Saturday, July 14, 2007

Meet Cody Paul

He used to be a good kid, that Cody Paul. Always did his chores and his homework; you didn't even have to ask him. What a nice young man, the neighbors would say, and Cody Paul's parents would just smile to each other and say, "That's our boy!"

But then something wonderful happened. Cody's Pop Warner team went to Nationals in Orlando and kid just fucking destroyed everybody. Now he's skipping his spelling tests, calling his mom a ho, and banging junior high school girls in his team's motel on road trips. And his room? Why, it's just a pigsty!

Just watch the video.

Thanks to Fanhouse via The Big Lead via The Commission via Annah @ via the genius that cut this and put it on the net.


  1. I'll bet Cody knows the Contra cheat code.

  2. "white running backs are the way of the future"

    for the record...that's a joke. i don't want to encourage any of our skinhead friends to come back around here.

  3. Aw, shit.

    I remember reading about that whole thing with GGS in the email threads when I got back. I wasn't here, people, so excuse me for not properly acknowledging the racially-based tension in our tubes right now.

  4. No. 32 on the green-and-gold team...considering yourself SHOOK!

    Oh, and don't let anyone from get their mitts on this video. Coverage of 13 year olds has already started to make its way into basketball, we don't need that in football.

  5. why of course he wears reggie bush's number.

  6. I don't see what the big deal is. I could outrun a bunch of nine-year-olds too. Probably.

    But just to be safe, I'm drafting this kid in my keeper league.

  7. This is like a warm-up for all the drunk posts we're going to get during the footbsll season?

    That's just Suzy Kolber delicious.

  8. That kids better than every back we've had at UCF since I showed up in town.

  9. Wait what? I've never seen a KSK post on a Saturday. What's up MMP, just you and Jean Grey chowing down on cat food?

    This kid is the shit though. I'll bet NOIS will claim that this kid's got a little bit of the chosen people's blood in him.

  10. When did Barry Sanders have time to have a white kid? I'm guessing that is what early retirement gets you...

    (and yes... like above.. a joke..or attempt thereof)

  11. What's up MMP, just you and Jean Grey chowing down on cat food?

    ...Dammit, devang. I expected more from you.

  12. Paul? More like Ezor. I'm calling for a paternity test.

  13. i don't want to encourage any of our skinhead friends to come back around here.

    Hello, Prussian Blue? Uh, the KSK concert's off.

  14. Just wait till he hits high school, discovers weed, beer and chinese food and gains 100lbs.

  15. Just wait till he hits high school, discovers weed, beer and chinese food and gains 100lbs.

    Then he becomes the white Randy Moss, right? (well minus a few moving violations and a faux-mooning at Lambeau -- but if he plays his cards right.....)

  16. The opposition seemed pretty lilyish as well. When did Florida start the All-Caucasion Pop Warner tourney?

    Can the NWFL be far behind?

  17. ...Dammit, devang. I expected more from you.

    Yeah I know. Sangria, beer, scotch, and Applebees nachos can dull pretty much all my senses. I was lucky to be able to focus on my laptop keys.

  18. Applebee's nachos?

    Don't cry for Devang. He's already dead.

  19. I bet he's 12 to 13. The sad thing is I ran that offense when I was in High School. Those little kids run it pretty well, some of those of those plays are blocked correctly. On a non nerd note, that kid is fantastic. New life plan- seduce Mrs. Paul and become that kid's agent.

  20. I'll bet Cody knows the Contra cheat code.

    If he's got anything he's got the Gradius cheat code going. Shields, otherfucker!

  21. I bet when he takes off his helmet he looks like Georghe Muresan.

  22. He is Bo Jackson... and he is living in his Tecmo world..

    (props to Simmons for creative use of his constant reference to that particular fact)

  23. Thankyou MMP, thankyou so much for showing me this fantastic video. *tear*

    Cody Paul make it rain on dem hoes!!! This guy is SO the Sex Cannon of the future. Except he's a running back... maybe Sex Crossbow... or something.

