Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Brady Quinn, Representin' The West Side Of Douchetown

From Drunk Athletes come more photos of Brady Quinn getting hammered and acting like Brady Quinn. I know you Browns fans would like Quinn to stop holding out and get into camp. But I'd argue that you should cherish this time you have disassociated from Quinn. Really. Savor every minute.

Hat tip to The Big Lead, the raddest blog in town.


  1. I can't even begin to express how glad I am that the Browns are in the AFC North.

  2. Man did you pick the right epithet for these pix. The first one would be a lock for hotchickswithdouchebags.com except that the site frowns on celebags. And the chick ain't hot.

  3. solid "gangsta drivin' a boat" pose.

  4. Does anyone besides Drew even post for this site anymore?

    Jus sayin.

  5. Every time someone cracks a can of Miller Lite, Brady Quinn takes a gay picture.

  6. When you say "ho" he says "mo".

  7. This makes up for all the Kardashian-worship.

    Actually, no it doesn't.

  8. i think i found the perfect match for him


    "can you release me?"

    "excuse my beauty!"

  9. He misses his top, Jeff Smardzija.

  10. Jesus. I know that quarterbacks are supposed to be your stereotypical douchebags, but . . . goddamn.

    I would pay money to know what was going through his mind in that last picture. He looks like he's tripping balls.

    Are we that far from the inaugural episode of the Offseason Adventures of Brady Quinn?

  11. Open containers on a boat? Nooooooo!

  12. Maj: It's legal in Florida (just can't be in the driver's seat with it).

    Other places... don't know.

  13. Looks like another homosexual party boat. They have such nice things.

  14. please tell me you saw the pic of the Sex Cannon on the same website. It's classic.


    And if for some reason that link doesn't properly show up in the comment forum, just click the Brady Quinn link you provided and scroll down on the right to where it says "Rex Grossman".

  15. lm, we've posted that photo before

  16. and what fucking sign is he throwing? what set is wanksta enough to claim brady quinn?

  17. I think we've linked 'White Chicks & Gang Signs' before.

    If you haven't seen it, you owe it to yourself: youtube.com/watch?v=e28lxwlHVhw

  18. Everytime a lineback or a safety... not even a corner back..... picks him off next year (even thought he's on the bench) i'm going to put my fingers like that.

  19. Oh fuck's sake, Brady. Stay away from fucking cameras. Jesus H. Chrst. Learn from your mistakes, goddamnit.

  20. I don't see any photos of him drinking though....

  21. @mevs:

    He's drunk on alcohol-laced semen.

  22. BQ is probably an awesome swimmer and dancer.

  23. I heard he poops on towells

  24. Gay quarterback spirit fingers.

  25. Brady Quinn is Fire Island Gay. I'm sooooo glad he's not on my team - in more ways than one.

  26. Drew, I thought it looked familiar. I was just making sure. I should have know that if there's a debaucherous photo of Rex Grossman, you've posted it.

  27. Brady Quinn is Fire Island Gay. I'm sooooo glad he's not on my team - in more ways than one.

    I'm sooo sure you've pulled 1/24th as much ass as him. I'm sooooo sure you could wup his 'gay' butt right?

  28. I'm POSITIVE I've pulled 1/24th of the ass that BJQ has because he's GAY! GAY MEN ONLY PULL ASS. That's what they do. And they also take pictures with their hands on each other's crotch.

    Wait, were you one of those guys in that photo he was feeling up? That was you on the right wasn't it.

    I don't fight girls so you and BJQ will have to go provoke someone else.
