Friday, May 18, 2007

This Week’s KSK Commenter Draft – Celebrities You Would Like To Fight

I’ve been wanting to do a fight draft for ages. And at last, here it is. The rules here are a bit complex, so let’s get right to them. This must be a famous person everyone knows, currently living and as they are right now. Picking them means you fight them, hand-to-hand. One on one. No weapons. No hired goons. No holds barred. And you aren’t guaranteed of beating them. This is real life fighting. If you maim or kill them, you will not be charged with a crime. If you get maimed or killed, your medical care is paid for. No picking Deadspin commenters or that one asshole in your class. No one cares. Pick only one celebrity. After that, you must wait 10 selections before you pick another.

One last rule: If you are a man, you cannot pick a female.
We’d all like to pick Paris Hilton, hold her down, and beat the fucking tar out of her. But I’m against violence on the ladies, so you gotta pick a guy. My pick? The obvious:

Chief Poopy Pants himself.

Bin Laden has the reach on me, no doubt. But he’s old, and his kidneys are failing. I could take him. I’d pull that fucking beard for all it was worth. He’s also got a big nose. I bet he’s a bleeder. Bring it, Osama. I’ll hit you so hard I’ll kill your whole family. All 57 brothers and sisters of yours. Bitch.

NOTE: I did a post for the Name of the Year blog today on the great Destiny Frankenstein. Check it out.


  1. I will do the world a favor and select Joe Buck. I just hope that during the fight he says "that is a DISGUSTING act."

  2. Athletes are out of the question because I would get my ass kicked by most all of them.

    I'm taking Wilmer Valderrama.

  3. Nancy Grace

    didn't even have to think about it.

  4. Jesus, UM, did you not READ THE FUCKING RULES?

  5. Oh, joy - what an awesome b-day gift this will be:

    I pick John Travolta. Fuck him.

    (passing up the obvious Tom Cruise choice)

  6. George Clooney. He just seems like a total dick

  7. Nancy Grace isn't a woman. I believe she's some sort of asexual alien.

  8. really? no one?
    i win!

  9. Oh this is easy, Karl "MC" Rove. I would kick his Norwegian Ass back to the North Sea.

  10. Who picks George Clooney? You play baccarat with Clooney. You don't fight him.

  11. Elizabeth Hasselbeck. I'd snap her bony ass in two.

  12. I'll take Schrutebag. A bit of a reach, but it's an easy win and I'd become a folk hero.

  13. David Stern- I hate that cocksucker

  14. since i can't take paris hilton, i'll take dr. phil... how i loathe that pretentious douche bag

  15. Who is Alex Trebeck?

    Canadian shitfuck

  16. Dick Vitale - everytime I hear him, I just want to punch him in the face.

  17. Winslow, keep an eye out for Secret Service. I pick the douchebag who plays Turtle. By the end of this I will have picked the entire cast of Entourage.

  18. Jimmy Fallon. The more he laughs, the harder I beat.

  19. bill o'reilly

    what? he's 6'5 you say? pfffffft. it aint the size of the dog in the fight, my friends, its the size of the fight in the dog.

  20. I'll take Kim Jong Il.

    I'll have all evil terrorist leaders sewn up soon.

  21. Bill Simmons.

    Oh wait, it's supposed to be a celebrity.

    Stephen A. Smith. I'd kick his ass and eat all his cheezy poofs.

  22. Jared from Subway.

    God I hate that guy, what kind of company chooses such a terrible spokesman?

  23. Joe Morgan is now taken...I have a lock on annoying baseball announcers now.

  24. Michael Moore - that fat fuck traitor needs a serious beat-down.

    BDD - I think you need to amend the rules to EXCLUDE US political figures or this is going to get ugly.

  25. I want someone who will A) go down easy and B) make me feel like I'm doing the world a service by rearranging his face.

    Andy Dick

    And I'll have Rob Schneider for dessert.

  26. Ann Coulter. I believe I'm still within the rules here.

  27. "your a jackass.. just cause your name is lieutenent you think you know something about politics and/or the military.. he'd kick your ass anyway faggot"

  28. Damnit, Don't You. Can I at least kick him when he's bleeding on the ground?

    I take Larry the Cable Guy.

