Friday, June 15, 2007

You're With Me, Booger

If you notice Steve Young sitting further away from Chris Berman than usual this fall, here's why.

So I was looking out the window and I feel a kick from my husband. We must have been in the air for about 10 minutes.
He says” Honey, look at Chris.” So I look and don’t see anything, I shrugged my shoulders, turned away and my husband says “NO, watch!” So here I am staring at this guy, feeling a little weird about it and it happens. This guy, Chris Berman takes his finger and shoves it as far up his nose as he can get it!! (LOL, I am laughing and typing this at the sametime) WTF..I think, maybe the booger is really bothering him. The only problem was, THE MAN DIDN’T STOP THERE. He picked his nose none stop and in-between picks you would think he would have wiped them on a tissue, his shirt, hell, the back of the seat in front of him! But no, this man proceeded to pop each booger in his..umm..yup you got it…MOUTH. These weren’t average sized boogers either, my husband to this day refers to them as Earthworms!! Same color, shape everything. HOW GROSS!!

Hear that? That's the sound of your sphincter tighting to the size of a pinprick. Nobody circles the nostril like Chris Berman.

Thanks(?) to TBL via SbB.


  1. Berman's boogers? Fuck. Probably the only non-caloric source he has in a day.

  2. Alright. I'll say it.

    "He ... Could ... Go ... All ... The ... Way!"

  3. This is me shrieking like a little girl. EEek, eeeeeekkk.

  4. Huh. Yup, looks like it's suicide again for me.

  5. Time to go jump off my office building into the Hudson River now.

    It was great knowing you all.

  6. shit, didn't see that tag down there.

  7. No wonder he's so fat. Man has an endless supply of noseworms.

  8. Oh and Drew, fuck you for ruining my lunch


    MMmm, salty

  10. I love the Little Nicky tag, fucking underrated movie.

    I'm thanking god right now that I didn't have my normal breakfast of oatmeal and golden raisins.

  11. Ok - I have one of those hangovers where I'm marginally queasy and...seriously?
    This almost brought back up my toast. I still have the tingling in the back of my throat feeling that precedes vomiting.

  12. I'm disappointed. I thought this post was going to detail the sordid affair between Berman and Booger from Revenge of the Nerds.

  13. Fifty bucks says he eats it.

    Go on.

    Don't do it kid.


    That kid will eat anything.

  14. ♬ On the first day of SportsCenter, my Bob Ley gave to me ♬ A nose goblin stuck to a chair ♬

  15. So does this replace Stephen A. Smith's love for cheese doodles?

  16. Glad to see beaverfever lacks the ability to read headlines.

  17. What made you think that I needed to know this. You are way to inconsiderate when it comes to my willingness to read whatever you guys write.

  18. i fucked that one up bad. i apologize and now feel shame.

  19. This is thoroughly unpleasant, and yet it does nothing to lower my opinion of Chris Berman.

  20. Is the other guy in the picture a Jets fan? I just can't tell.

  21. @beaverfever

    You know you stupid when you do that, just some English pig with no brain at all, you know.

    To be fair I originally read "I'm with Blogger" and was hoping from the picture that Berman had gone all Peter King on CC's uncle or something.

  22. You guys better have a killer cheerleader post this afternoon to make up for this bullshit... I'm talking like entire squads of some serious "I wanna lick honey off your tummy" honeys, you owe us that if you're going to add to the scary scary voices in my head with visions like this...

  23. A Berman-like nickname for Berman...

    Chris I have boogers the size of Earth Bermans.

    No matter how bad that is received, I won't feel the shame of beaverfever. (Right?)

  24. Bermans, as in the plural form, meaning more than one Berman. Fuck, that's frightening.

  25. Jesus, that was fucking disgusting. I'm actually sorry I read that. In fact, I may go back and read the shit-stained towel story as a palate cleanser, so to speak.

  26. Just imagine how much fun Boom must have when he's got a cold.


    Time to go throw up again.

  27. Noone circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills.

  28. Is that TV's own Samuel "Screech" Powers in the Giants shit?