  24. Unfeatured yet excellent #20 is the Turner to Cody's Tomlinson.

  25. #20 did have that one fucker of a block. He's Cody's Lorenzo Neal more than anything.

  26. He's the white Ron Mexico, minus the quarterbacking abilities.

    Oh, wait....

  27. I'm betting that kid's home state is Texas. Just a guess.

    Also, what a delightlfully lyrically varied song.

  28. Just watch the kid grow up to be 5'6" though and never be able to play even high school running back.

  29. Studies show that after a running back gets 300+ touches in a season, he goes downhill and can't produce the following season.

    Paul's fucked.

  30. The only draw back is that I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head all day.

    I make it rain, make it rain, make it rain on dem hoes

    Aw fuck, who am I kidding, there is no drawbacks to that video. Cheers.

  31. my only complaint was when he handed off to 20 and didn't block anyone.

  32. "Rick Muscles said...

    I bet he's 12 to 13. "

    He's actually 13 or 14 now. The vid was taken when he was 12.

    Cody Paul makes it rain on dem hos.

  33. ...eatin' good/
    had to shoot my way up out of Applebee's

  34. Get that boy some construda

    And some sizzurp to wash it all down.

    Just in case you were wondering, companies have actually begun marketing this to O.S. (Original Stunnaz) like Cody Paul - minus the cough syrup and promethazine - of course ;-).

    wv: oiqiksk (really)

  35. Cody Paul bangs high school hos, not junor high hos. Don't underestimate the C-Dog.

  36. The internet is a terrible thing in the wrong hands...

    From the coaches mouth himself ----

    "Cody is NOT 8 years old, he is 13 years old. The film fottage you’re watching is from our season last year (when he was 12years). They are of our first Regional game agaiinst Valencia Park (San Diego, CA); and our 2 Pop Warner Superbowl games vs Holliston Panthers (Red and white) and the San Marin Colts (Green and Yellow). We won all three of those games to go 15-0 and become the 2006 Pop Warner National Champions D-2 PEE WEE level (Warner Bracket).

    The coaching he received and the players surrounding him were just as great. The prior 2 years, Cody played for another team, along with #20 that first year, and they amassed only 2 touchdowns in those years. The offensive line in front of him were outsized all year, and yet they were able to open up holes that a Mac-truck could go thru untouched. They were, and are, ALL awesome.

    In closing please, know that Cody was a part of a GREAT team that did amazing things (last year was our second trip to Florida (back to Back) to coompete for the national Championship). All the players and their families made the coaching experience beyond phenominal. I am pleased, to know and have worked with them all. I do sincerely hope that this serves to clear up any misconceptions about Cody and the rest of 2006 Los Alamitos PEE WEE GRIFFINS!


    Christopher Austin"

  37. He gave each of his linemen a diamond-encrusted Nintendo DS at the team banquet.

  38. nick saban just text messaged cody.

  39. @ b

    Does this look like USA Today? We don't care about the truth here. It's all about exaggeration, hyperbole and hyping the individual just to team him down during his weakest moment. Haven't you learned anything from watching ESPN and reading the Sports Guy?

    And Cody was clearly the best athlete on the field and will probably be better than LaDanian Tomlinson in 10 years. As a matter of fact, his teammates are blessed to have him running the ball 30 times a game. FIXED.

  40. Cody Paul is who we thought he was, and we let him off the hook.

    Now if you wanna crown his ass, then go ahead and crown him!

  41. I guess my "Sex Crossbow" nickname for Cody wasn't very well received. Whatever. I thought it was fucking awesome.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. See cody paul i would see that hes like 6 years old but hes 13 and umm he's a pretty football playa but he needs to learn to use his left hand if he gets that down he'll be the best player in the state

  44. I love football!And Cody is my dream man no matter how he's playing now...

  45. all this crap that your saying about cody.... is shit. i know him personally and he is the sweetest boy ever.
