Friday, July 27, 2007

And They Call It... Puppy Love

Reader Dan V. sends us this tender Michael Vick image. Kudos to you, Dan.

For your Friday cheerleader, here's former Ravens cheerleader Stacy Kiebler, who is almost as cute as a litter of puppies, but not quite. Click here for more. Have a good weekend, kids.


  1. stacy kiebler = so fucking hot.. thanks BDD for the link to the 200+ other pics of her.

  2. I'd bake a million cookies to be Keibler's personal elf.

  3. That picture is funny, cute and wrong at the same time, kudos.

    Oh, and I liked the Vick pic as well.

    Have a great weekend, out of here in an hour to see the the Simpsons.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I laughed out loud here at work when I saw the puppy picture. My co-worker walked by my office at the same time and gave me a raise eyebrow. So I shot him the double Ookie Finger. Take that, Bob, you bootlicker!

  6. You just can't beat Stacy Kiebler, unless she's bent over your lap, then she's just asking for it.

    And the Ookie picture is going up on my wall tonight!

    FUCK YOU TOO PETA! Get a job you manless tricks! That's why you're in love with a dog and can't get any action.

    Oh wait...what just happened?

  7. Thanks for that pic of Ms. Kiebler, that is one badass white bitch, goddamn. She has much heiney.

  8. Her legs go all the way to her ass...obviously.

  9. Jeremy Shockey wants Kiebler to get her tits done.

  10. appropos of that earlier post, i just got back from the simpsons movie - it is amazing. will not disappoint.

  11. What's the current over/under on the number of pit bull pups that get named "Ookie" in the coming months?

  12. the ONE wwe "diva" that i really want to pose for playboy who didn't. sigh...

  13. Nancy Grace really hates Michael Vick.

    And Lindsay Lohan.

    But she loves cute puppies.

  14. Speaking of Vick..One of his co-defendants just went over to the other side. Tony Taylor will now be a star witness for the prosecution.

    Pitbulls are rejoicing everywhere.

  15. Apparently there has also been a civil suit filed against Ookie. Make of it what you will:
