Friday, June 29, 2007

Because We Can't Send You Away Without Some T&A

It's been a long week at KSK. The birthday celebration went off quite well if I do say so myself (and it's not like we've ever been hesitant congratulate ourselves). Seeing as how I'm still at work and I feel like I'm half-dead (the rest of the mafia is in hiding) I felt it was my duty to leave you with the regular Friday Cheerleader Post. So here goes, enjoy this hastily searched video from the YouTubes.

Have a great weekend ladies and gentlemen...


  1. Music and lyrics by Kirk Van Houten.

  2. Where did you guys find this, again? Cinemax?

  3. I liked the ones with the boobs.

  4. that video was pretty terri-bad

  5. that music was porn-o-riffic! thanks Kirk!

  6. Can I borrow a feeling?
    Could you send me a jar of love?
    Hurtin' hearts need some healin'.
    Take my hand with your glove of love.

  7. Because when I think tits and ass, I think Mark Knopfler...

    Happy Birthday, guys ... you kick ass!

  8. that music made me feel like i just had sex with myself like 35 times.

    how creepy is the guy who took probably six straight hours to put that video together?

  9. Look guys...

    If you're not going to take this seriously, then I'm out of here.

  10. Damn my work, and it's YouTube blocking codes. I do like the Doobie Brothers, does this video clip have one of them?

  11. Seriously though, that sucked.

  12. This blog is more gay than getting my cock sucked by Andy Dick.

    Oh ya, Happy Begul-day

  13. Happy belated birthday guys. I've missed all the celebration as I'm in Sint Maarten.

    Hope the cake was good.

  14. Thanks devang! Really, thanks for letting everyone know where you were. I hope you feel like you're slightly better than everyone because you're in a nice place, and it's good you felt the need to point it out in order to think you've made other people feel insignificant. WELL YOU WONT GET TO ME ASSHOLE!!!

  15. Happy Birthday, KSK. Thanks for all the entertainment this past football season(and off-season).

    Looking forward to NFL Year 2 with KSK in existence.

  16. Love the blog! Nice to here the celebrations went ok :). I wanted to drop you a line to tell you, when you write new blog posts, go over to and post a link to your story, and hopefully get a few extra readers. Take care and have an awesome week! Keep up the good work!

  17. FAN F***ING TASTIC!!! By the way, is it just me, or do the Texans cheerleaders look tougher than the players? Just a thought...

  18. Holy shit. For the first minute I thought this was the end of the Carol Burnett show.
