Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It’s The Best Spinoff Of A Spinoff Since “Joanie Now Loves Al”

Folks, I’m proud to announce that longtime KSK commenter Grimey has started his own blog, loljocks. And, from the looks of things, he’s well on his way to years and years of blogging “success.” The site is funny. And, unlike lolcats, it doesn’t have any fucking cats.

Here were two postcards Grimey sent us for our birthday and our keeper league contest. I still don’t know why we picked a girl. Excelsior to you, Grimey.


  1. I'm peeing on the seat, gimme a raise!

  2. Looking forward to seeing another blog that won't be updated enough for my liking.

    Good luck, Grimey.

  3. Congratulations, Grimey.

    One day I'll look back on my tearful decision not to join you on this grand adventure and realize I'm the blogging equivalent of the guy who turned down Microsoft's initial stock offer for a crummy danish.

    Until then, I applaud you.

  4. I r proud of you.

    Otto Man - The Portland Trail Blazers of the Blogosphere

  5. I still don’t know why we picked a girl.

    Because we took a vote and she won. Glad I could clear that up.

  6. For a spinoff of a spinoff of a spinoff, I'm going to create timemachine.blogspot.com, where readers can be transported to a time before lolcatz existed.

  7. i don't want to live in a world without lolcats... or funtown auto


    umm.. a bunch of swearing in that video.. but i dont know what constitutes NSFW when theres pictures of poop on this page...soo ok bye.

  8. Looks like I picked the wrong week to help start a Deadspinoff blog. Good luck, Grimey. Word of advice: Don't mention the Penguins. The fans have no humor.

  9. Damn. Suddenly my idea for Molesting Suzy Kolber doesn't seem so fresh.

  10. Because we took a vote and she won.

    Hehehe... democracy.

    Thanks, guys

  11. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Democracy simply doesn't work.

  12. Time for another installment of The Offseason Adventures of Michael Vick - in court. Anything to move the shit picture further down the page.

  13. C'mon people, we shoudl all give Michael Vick a pass, and let him continue to play football....until he loses a game, then he will have to either be strangled or drowned by Bobby Petrino.

    Don't hate tha playa, hate tha game.

  14. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Democracy simply doesn't work."

    That's America, it's a problem.

  15. That's America, it's a problem.

    That's what I said when I learned my lunch break was only a half of one hour.
