Thursday, June 28, 2007

KSK Birthday Message: Fred Smoot!

In just one short year we've become quite popular within the world of sports. On this, the anniversary of our birth, we are honored to share with you the love we've received from our most famous friends.

Thanks Fred!


  1. For the record: Y'all.

    It's a contraction of "you" and "all," so be sure plant that apostrophe right between the "Y" and "all" like Fred Smoot dropping in a double-ended dildo between the fine, fine ladies of the Lake Minnetonka area.

  2. what happened to the new side scrollie-dealie with the trophies and the busts and the what have you's? i can't even believe i noticed except i was so bored at work today i refreshed this site like 100000 times. im too drunk for this right now. but just drunk enough for a trip on the viking party boat! i was about to make a joke about viking helmets/goring, but then grossed myself and made my butt hurt thinking about it. ok byebye

  3. FUCK, I didn't get drafted AGAIN.

  4. @raskolnikov - So that's what happened to Brady.

    Is there any pie left?

  5. @awful chief: IT'S NOT OVER

  6. is being crushed by the weight of desperate clicks


  7. Mistah' SMOOOOOT dun' care much fo' travlin' by train...

    He much rat'er be on a boat. Fo sho.

    (ellwbvw [that's almost elbow! holy shit look how cool I am!])

  8. Why Fred, thanks for asking. I get 1st dibs on Ms. Shahi and you can get the sloppy seconds.
