Friday, May 25, 2007

KSK Commenter BONUS Draft: Beer

It's Memorial Day weekend, so let us choose our favorite brews. I have stated many times that I am a beer whore and NOT a beer snob, so any beer suits my fancy. But if you're more particular, this may be for you. If you missed last evening's draft, here's a quick chance to make up for it.

The rules: Pick any beer. If it's obscure, leave a link. PICK ONE BEER ONLY, COMMENTER LARRY BURNS. Once 10 other people have picked, you may pick another.

My pick? Chimay.

Delicious and TWICE the alcohol!

Enjoy the weekend. Missing your cheerleader? Try a Google search. I'm sure something will turn up.

UPDATE: Different varieties by the same brewer or label are fine.


  1. Sierra Nevada. Solid, classic, delicious

  2. anchor steam.

  3. Worm, I would have gone with Red Tick personally.

    "Hmmmm, bold, refreshing and something I just can't put my finger on."

  4. Good old Budweiser & lots of it!

  5. SHENANIGANS! Are you taking all four Chimay beers?

    I'm taking the Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA. The hops are fucking incredible. Now that I'm thinking about it I'll never get any work done.

    oh yeah, it also has 20% alcohol!

  6. assuming Jason meant Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, I will take the Porter

  7. and i'm a complete beer snob.

    good pick beaver

  8. Are we allowed to repeat breweries?

  9. No one said anything about imaginary beers, but I feel bad about duff. I'm gonna go with something more contemporary this time around.

    Amstel Light...the beer drinker's light beer.

  10. thanks UM, i've been drinking anchor steam since college. and i graduated 14 years ago. i'm an old man compared to most of the commenters here.

  11. "Is this your homework, Larry? Is this your homework?"

  12. can i pick Steel Reserve?

    i love me some high gravity shit

  13. I did, flubby. Thanks for the clarification.

    Second pick?

  14. Shit, devang. stupid slow computer.

    I draft Harp's.

  15. @Pemulis

    Nice! "High Gravity" It's been a while.

  16. Because i prize drinkability above all else, and i can drink about 40 yuenglings in a hour.

  17. BDD- picked my sleeper! Nice pick.

  18. @BBD Damn, mine too. Looks like I'm picking up another imaginary beer.

    Samual L. Jackson Brew


  19. Being from Texas and all - and since Guinness has been taken.

    I choose Shiner Bock.

  20. Natty Light. Fuck your quality. I want to be piss drunk within the hour.

  21. Lagunitas Hairy Eyeball.

    Sadly, it's only seasonal, but it is delicious. And high gravity is an added bonus.

  22. not one canadian beer yet ? i pick labatt blue. hard not to have had your fair share of canadian brew growing up in upstate NY

  23. Delirium Noel

  24. yah sorry bout last time.

    i was scouting for this draft.

    I don;t think corona is taken yet.

  25. I am not a beer snob, but I will always have a special place in my heart for Leinenkugel's. Sitting on the terrace at the student union in college drinking a Leinie's...I miss college.

  26. Ommagong Witte. Can't find a link to this, but it's on of THE best witte beers out. Brewery is near Cooperstown.

  27. @ Beaver:

    I'll take Canadian moonshine, Molson's. Not the Ice bullshit, just give me the thick.

  28. @burnsy. YOu mean the Molson XXX?

  29. I'm on board with Burnsy here, plus I like my beer to double as potato gun ammo.

    Keystone Light, especially in $11.99 30 packs.

  30. Best price/booze ratio out there, plus the wide mouths help-

    I choose for my third Mickey's Fine Malt Liquor.

    Cause it's fine malt liquor, dammit.

  31. Being from the great state of Michigan, I must take Bell's Oberon

  32. devang, great call on ommagong

    burnsy, molson brador will also you fuck you up in a hurry.

  33. yes flubby this is my homework.

  34. Damn you, awful chief. From one resident of the mitten to another I salute you.

  35. i might be stealing this from the pirate sloth because it is another Texas beer. St. Arnold

  36. sierra nevada bigfoot ale

    expensive but good, especially ifat a party and someones dadpayed.

  37. did i steal from jason my bad.

    i thought taht bigfoot was mroe specific is that still stealing?

  38. blue moon

    and a question about the rules, someone has already picked Sam Adams, does that encompass all varieties, or is for example Sam Summer Ale still up for the taking?

  39. Yes, Devang. Thank you for the correction. I meant XXX. I don't want this to later turn into my old "You never specified which Ricky Williams you were taking" fantasy draft routine, which I'm sure is 8 million other adult males' 15th round routine as well.

    WV: kzile (Is that where the KSK guys have been this week?)