  29. My second pick is Ryan Seacrest.

    60 million votes have been're a douche.

    "I felt like destroying something beautiful. "

  30. I would like to utterly kill Kirsten Dunst*.

    *Vampires are not women.

  31. That's a hate crime, Middle Man.

  32. Al Gore. Partially for marrying such a cunt and partially to see if I can get a rise out of him.

  33. ronald reagan... oh fuck, he's already dead? well then, i'll go with dick cheney, and finish the job that heart disease can't seem to do

  34. selig or theisman... selig or theisman...

    FUCK, man this is tough.

    okay, Selig

  35. Tim McCarver.

    Fucking know-it-all prick.

  36. i don't play baccarat. craps is the only game to play. clooney is a douche, maybe it has something to do with the fact that my wife thinks he is the hottest guy on the planet.

    with my second pick i take the american hating, commie loving hugo chavez from venezula.

    nice pick with mihael moore.

  37. Seriously?

    This draft is clearly inspired by Fight Club and no has taken Brad Pitt yet?

    I will fight Brad Pitt AND Ed Norton at the same time.

  38. Sweet, my sleeper pick is still there!

    In the 2nd round, I choose Chris Berman. "With leather? How about I just go medieval on your ass?"

  39. Curt Schilling... cause 1) he talks shit on barry bonds 2) he plays for the red sox 3) he used fake blood to look tough 4) hes fat

    i'd also like to beat the piss out of everyone who doesnt like Barry and also everyone that plays for the red sox

  40. Coach K. God that guy reeks of smug douchiness. And I'd kick his Blue Devil ass back to the stone age.

  41. We're already repeating picks? That usually doesn't happen until at least 137 comments.

  42. Lindsay Lohan...fucking media whore

  43. Ty Pennington - When I finish it would be Extreme Makeover, Face Edition

  44. RuPaul. Why? Because she's a man, baby.

  45. Sanjaya and all other reality TV pseudo-celebrities.

    this reality shit has got to stop.

  46. George Lucas, for raping my and every other Star Wars, fan's childhood memories.

  47. Tough day, Brent? Vent that rage.

    I pick Nick Saban for Dolphins fans everywhere.

  48. Nice pick, nucleus. Remember to always come at him from his left.

  49. well, hell... I'll just name my roster the "Threat to Scientology"

    ... and I'll knock the fuck outta Tom Cruise once I'm done with Travolta's fat ass.

  50. David Spade. I'm cornering the market on short smug bastards.

  51. for all fellow os fans:

    peter angelos

  52. jerry seinfeld

    Most Overrated Show Ever.

    his show was gawd-awful and not funny, yet people continue to slob his knob to this day... i will never understand his appeal

  53. oh, and dear brent,

    its mostly the fact that i read with leather that makes me think i know something about the military

  54. OJ Simpson needs a good beatdown with a 5-Iron.

  55. Johnny Depp. I don't mind his work, but as a person I cannot stand him.

  56. i haven't taken any sports related celebrities yet so i will take dallas mavs owner mark cuban. comes off like the nerdy rich kid that buys his friends and he always seems to be bitching about something.

    not to mention the way he cried like a little girl during the mvp presentation for dirk. any man that would cry over something like that needs his ass kicked.

  57. Can I finish what Horry started and take care of Nash?

  58. I take that cheese eating rat bastard fat fuck Roger Clemens ... Gay Rod is a close 2nd

  59. Richard Gere - for the same reason as Clooney.

    Plus, how dare he offend India with a kiss?

    to steal/paraphrase a line from Caveman:
    India, now with thermonuclear weapons!

  60. I'm still allowing all political figures. If you want to start a pointless flame war over it, feel free.

  61. Al Sharpton, I swear that dude has simultaneously set black people and hip hop back at least 20 years. Yes I'm an educated nigga, nigga, feel my fists of unappologetic ignorance.

  62. Does Rosie O'Donnell count as a man? Nevermind, she could kick my ass. I pick Joakim Noah. Those knees could pop like a 12-year old hymen.

