Friday, July 6, 2007

Seven Cheers for Bullshit Numerology

Tomorrow, as many of you are acutely aware, is July 7, 2007, or as I can annoyingly truncate:


That's right. It's one of those dates that's not quite a palindrome but has a lot of the same numbers, so it's really ominous and shit. Even if 777 is a bit luckier than that puzzlingly controversial 666.

What's so bad about it? A whole sagging titty full of weddings, that's what. First the ceremony of the union of evil shrike Eva Longoria and Tony Parker and then about 10 billion more. I'd rather have the Satanic stuff, personally.

But July 4 and 7.7.07 will have to get wrapped up, at least for me, into one extended event, as admittedly, I'm one of those assholes who took pretty much the whole week off because the Fourth was on a Wednesday.

How have I spent it? Well, I travelled to experience a July 4th in New York with Ufford, which I was sure would entail the following:

But then I get there and it's nothing but hot dog eating contests, Stella being friendly and not even one 'SPLOSION. What a gyp.

Enjoy the weekend.


  1. Michael Bay already started shooting

  2. Stephen Jackson did too, but look where that got him.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I would like to see GI Joe do battle on Planet Unicorn. This would so complete my week. {in a non- gay kind of way}

  5. Real Marines don't live in trendy Brooklyn neighborhoods and blog.

    Did I see Tank Johnson in that clip?

  6. thanks for bringing me back to the mid-80's. and if we ever draft hot cartoon characters again i'm taking jinx, the rest of you guys can have pythona.

  7. @ jammq - You should have seen Jesse Ventura dressed in dessert cammo leading the charge with 1:42 left in the video.

    Jeez...I have wayyy to much time on my hands now.

  8. beaverfever- I believe I took Jinx

  9. Is now a good time to confess my childhood crush on the Baroness?

  10. UM, i will take your word for it. great call. in that case i'll take lady jaye or scarlett next time.

  11. G.I. Joe Porn . . . this truly is a great site.

  12. Well Ape, now you know what happens in New York on July 4th.

    And knowing is half the battle.

  13. Lady Jaye and Scarlett are OK, don't get me wrong, but, something about that devious, deadly, raven-haired Euro-trash socialite made my teenage mind wander to my nether-region.

  14. i went back and checked it out. UM, you took Baroness. Jinx was not selected.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Since I have so much time on hand, it's time to start the drinking...errr weekend - same thing.

    Before that - for those of you looking for part time work, you may want to review the attached story about Durex:,2933,288395,00.html

  17. Wow, that clip was action-packed! The paratrooper Cobra crotch-shot was a bit freaky though.

    Oh yeah, Lady Jane is a "Libyan" know what I mean

  18. I thought it was very irresponsible when the GI Joes organized a group celebration after victory before tending to their injured. That hardly seemed consistent with their Safety First message.

  19. Michael Bay can fucking die.

    That Transformers movie was was insultingly dumb.

  20. Who wants a body massage?

  21. So which Joe was our hero Ufford supposed to be? Duke, the leader? Gung-Ho, the Marine? Shipwreck?

    Maybe it was Ace so we could get ahold of that awesome fucking Skystriker!

    Man I used to love that GI Joe.

  22. The highlight of my preteen years was getting a letter to the editor published in the G.I. Joe comic that Marvel used to put out.

    And then I discovered Skinemax, and I became a man.

  23. Please go to You tube and look up porkchop sandwiches, funniest shit on there, and yes i am too lazy to put up a link.
