Thursday, September 27, 2007

Doug & Doug's Fantasy Rules

Reader Scott I. tipped us off to these guys, whose work is featured over at Pretty funny. Pret-tay, pret-tay funny.

Wait, did he just say 'running from the KKK'? Man, I've got balls like grapefruits and I wouldn't go anywhere near that. Punter would, but not me.


  1. You know what that was funny, but I just realized that its thursday which is Jamboroo day wich means it's a good day. I'm gonna go get my lunch now.

  2. That was a funny video. I don't play fantasy football and I'm out of the Suicide Pool (FUCK YOU PACKERS!!!) but I'm going to have to check out their show. Being a Bills fan, I desperately need something to laugh at and look forward to this season.


    I know Doug #1! yeah, he was a chain-smoking fat bastard when we were 12! LOL

  4. Too bad that we won't have the "sometimes people who aren't us can be funny too" more often, since The Simpsons have done everything and Family Guy only rips them off and South Park sucks and people don't update their blogs enough and With Leather is so last year.

    I'm just bitter because I'm stuck in LAX for another 4 hours with nothing to do.

  5. Try soliciting sex in the men's bathroom.

  6. My favorite part is the headband. Wasn't that dude in Loverboy?

  7. He was in Loverboy. Maybe he played in Footloose.

    they "i'm sorry" but seems snagged from harry shearer's radio show.

  8. We snagged "We're Sorry" from the same place Harry Shearer snagged it -- from "Ram", Paul McCartney's first solo album.