  40. Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout

    at some point i'll have to take a light beer.

  41. Three Floyds Alpha King

  42. I suggest unless there's specification that the person picked the most common variety, and the others are open to pick. F'rinstance, I picked Sierra Nevada (intending to pick the pale ale). Flubby chased it with the Porter, etc...

  43. ok so i took the bigfoot

  44. thanks, jason, and congrats on picking the finest malt liquor. i have a mickeys cap collection somewhere.

  45. I am by no means a beer connosieur; all that shit tastes pretty much the same to me, and beer consumption is always a means to getting wasted ASAP. Unless I'm out to get trashed, I'm taking a Yoo-Hoo, a Coke, or some Jack Daniels on the rocks.

    So in light of all that, I select Sam Adams' Utopia Beer, the strongest beer ever brewed. A description from the review:

    "To create the beer, Sam Adams' brewers used two-row, caramel and Vienna malts, then all four types of noble hops, leaving the beer spicy enough that some call it "fiery." The beer was aged in scotch, cognac and port barrels from February 2001 until late last year. The aroma has a "distinctive smell of cinnamon and vanilla with subtle hints of floral, citrus and pine.""

    Fuck you, I win. Have fun playing for second place pussies.

  46. My favorite cheap beer: High Life.

    Truly, the champagne of beers.

  47. No, you idiot, I said a BUD Light!

  48. Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout. Expensive, but a damn fine stout.

    @miamidiesel. Can you get the Utopia in Jersey? If so lemme know, I'd like me some.

  49. Stone Brewing Ruination IPA.

    Other than Sierra Nevada (and Anchor Steam), there seems to be a serious East Coast-bias here. Not that I care.

  50. Red Stripe. It goes good with weed.

  51. since Guiness and Newcastle are already taken, I pick Young's Double Chocolate Stout

  52. Oh, and now I'm on a mission to get some of that Utopia. If I don't have a glass in front of me by noon, I will have to commit seppuku.

  53. I don't think they make the Utopia anymore. It's impossible to find now.

  54. Old Specken Hen

    perfect English ale

  55. Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout.

    I think anyone picking Bud Light should be bannished from this site for eternity. I fucking hate Bud light.

  56. F.U.C.K

    thanks for nothing miamidiesel.

  57. Shit, chief, you can drink with me anytime.

  58. Schlitz

    And I don't feel as if I need to justify this pick.

  59. @Swolestice

    Sorry, i got that one already

  60. I think you should be banned, swolestice for not knowing how to use CTRL-F.


    Bud Light is yummy.

  61. @devang: i haven't seen any utopia sold in jersey since 2003. i live in morris county, and there were a couple of places that had like one bottle from the entire batch and sold it for $200. i saw some random bottles pop up in nyc in 2005, but they were also from the 2003 batch, and i haven't seen any anywhere since. i guess your best bet would be to ebay it. all i can say is if you can get your hands on it for anything under $500, and you love alcohol, go for it; you will not regret it.

  62. bud light is yummy, i agree with rob I. and as a high schooler my opinion on beer is far less evolved than his and i still agree.

  63. Just as a tribute to my Cegep (thats like college for us in Quebec) years:

    Colt 45:

    It works every time

  64. Boddington's... but not from a jackass bartender that doesn't know how to dispense it.

  65. my cheap beer/lite beer pick: miller lite. less filling, taste great ! much like a nice vagina.

  66. See? Even high school girls agree. BLt's are delicious.

  67. Shit. Just call me the Vikings.

    I'll go with Bass Pale Ale.

  68. nice first pick drew with the trappist stuff. trappist and monk beers are always good.

  69. hey rob not sure if you are mocking me, but i am a male.

  70. To further whet your appetites for Utopia, a quote from the brewer:

    "Everybody thought that you couldn't ferment a beer beyond 13 or 14 percent alcohol. We discovered that if you push fermentation up above 20 percent you encounter an entirely new world of flavors."

    And an excerpt from a review on the flavor of Utopia:

    "The taste is astonishly unbeerlike. My first sensation was sweet vanilla, butter and mild candy spices combining into an elixir of toffee with a mouth-feel more like Drambuie. It then thinned out and became crisper and slightly piney, like a dry sherry or a mild single-malt scotch. It finished dry, clean and not too long."

    That's right devang, a beer that tastes like a single-malt scotch. Don't even try to tell me you're not turned on right now. Like I said, the shit costs, but its absolutely worth it. And if anybody wants to petition Sam Adams to make more of this stuff, I'm all for it.

  71. @miamidiesel. I'll ebay it and see what I can find.

    BTW, I work in Morristown, so anytime you need an excuse to do a pub crawl on the green....