  63. For years I wanted to beat the hell out of Bob Costas. Just for being the most pseudo-intellectual overly smug sportscaster there was. However, thanks to that abominable "Tuesdays With Morrie" book, I think we have a new king of the pricks. Mitch Albom, you're going down.

  64. Jim Belushi, for reasons that are obvious.

  65. Zach Braff. That fucking hipster douche! I'd like to physically remove his voicebox with my hands.

  66. Damn you, john john. Well played.

    My third pick is Dan Shaughnessy and Ron Borges.

    And yes I can pick both of them. Niether one is a man on their own.

  67. Great call on Lupica. And the Donald was my next choice, but I'll take Bruce Bowen, because if he kicked me in the ankle, I would have split open his face worse than Nash's nose.

    That guy is a pussy.

  68. 2nd round

    dane cook

    am i missing something, hes not even remotely funny.

  69. Damn you, Larry. This is like a receiver run in my fantasy draft.

  70. I'm taking K-Fed.

    We're moving in to douche territory.

  71. Larry Burns, need help? I'll give up a pick to help beat that guy down.

  72. Sharpton inspired, i'll take jesse jackson. He's just as bad, take the 2 of them out and the world is now a place that doesn't bitch about oppression.

  73. Peyton Manning. I know that he is a rather large athlete, but he still comes off like a ninny and I can fight dirty. As long as this results in no more TV time for him, all is well. I don't care how bad I get beaten up.

  74. I'd like to introduce Skip Bayless' teeth to a curb.

  75. I am butchering the spelling of this name, but it's nothing compared to what I'd do to him.

    Shia La Boof. Dead.

  76. mel gibson.

    oh, how i would enjoy that

  77. Leonardo DiCaprio - same reason as Clooney, Gere. sense a trend?

    Seriously, his environmental pontificating and on-air fellating of Al Gore makes him deserve a serious ass-kicking.

  78. Tim Robbins

    One less Hollywood pussy to tell me how to live my life. Oh yeah... the beating will be thad bad.

  79. Pat Buchanan. The world would be a much better place without that hate monger spreading fear. And he can join Falwell in that tasty place once I'm done with him.

    What? Too soon?

  80. BBD Excelent pick, I hate that prick (Lupica), I stopped reading the daily news because of that asshat.

    Last week I traded my 3 and 5th round picks so now I will select...

    Singer from the state of gayness Josh Groban

    And also Kiefer Sutherland, not because I hate the show, but because it's time someone kicked his ass, I mean seriously!

  81. and by "thad", I mean "that

  82. Middle Man great call on Larry Lucchico's red headed boy friend ... with my 2nd pick Stat Boy from PTI he annoys the fuck out of me

  83. maybe only devang will understand these picks, but i'm taking sanjay gupta and kal penn, who continue to set indian people back with their antics... gupta for setting unrealistic expectations for indian parents, leading to the inevitable diappointment when you decide you want to be anything but a neurosurgeon/attention whore on cnn... as for penn, yes i loved harold & kumar, but the guy had a minor role in Superman Returns where he said all of TWO WORDS and started to walk around like his shit don't stink, then followed that up with that atrocious 'Rise of Taj' movie that propagated, among other things, the stereotypical indian accent (no motherfuckers, we don't all talk like that) and set my people back another 15 years in america... damn i hate these dickwads...

  84. john s., will you use a phone to knock out his teeth a la High Fidelity? That would be fantastic.

  85. Alright, I'll take one for the team - Paris Hilton. (Although I'd be more than a little afraid to let that chick touch me - God knows what kind of diseases that girl's carrying.)

  86. yes to all who wish to help in the cook beat down.

    by the way liut winz why couldn't you leave mel to the jews please, come on. I have a menorah ready and all.

    but my next pick ( i don't think he has been taken yet)
    roger clemens

  87. Michael Jackson.

    I realize I'm skirting close to the line of picking a female, but he needs a beating.

    I'm gonna beat the vitiligo out of him.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. I pick Manu Ginobili for being overrated and playing for the spurs... i'd hit him in the face but with a nose that big it probably has its own bodyguards

    and thank you for picking joakim noah -- i'll fight him again when your done

  90. @BBD How could you take K-fed, that dude's a roll model for all men. How many back country trashy back singer multi million dollar man-whores do you know?

