Sunday, June 10, 2007

Put Away Your Night Vision Goggles

So unless you're reading the Braille version of KSK, you've realized that we've tidied up the place a bit. We're still working on some fixes (for example, you'll have to back out of some posts using your browser, at least for now).

Any suggestions or comments on the new format are welcome.


  1. i like it, sort of. and yes, css is a bitch.

  2. Kinda reminds me of the Paris Hilton sex video.

  3. NFL Splinter Cell, anyone?

    Looks nice, though.

  4. I like it, but I’m worried about where you guys are headed with this. It looks less like some amateur blog and more like a professional sports blog. What’s next… using stats and in-depth analysis? Charging us for ‘insider’ stories?

  5. Aaagggh, fuck, I like it, but not having a home link in the header is a bitch. Email me if you need help with the code. I heart you KSK.

  6. It'll take some getting used to, but in the end I think most of us will like it alright. Like prison sex.

  7. Joe Namath looks drunk in the new banner photos...

    ...oh wait.

  8. the new look is cool, though i think the collage in the header needs the shot of namath getting right into suzy's face as he tells her he wants to kiss her and doesn't care about the game... am i wrong?

  9. Intriguing. But I keep waiting to get in a shootout with Clarice Starling.

    It'll grow on me, but you might want to find another color for the center panels. Night-Goggle Green and Seahawk Blue-Gray aren't exactly made for each other.

  10. I bet this is CC's idea to remind us what Iraq looks like at night.

  11. You must change the color scheme for the post background. The blue clashes with the green/yellow/black scheme. It hurts my beautiful brown eyes.

  12. very fancy! i feel like i need to put on a tie, or at least pick the coke boogers out of my nose.

  13. I took out the navy blue and went with a darker gray. Much improved, I'd say.

    I am curious to see if the bandwidth allotments to the bg and title images make it though the course of the day tomorrow.

  14. handing out sample of spf 45 sunscreen would be nice.

  15. ya'll should get a cartoon that goes with the new design. A really funny one, that documents the hilarious exchanges about who has control of the remote control between you and suzy gals.

  16. This must be what it feels like to watch your baby grow up to be a man, and move out. It's a sad rite of passage... but, at least now I can have that Naked Room* I've always wanted.

    *It was a tough call on the Failure to Launch reference, but I figured the association with Terry Bradshaw tipped the scales favorably. I could be wrong.

  17. I dig the new decor, gentlemen. Very nicely done.

  18. Okay, I'll do it since no one else has...

    Did I step into the Matrix?? Why, oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill!

  19. Suzy Kolber likes that the logo is about her.

  20. As a Jets fan, I like the new look because between the green trim and the Namath photos, this looks like a Jets blog.

    On a slightly related note, does it make me a bad person that the "I wanna kiss you" incident made me like and respect Namath more than I did before?

  21. Drew's humble beginnings has two apostrophes.

  22. i like t is nice easier to read. but the green is a little freaky

  23. It's what I imagine MulletsGalore6.0 would look like if it ever were to exist.

    I do have a suggestion though, more dick jokes.

  24. I don't really like the new template. It's too martian. maybe lay off the night vision theme

  25. More drafts... perhaps a mustard draft? I'll take Frenches, not fancy, but solid and gets the job done. The Rudi Johnson of mustards really.

    Oh, and less moderation from those with a delete button, and perhaps patience and thicker skin from the peanut gallery. I know all about public accomodation vs. freedom of speech, and I'm sure that football internet message boards and blogs aren't covered under the Federal Civil Rights or the Americans with Disablities Acts, but free speech should not be denied. I'll be on the phone to Al and/or Jesse should this post become whacked.

  26. white text on dark background = ass

  27. The light green at the bottom that I think goes with the top level of the stadium is unsettling to me all of a sudden. I can't make sense of it. Would it be too much to ask to make the bottom left and bottom right solid black to match the fans with their arms up?
