Friday, July 20, 2007

Look For More Football On This Football Blog


The Season is going to start soon, which means that some of the fun tangential stuff we've been doing lately will have to take a back seat to talking about the actual games. But that's cool, because right now there ain't shit on TV and I'm getting annoyed with having to read about baseball all the time. Damn, do they have to play a baseball season EVERY YEAR? That game is tired, man. If they can stop making 8-tracks, they can give up this stick-and-ball shit. Am I right?

Naw, I'm just playin', I love baseball [Note: I do not love baseball. -MMP].

Before we officially wrap up the week, here are some dates to tattoo on your forehead in reverse, you know, so you can read them when you look into a mirror:

July 24: Steelers open camp (the first NFL team to do so)
August 5: Hall Of Fame Game (New Orleans vs. Pittsburgh @ Canton, OH)
August 14: Madden NFL 08 hits stores
September 6: NFL Season Kickoff (New Orleans @ Indianapolis)

And that will do it for us. Here's Quinn during the 2007 Patriots' Calendar photo shoot. Sorry Quinn, but I bought another calendar last night. But I thought of you the whole time, I swear.

See you Monday. Why don't you go outside or something.


  1. There's an OUTside now?!?

  2. Fuck you, derrick, you bleeding asshole.

  3. Wait, this is a football blog?!?! I thought this was just a place where spare time goes to die. Or at least a site that outs gay qb's.

  4. happy weekend, fellow homos

  5. whaddya mean there ain't nothin' to watch?

    what about Beckham?


  6. "If they can stop making 8-tracks, they can give up this stick-and-ball shit. Am I right?"

    Punter, you've never been more right in the whole of your life.

  7. Baseball blows. The only reason everyone talks about it so much is because the only other thing on is the WNBA.

  8. I've heard that Madden 08' has teamed up with The Weather Channel to bring real-time weather conditions to every game played. This is awesome, but why stop there? Why no Playboy Channel tie-in? Please use KSK's influence to make this happen next year.

  9. Who the fuck is "Quinn?"

    Because Brady Quinn wouldn't be caught dead looking at that fine snowflake.

  10. By the way, I smell a drunk post a mile away, and this was a drunk post. Good job, MMP!

  11. "If they can stop making 8-tracks, they can give up this stick-and-ball shit. Am I right?"

    God, I hope so.

  12. JESUS CHRIST!!!............that girl is almost nekkid........oh and 8-tracks are so totally awesome........i especially enjoy my DONNY OSMOND 8-track........good times...

  13. "Damn, do they have to play a baseball season EVERY YEAR?"

    the same can be said for the WNBA, NHL, NBA, and MLS.

  14. Baseball is the best outlet in Detroit for outdoor beer in a place where sports occur and many men gather. There are many, many great sexual innuendos to be made concerning bats, balls, cupping, diving, etc. And the men on the field wear fairly tight pants - and according to Sheffield, a wide majority of baseball players are easily controllable. There is 100% NOTHING wrong with baseball.

  15. I think I'm looking forward to more actual 'football' posts on this blog, if there is that possibility.

    Also, if you can mix in some more posts of your imaginary families, it would be much appreciated. Those posts are the best posts.
