Sunday, September 9, 2007

KSK 2007 NFL Season Prekkake: Denver Broncos

Solely for the sake of completeness, we present this half-assed preview. For some reason, the Broncos have deemed Jay Cutler worthy of team captaincy. Also, the Broncs are suing former receiver Ashlie Lelie for over $600,000 in fines, stemming from last season's ill-advised holdout. Suing to collect your money is cumbersome, time-consuming and financially inefficient. We suggest a more direct method of collection:


  1. Well played. "I'm Gonna Git You, Sucka" is an unappreciated masterpiece.

    Willie: I heard you screamin' from all the way over there ...
    Leonard: I wasn't screamin', all right?
    Willie: But I heard you ...
    Leonard: I wasn't screamin'! I was whistling!
    Willie: You was whistling "Willie, get this bitch off of me"?

  2. Sorry i dont know Kung-Fu

    Me neither

    Wanna fake it?

  3. Solely for the sake of completeness, we present this half-assed preview.

    The 1-0 Detroit Lions, for the sake of completeness, say 'forget you' to all of you.
