Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Don't Need Nothin' But A Good Time... How can I resist?

Ain't looking for nothin' but a good time / And it don't get better than this

There's nothing more I can say, just enjoy.

God bless you Brady Quinn, you make life more fun.

UPDATE: The delightful Brian Cook of The AOL Fanhouse FanHouse drops the knowledge on Brady's bearded buddy, one Ryan Tucker formerly of some shitty Catholic school in Indiana frog school in North Mexico.


  1. You know what? Ever since the Browns left in '95 and got reincarnated as the Fake Browns, I just couldn't give a shit about them.. until now. Brady Quinn, you've made me fall in love with the Cleveland Browns all over again.

    I don't care how bad he or the rest of the team sucks this year, this video cinches it. I'm officially a Brady Quinn fan.

    Props to Ryan Tucker for the 2 seconds of half-assed air guitar too.

  2. Is it possible that Poison sounds even worse live then they do recorded?

  3. The symbolism of the flames behind Mr. Quinn is neither subtle, nor inaccurate.

  4. I bet Quinn traded hair and make up tips.

  5. He pulled his cell phone out while on stage.

    What a douche.

  6. To secure his title as Notre Dame's 2007 Ultimate Poonanigans Champion, Quinn proceeded to double-team a cougar with Michaels backstage after the show.

  7. This is indeed the shit, right now, Brett.

  8. was it me, or were they singing, 'for a good time, call brady, for a good time, call brady' therefore, his cell was ringing and it was probably some douche who won tickets from a local radio station and i sliving his life through brady.

  9. Ryan Tucker didn't go to a shitty Catholic school in Indiana, he went to a shitty Christian school in Texas. He's also mentally disoriented.

  10. And Bret's jersey was much more poetic when I couldn't read the name on the back.

  11. You should rename this blog "kissingBQ"...good heavens.

  12. twoeightnine's right. Brady's not the one to worry about having a nervous breakdown here.

  13. Speaking of mental problems, I wonder how Lindy Slinger's state of mind is these days.

  14. Brady should soak it up while he can. If he's going to QB the Browns for the next 5-10 years, he'll never hear appluase again.

  15. I guarantee the majority of us who were old enough to have enjoyed Poison at the height of their popularity are secretly jealous that we've never had and will never have the chance to be on stage with Poison. If anything, it means groupie spillover and if you've seen the preview for Rock of Love: Bret Michaels they still get plenty.

    And I bet BQ thought that CeCe Deville chick was hot.

  16. Oh my. I think I might love him.

    How can you not love someone that goofy?

  17. When I saw that video, the first thing that popped into my mind was DAMN did Ben Roethlisberger got fat.

  18. and.. then... I chastized myself for thinking in ebonics.

  19. Brady Quinn would have been quite popular in Ancient Greece.

    Just sayin'.

  20. gaydy quinn and poison lie awake at night and wish they could hang with tony romo and metal skool rendition of journey.