  91. Ooooh, I'm up again.


    Ashton Kutcher. WHO GOT PUNK'D NOW BITCH!?! Asshat!

  92. since this is gonna be my only post for the draft ill just do three:
    1)William Shatner-no talent
    2)Scott Bakula-even less talent, although looks always like hes about to cry
    3)Dan Snyder-made a great franchise in the Redskins into a league wide joke

  93. Brady Quinn, just to do it next to shoopmonster beating up peyton.

  94. Billy Packer shall meet my fists of unending fury.

    For obvious reasons to any non-Wake Forest fan.

  95. @miamidiesel

    Penn also played a terroist on the first few episodes of this season's 24. In fact he was responsible for the nuke that went off.

  96. Jake Gyllenhaal. You will be smoten for playing tummy sticks with your favorite Cowboy friend and for attempting to sing a Dreamgirls song on SNL.

    I wonder if this is considered gay-bashing?

    Time to do some work. See ya'll in a few hours.

  97. Joe Piscopo

    Didn't think it was possible, but someone actually gave New Jersey a worse name.

    Plus, he's been ravaged by thyroid cancer and side effects from steroid use so I can probably take him.

  98. Bob Barker - 'cause he's old and it will be easy.

    Spay and neuter this, old fuck!

  99. Justin Timberlake. I don't have any ill feelings towards this man. It's more of a draft pick that will be picked up primarily for trade reasons. I suppose a little jealousy could fuel a beating as well.

  100. Ted Kennedy, the bloated fuckstick. Besides, I always wanted to punch a Kennedy, and he's the last relevant one.

  101. Carlos Mencia.

    Not funny. Not Mexican. Not named Carlos. His name is Ned. Material thief. Douchebag. I blame Dave Chapelle for the rise of this asshole.

  102. my turn again

    aaron carter, what a magnificent deusch.

  103. To continue in my 'this is for the good of mankind, even though I REALLY don't want to touch this person' vein, I take Britney Spears.

  104. Larry you can have Clemens when I'm done with him ... with my third pick I'm taking Bill Gates so I can steal everything he owns once I finish with him

  105. Clemens was already taken. Tony Reali was already taken. My job is very boring today so I will gladly play commissioner as usual.

  106. last pick...

    Donna Shalala (i have my reasons) and much like Jason's Ann Coulter pick, i believe i am well within the rules on this one

  107. redhead, I really appreciate your sacrifices. I was hoping somebody would pick Paris and I wouldn't mind seeing Britney get thrashed. Just make sure that no va-jay-jays become exposed during the beating.

  108. I need a ruling...Can I take Mike and Mike as one pick and try to kick the crap out of both of them?

    Golic would be tough, but my fists of fury would make him the mayor of pain.

  109. Time to take Imus.

    Nothing like kicking a man while he's down. Literally.

  110. Pat Robertson. I have no compunction about beating on an old man, as long as he can leg-press two thousand pounds.

  111. @shoopmonster

    Consider it done.

    Next pick - Sean Penn. I am really beginning to corner the market on self-rightous assholes. Bonus - it looks like he may actually put up a fight, but, in the end, he would be exposed as the candy-ass that he is.

    Double bonus - I will hit him until he is forced to say "my name is Jeff Spicoli"

  112. Ron Popeil. I win.

    Set it and forget it, Fucko!

  113. @wormfather - see, you see what i'm saying with penn? dude needs to go

    for my next pick i'm taking peter king, who surprisingly is still available... i would die for my home state of jersey, but the fact that that fat fuck calls it his 'adopted home' and no one has forced him out to someplace more appropriate for uptight, xenophobic douche bags like him (perhaps san francisco or boston) would make me think twice about coming back on my shield

  114. Shawn Bradley. I've always wanted to fight somebody tall and passive seems like an overly-aggressive word to describe him.

  115. ah my bad i didn;t realize clemens was gone i must of missed that pick:

    dave chappelle (only if he refuses to do the show)

  116. Dustin Diamond.

    I accidentally caught an episode of Celebrity Fat Camp and that guy is just a big, sweaty turd.

