Thursday, June 28, 2007

KSK Birthday Message: Tony Soprano!

In just one short year we've become quite popular within the world of sports. On this, the anniversary of our birth, we are honored to share with you the love we've received from our most famous friends.


  1. Happy what?! Birthday? Bing Crosby? Bisexual hooker? What? Damn you, David Lynch. Damn you all to hell.

  2. /mysterious man in Members Only jacket jerks off to cheerleader pic below

  3. David Lynch?

    That's Tony Soprano, not Special Agent Dale Cooper.

  4. Special Agent Dale Cooper was told there would be punch and pie.

  5. Happy Birthday! Meadow will be up to give each of you a blowjob as soon as she figures out how to parallel park.

  6. "Diane, I have arrived at KSK headquarters. A man identifying himself as Big Daddy Drew greeted me with a slice of cherry pie and a damn fine cup of coffee. There seem to be a lot of dick jokes and gay innuendo going on."


  7. @memphisraines...

    A blow job? Why would I want a blow job from a famous person, or a hot person. Seriously, a blow job is a blow job is a blow job. They come in three flavors, Awsome, good and if your teeth touch my dick one more time I'm gonna punch in the face, I want my $20 worth damnit.

    Meadow Soprano get's fucked, I settled for blow jobs through most of highschool, fuck that, bitches get fucked.

    Thanks, I needed to get that off my chest.

  8. ... and wormfather fucks the proverbial steaming hole.

  9. That Wormfather comment reads like the saddest short story ever told: "Birth of a Restraining Order."

  10. fuck that, bitches get fucked.

    Sounded like some tension building up there. Nothing that a good bukkake blast couldn't cure.

  11. Sooooooo, I'm all alone on this one, yep, all alone.

    ::Slowly backs out of room::

  12. @wormfather
    No disagreement here, but I'm just trying to make sure you don't get knocked for choking a bitch that's all.

    @MMP now you've got that goddamned Journey song stuck in my head again. DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!! F*CK!

  13. "a blow job is a blow job is a blow job."

    almost sounds like you don't care who you are receiving it from. and i have to admit when i'm feeling lazy a blow job (from my wife) ain't a bad thing.

  14. "fuck that, bitches get fucked."

    i swear wormfather it is like you stole those words right out of the sex cannon's mouth.

  15. The 2007 Gandolfini makes turds bigger than this c. 1999 Jimmy.

    And shit, don't make fun of a brother just because he can't finish his sentences. Apnea's a bitch.

  16. ...besides, I'm doing her a favor...
