Monday, June 25, 2007

Brady Quinn Can Make Your Eyes Bleed Before Even Playing A Down

Reader Kofi Annan has decided to combine two of our favorite pastimes - shitty MS Paint jobs and blatant gay-baiting - into one brilliant image. He writes:

Fuck you all; if you don't like it you can go suck bradyquinn's dick.

That former UN ambassador has some moxie, I tell you. It almost makes up for spending years running a completely corrupt and useless organization that exists solely to shamelessly exploit city parking permits. Fucking diplomats.


  1. Pffft. Kofi Annan is an embarrassment. Boutros Boutros-Ghali never would've done something like that.

    Dag Hammarsköld, maybe. That guy was a sloppy, mean drunk.

  2. is that a picture/sketch of jeff garcia on the desk ?

  3. here is the headline over at cbs.sportsline. i think i saw a porno by that name.

    "Back-to-back Beavs"

  4. That's not so bad. At least he's grabbing his own cock.

  5. the jeff garcia poster on the desk elevates this thing from "awful" to "wow, does anyone do any work anywhere?"

    still laughed out loud when I saw it, though

  6. I think that guy works one cubicle over from em.

  7. U Thant gives this image two thumbs up!

  8. Within the first 10 minutes of reading my latest issue of Men's Health, I was writing a letter to the editor to tell them how unbelievably homo the Quinn feature was. I've never written a letter to the editor before.

  9. Brady Quinn is very insulted by this picture. But only because it makes his butt look big....

  10. Sir,


    Brady look like a thick white girl.

    We like!

  11. Brady laughs at us all while lifting weights and watching twin models thumb wrestle, with the loser charged with counting his cash.

  12. UN Secretary General, not ambassador.