  117. Joel Madden, lead singer of Good Charlotte. I know it's a reach this early but his fake punk bullshit has to stop.

  118. eddie vedder from pearl jam, another washed up self-absorbed douche bag.

    can one of the ladies pick the fat and ugly dixie chick ?

  119. Replacement pick for Reali - Kurt Russell, Nothing against him I just think it would be a fun fight, especially since my medical bills would be paid (hooray for reading the rules) I want to fight someone who will be a good opponent.

  120. Thanks for the ruling Burnys .... I take the douche James Blunt in fact I think I'll fight Jon Mayer at the same time

  121. How the?

    I didn't see this name yet!

    Round 3:

    Jay Mariotti. Fucktard.

  122. Don Zimmer!!!! Oh yeah, I'd hit him so fucking hard that Pedro Martinez would feel it.

  123. I'll take Frankie Muniz and I'm out. Got bin Laden, Kim jong Il, Lupica, K-Fed, Imus, and Muniz. A perfect day.

  124. Tucker Max. I'll even do it blindfolded.

  125. I want to fight Lupica when Big Daddy is done. If there is anyone that needs an ass-whoopin'. it's Lupica

  126. I'll beat down Nancy Grace for you, UM. Even though she scares me a little, 'cause she looks like a fucking evil clown. One good hard kick to the face should make that self-righteous smirk disappear. I'm not big, but think I could take her.

    If Nancy Grace is not available, I'd really really like to fuck up "Dr." Laura. I hate that dried-up old bitch.

  127. Damnit, Greg. Mayer was queued up and ready to go.

  128. Tarantino. And I like the guy, but come on.

  129. John Madden. I would eat a turducken for my victory meal.

  130. Great pick, Beavis. GREAT pick.

  131. danm beavis that was my final pcik

    so my draft so far is
    angelos,cook, aoran carter, dave chappele, and my final pcik today is: ahamjehoud (the iranian president) he is just a prick.

  132. @jordan ginsberg I was soooo hoping that he would be around for the next pick. He seems incredibly smug. Plus that giant chin has to be made of glass.

  133. Great picks on Penn and fat-head Teddy.

    I'll take another left-wing know-it-all - Bill Maher.

  134. the blue man group. their shit is not funny. i don't even know where to begin in calling out their show, all i'll say is those motherfuckers wasted 90 minutes of my life and some serious amounts of cap'n crunch that could've gone to better use (i.e. as my breakfast). i would also like to coin the term "blue man group gay"

  135. Michael Kay.

    And I'm a Yankees fan, so I can't even imagine how much you plebes must despise him.

  136. Also I just went through the whole post and didn't see Tony Reali so I am taking that pick back.

  137. I know it's a hate crime, but it's a crime to let this guy keep making five figures a week for being a talentless bitch.

    Perez Hilton.

  138. This may be a reach pick, but I'm late in and I want to make sure I get first crack at:

    "Dr." James Dobson

  139. OK, I'm back... Hard to work when a KSK draft is happening.

    David Hasselhoff. No need to thank me for kicking Michael Knight's ass all the way back to Baywatch.

  140. Next Pick?

    Mahmoud Ahmadi...

    Mahmoud Ahmadi...

    Mahmoud Ahmadi...

    Mahmoud Ahmadhimbleed

  141. Ok, I only have time for one pick (stupid work) so I'll throw my top three in now
    1 Maroon 5. yes, the entire band

    2 The Church of Scientology. yes, every member.( that gives me rounds vs Cruise and Travolta, ha!)

    3The Baldwin brothers, at the same time.

  142. He was selected as "Stat Boy." However I see nothing wrong with gangland justice.

  143. John Sterling.

    By the way, Rob, great call on Zach Braff.

  144. @john john, he is the stat boy from PTI

  145. I pick Shaq. Just because I'm 5'5" and how funny would that be. Stick and move, stick and move.

  146. so is anyone going to do a draft summary record the five picks everyone makes and grade, then, if it is under 400 total i will play mel kiper.

    john s i took him

  147. I am small and mighty...but not THAT mighty, so could someone come defend my honor and take out Tom Tolbert for me? I mean I REALLY hate that guy.

