Thursday, July 26, 2007

"One Senior Citizen and One Chief Justice of the Supreme Court"

Even the most lay readers of this site know we're alt.nerd.obsessive fans of The Simpsons, larding nearly every post with arcane references and quotes from the show. I try to make a game of it. I see how many obscure Simpsons references I can make in an hour, then I try to break that record.

Like most of those whose formative years occured during the show's ascent (for the record, seasons 3-9), I have a lot of personal memories tied up with at least the first nine seasons or so. My best friend and I became close in 8th grade through quoting the Don Homer ("Don Homer, my son, he's-uh..." "Ah. ah. ah. ... That's-uh good-uh donut.") bit to death. Even back then, in 1995, we speculated on when a Simpsons movie might get made and what they could do. Of course, had it been made then, it'd have been a brazilian times better.

The show has so dramatically shaped my sense on humor and outlook, it's hard for me to identify with people who haven't followed it. Most of the seminal literary or cinematic references of our time I saw on The Simpsons first and then recognized in the actual work they were visually citing. I once forced a date to wait 30 minutes before going out because The Lemon Tree Episode, a personal fave, came on during the hourlong daily block.

My expectations for the movie? None too high. The trailers and spots look a bit like the last seven seasons, pratfall-y and stupid. But I'm hoping the producers just have enough faith in the brand that they don't feel the need to give away great material from the film in the ads. Still, you know it would take dogs-with-bees-in-the-mouths-and-when-they-open-their- mouths-they-shoot-bees-at-you to keep me away.

So, to mark this sweet moment, we planted this lemon tree, lemons being the sweetest fruit available at the time went on The Simpsons Movie web site and created avatars of the Gay Mafia, offering our readers a rare glimpse (excepting that TV whore Ufford) of our collective animated countenances.


You had to look at it for a good few seconds to make sure it wasn't really Kearney, didn't you? And, yes, when he has a kid, it's sleeping in a drawer.

Nerdlinger Ape

You'll notice that's Scratchy on the shirt. Because I own a cat, in case I hadn't already mentioned that fact a hundred times too many.


Little does flubby know Clasina Valkenberg has obtained a trademark on the soul patch.

The Maj

We were hoping Unsilent would make a more accurate avatar. He's not nearly that tall.


Someone apparently has a pretty deluded, er, positive self-image.


He was a little let down by the lack of towel accessories in the avatar feature.


  1. Caveman should be paler!


  2. There was no double chin option.


  3. "The Simpsons"? Never heard of it.

  4. Is it possible to create an onion on one's belt?

  5. flub looks like Flanders' dad without the beret.

  6. Excellent post, even if it had nothing to do with football. Seasons 3-9 are indeed the glory years, season 8 being my personal favorite. Is there a specific season you hold the most dear ape? i'm guessing season 6, which Lemon of Troy is on.

  7. They brought back Vitti and the other original writers so I think we'll be pleasantly surprised.

    Dick. Boob. Fart.

  8. @ burnsy did they bring back conan?

    and i think the prime is 3-8, that is the best tv ever made.

    I too have a problem relating to people who not only didn't watch but called it stupid.

  9. The movie will be stupid....
    stupid like a fox!

  10. Thanks for crashing the site....

  11. Those seasons are especially good when stoned. Um..for medical purposes. Or else, I could go blinder.

  12. check out the eyes on bdd's avatar. it certainly looks like he is being goosed by ufford. or maybe bdd's avatar just sharted.

  13. Site works fine, it's just the link is wrong.

    It's, which should not be confused with

  14. @ washeed:

    He's not credited but he's been rumored to have something to do with it. Sweet Jesus, I'm a nerd.

    "What gave it away, the glaven or the maven?"

  15. @Otto Man

    It's a show about OJ and his family, a little dark, but funny.


    I cant see that avatars just an 'x' in a box. You keep fucking with me and I'm gonna kill jesus.

  16. Thanks, Worm. Does Nicole call O.J. a "pain in the neck"?

    Yeah, I'm going to hell for that one.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. We were hoping Unsilent would make a more accurate avatar. He's not nearly that tall.

    or that black...


    From now on, it's Maj-ic Man and El Diablo.

  19. You guys reek of poindextrose.

  20. twoeightnine, thanks for getting me reprimanded at work, I swear this IT dept. is like a fucking hawk.

  21. Jesus, 289.

    I think I'm blind.

  22. Hey, there's a lemon behind that rock!

  23. 289, you can re-post that comment when you put a NSFW tag with it.

    Play by the rules, children.

  24. You die 289, you go to hell and die!!

  25. I bought my tickets for the Friday night show 2 days ago. I can not fucking wait for this movie.

    And like you Ape, I can't comprehend people who don't or haven't watched the Simpsons.

    Case in point, my girlfriend. But then again, she's also a woman, so it's hard to understand anything she does in the first place.

  26. two eighter niner:

    A lot of priests go there.

  27. 289, I have been spending too much time in church, that's wrere I find my girlfriends. And by girlfriends I mean captives.

  28. I gotta find someone to watch my wiener kids so I can go to the movie tomorrow night. I would let UM but I am afraid he would just teach them how to make a gravity bong out of a bottle and a drill bit.

  29. Comment deleted
    This post has been removed by the blog administrator.

    That's a first.

    1. What the hell did he say that would make Otto go blind? Just a hint.

    2. First a whole thread is shut down for RaFaWa and now comments deleted.

    Is this the america that the liberals want us to belive bush created?

    If so, good luck trying to get a secret wire tap on my thoughts...I dotn have any!

  30. from now on when i visualize you guys writing your posts, i will think of these pictures... including maj's, although we all know there is no such thing grand theft walrus

  31. lemon party is the new tubgirl

  32. 289. How did you get into my B.P.O.E lodge on members only night?

  33. I deleted 289's link again. I'm sorry, but even a NSFW warning is enough.

    No shock sites, please. There's just no call for it.

  34. Leave it to the greek to "visualize you guys".

    I'm now openly accepting any leave it to the black guy comments.

  35. har har, greeks invented buttfucking, never heard that one before... weve all seen alexander, ok?

  36. I'm 5'10" you fuckheads!

    Pipe down, Stretch.

  37. I thought you guys were cool. I thought wrong.

  38. they can take our shock sites!
    But they can never take our freedom!!!!!!!

  39. Is that 5'10" with or without your pimp lean?

  40. Wow, UM's skinnier than a heroin addict. 5'10" with platform shoes maybe.

  41. devang, I'm not sure which one of those guys you think I am.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Mighty presumptuous of me isn't it? I thought you were the dude with the pimp stick (pimp hand?, fuck it, I'm not up on that lingo).
    I'll guess again, you're the dude in the red shirt on the far left.

  44. @Greek...

    You saw Alexander!?!?! Dude, I'm so fucking sorry. Do you still wake up in cold sweats?

  45. There was a Wednesday when I was in college that I was so hungover, all I accomplished was getting out of bed at 5:30 pm, making a frozen pizza, going back to bed, eating the pizza, watching The Simpsons and deciding "The Lemon of Troy" was the greatest single episode in the history of television.

    "Shake harda, boy!"

  46. "He was much smarter than his sister, Lisa, about who we know nothing."

  47. Saw the movie Friday night, it's great, I'll probably have forgotten all about it by Thursday. That's the YouTube era for you.

  48. I don't know why, but Ape's avatar reminds me of Lisa when she pretends to be a boy ("Toilet") to get into the boys' math class.
    As I compare the pictures, I can't see any one striking similarity, but for some reason, the second I saw it I thought of Toilet.
