brock Olivo talking about his bid for a Republican congressional nomination in Missouri.

He makes that Miss Teen South Carolina moron look like a charter member of Mensa. Asked about his qualifications for the U.S. Congress, he says he once took a Social Studies class. No, seriously.

I'm starting to think Matt Millen could be the smartest member of the franchise.

Bucktown Skins Fan said...

I got a buddy like the Maj. He was hoping we would sign FredEx to replace bLloyd.

Is it weird that upon reading that bLloyd had been released, I felt as though I passed that first huge turd after a bout of constipation?

It was extremely satisfying, I must say...

ciarannh said...

You've got my vote Brock, you don't seem in the least bit retarded. Regarding the B-Lloyd love, everyone has a receiver they believe in for no reason. On a completely unrelated topic, look out for Ben Obamanu as the breakout receiver of next year...

Otto Man said...

You've got my vote Brock

You must have been swayed by his solid command of the issues.

"Brock Olivo for Congress: Do You Like ... Stuff?"

Brady's a douchebag said...

I believe that he's supoosed to find a way to get fucking open so that someone might even consider throwing his lazy, overpaid ass the ball.

dead account said...


You're completely right about that receiver thing. I really think Sam Hurd is the future of the Cowboys franchise. I'm not even making it up for the sake of a comment. I have told people that I believe Sam Hurd will be Tony Romo's #1 target in a couple years.

feep said...

@brady's a douchebag: are we talking about brock or blloyd?

Chris said...

"Thats tight! Lloyd is gonna be huge this season!"

- jeromefromse (8 months ago)


Brady's a douchebag said...

We're talking about blloyd

fallex said...

He better wash Chad Johnson's jersey before he returns it.

Citizen 10Cane said...


Sam Hurd?? That guy sucks!!

/burns Hank Baskett jersey

Leaking Geek said...

BLloyd is now a charter member of the Dsnyd Overpaid Player of the Year Club. And what a club it is.

@Chin: Hurd better REALLY pick it up for that to happen. Hes got a burning case of the dropsies.

Steve said...

Snyder needed room in his receiving corps so he can make a $20 million offer to Ashley Lelie.

With the likes of ole' Brock and Burton from my great state, Congress seems like a great place to go if you're looking for motivation to step into oncoming traffic.

Anonymous said...

/Pours one out for my fellow Illini

I'm sure Jerry Angelo has already contacted Lloyd to form the devastating Bradley/BLloyd 1-2 punch.

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe they payed so much for THIS guy.

5150cd said...

I, for one, am sick and tired hearing about the fucking Redskins everyday. Can't you cover some other NFL teams that don't get any media, such as the Patriots.

Yours truly,

A. Fuckingdolt

Animal Mother said...

Gloves just like Chad Johnson. Check.

Wear # 85 just like Chad Johnson. Check.

Never before seen TD celebrations like Chad Johnson. Check.

Runs mouth like Chad Johnson. Check.

Takes Chad Johnson's spot on the Bengals while Chad Johnson takes his spot ont he Redskins. Check.

Football talent just like Chad Johnson. Ooops!!

BEHM777 said...

Brandon Lloyd, good riddance!