    I would probably fight Minnie Driver. She just annoys the hell out of me for some reason.

  148. Vern Troyer. If kicking a midget is wrong, I don't want to be right.

  149. @vanilla It might look like Little Mac taking on Tyson. Just avoid him for the first 1:30.

  150. tony dungy.

    just coach football and shut the fuck up.

  151. Tom from MySpace. How dare you let 14-year old girls make their profiles private?

  152. for the last time Stat Boy = Tony Reali ... stop trying to steal my draft picks or I will have to bring a tampering change against you

  153. Larry, I'll help you. Seriously, my company is wasting money by having me here today.

  154. Ther oughta be a law against picking on guys the size of 8-year olds, but there aint. . . Bob Costas Thanks PEB for leaving that morsel.

  155. @miamidiesel. I know what ya mean with Kal Penn. his name's probably Kalpen. Douche.

    I take Max Kellerman. Oh that arrogant smary shithead!!

  156. so is anyone going to do a draft summary...

    i don't want to say i won, but...

    rd.1 GWB
    rd.2 Bill O'Reilly
    rd.3 Bud Selig
    rd.4 Mel Gibson
    rd.5 Donna Shalala

  157. Everybody doesn't love Raymond. And I will turn him out like a prison bitch.

  158. @burnsy Same here. I haven't seen a person all morning where my desk is. I'm on an island. My regular coworkers work 4 10s so they are off today. For the company's sake I need to see if I can get that switched.

  159. BILL MAHER.

    Enough said. Has there been a bigger condescending prick on earth this this fucker?

  160. burnsy, I know the feeling. I'm sleeping with my eyes open here.

    But I still pick off Sean Hannity. Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly are off the board, so I have to take the best available at Right Wing Nut Job Host position.

  161. With my next pick, I select Siegried and Roy. And yes, I will be wearing my Tony the Tiger costume.

  162. DAMN YOU, Beavis. Beat him good. Make sure Ashlee watches.

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. The guy who plays Buster in Arrested Development, just to see if he would fall into the fetal position and yell "why are you hitting yourself?"

  165. Aaron Boone.

    He knows why/

  166. Joe Francis (girls gone wild)

    there's no CRYING in prison, bitch.

  167. Jack Thompson. Don't know how many gamers are hanging around on this thread, but any who are know that any time that litigious, idiotic douchefucker opens his mouth you wanna shove a fist through his teeth. Sue that, dickbag.

  168. Oh, fuck it. I have to take Brandon Davis. Value pick.

  169. Thanks shoopmonster

    Then I pick the people who run the Daily Kos. Lighten up, will ya?

  170. Devang, Sean Penn is gone. So is Kal Penn. No relation. Might I suggest Sean's son, Hopper? You can make jokes about how his mom was the AIDS chick in Forrest Gump.

  171. Seth McFarlane. Family Guy is great, the rest of it, not so much. His physical appearance just screams douchebag.

  172. is Bucky Dent still alive? ... fuck it I take Bucky Fuckin Dent

  173. An old-fashioned southside beat down for the Gumbels: Bryant first, for not knowing enough about the game of football to be an announcer. And then Gregg, for getting his hairhat at the same place as the Shaw brothers ("I'll take three wigs for the price of two, and a bottle of activater").

  174. I choose Big Daddy Drew. Sorry Drew, nothing personal, but nobody is gonna win one of these drafts unless you're on the DL.

  175. Damn it Bucky Dent was next on my board.

  176. i choose leitch just for the story, if i lose ok if i win i kicked leitch;s ass.

  177. You're a genius mdt. Had to look him up, but then I realized what kind of shit he pulled. My hat is off to you. And yes, I am a gamer.

  178. Derrick, I'm surprised it took that long. Now who's gonna take Ufford?

  179. Can I take Wilford Brimley or whatever the fuck is name is? Just to hear him say "diabeetus."

  180. Phil Mickelson. I'd wipe that stupid grin he has every time a camera is on him off his face.

  181. danny ferry. he's a worse GM than he was a player.

  182. My vintage pick is Jaleel White. You respect Carl Winslow's house, son.