  72. Ahh, beer. One of my favorite topics, so I'm annoyed I can't really join the topic since I'm Finnish and have tasted only Budweiser of american beers.

    Still, going fancy and snobbish (?) in the first round:

    Velkopopovicky Kozel dark.

  73. Duvel Strong Golden Ale

    Because I like my beer to have a special glass.

  74. my second pick: Duck Rabbit Porter. best porter I've ever had.

  75. it tastes like piss, but I have to do my part to support these ladies:

    Miller Lite

  76. At risk of sounding like everyone I despise:

    Hey devang and miamidiesel, I live in Morristown. We should definitely have a KSK Pub Crawl.

  77. @BDD- GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!

    Mackeson's Irish Stout.


    Make sure you know how to pronounce before ordering.

  79. Jesse Wins with the boddington's pick.

    How 'bout a Hudy Delight? anyone?

  80. Anyone with a pair of testicles knows that Bud Light is designed for college girls and high schoolers.

    If you're in the market for cheap, light beer, I suggest Busch Light. Nothing beats a cold Shrub Light.

  81. Rob, I'm in. Name the date, and I'll make it out.

  82. You know what else "works every time?" My third pick...

    King Cobra

    (Muh fucka)

  83. With the 92nd pick The Wormfather selects, out of Vermont State, Magic Hat #9.

    *Crowd Boos*

  84. @devang: no shit, morristown? right now i'm taking the train from there to nyc everday for my internship. we'll definitely have to get together and hit up the office, the muse, etc. sometime.

    and for my next pick, i'm taking Hefe-Weiss.

  85. Craig +1

    Always enjoyed at Moher's in downtown Edgebrook.

  86. Nice pick, wormfather. I love the Hat. kinda fruity, but delicious. Like me.

  87. Being a St. Louisan it would be sac religious to pick something other than an AB product. So....

    Michelob Light

  88. i guess i need a malt liquor in my stable of beers. i'll take the crooked i. St. Ide's. keepin' it real.

  89. damn it - my bad on the Miller Lite dup.

    Pete's Wicked.

    slightly OT: for all Massholes on the list - there's a massive beer marathon planned next month

  90. In honor of my eleven years in Cincinnati, I'm going with Christian Moerlein.


  91. third pick: Fuller's London Porter. second best porter ever. I'm really cleaning up with the dark beers today.

  92. Jesus beaverfever, what's the matter with you? St. Ide's

  93. Crazy Horse.

    Malt liquor + Formaldehyde = Fucked up like Rick James, bitch.

  94. Since Hoegaarden is off the board, I'll take Allagash White. It costs a little more, but it's damn tasty.

    And I'm not entirely sure Newcastle is off the board here. I'd take it myself, but the bottle I tried to drink last night was skunked...

  95. @ Swolestice

    whoa, whoa, just looking at your comments in both drafts. Calm down their tiger. If a man wants to drink bud light or listen to aerosmith that's his buisness.

    I wouldnt be mad at you for front manning the Spice Girls and drinking Chantis, now would I?

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Newcastle.

    Not taken, and it slid like Brady Quinn.

  98. @swolestice - if this is a race to the bottom for cheapest beers, I see your Busch Light and raise you with Pabst Blue Ribbon.

    Nothing like a cold PBR when you only have $2.50!

  99. Sprecher Bavarian... b/c if it's on tap you probably didn't pay more than $4 for a pint, it tastes like heaven, and you're probably eating some deep fried cheese curds and bratwursts with kraut.

    Drawback... you are in Wisconsin so the likelihood someone strikes up a conversation re: Brett Favre's retirement is increased 50 fold.

  100. Update: looks like there is one bottle of Sam Adams Utopia up on eBay. who's gonna have the balls to man up and go for it? like i said, i'm in for $500. devang, rob, if i win, i'll definitely make sure to share the wealth with you fellas during a night out in mo-town.

  101. Bottom feeder beers? see all your's and go all in with Old Style.

  102. I’m a little overloaded with cheap beer (Keystone, Schlitz) but I can’t stand to see my next pick slide any further:


    People have killed for this shit, literally...

  103. I'm gonna take Killians now, good cheap and can be consumed warm...because us alcoholics really cant be stuck waiting an hour for shit to get cold.

  104. Don't you judge Me-
    I too am a friend of the Blue Ribbon. My favorite form of the Blue Ribbon: the old 24 oz tall boy.

  105. Gotta represent the cheap beer right quick:

    Rainier. Why didn't you take this CC?

  106. My next pick: Sam Adams Black Lager. It's stout lite, yes, but it's great during the winter months when you want some flavor without that meal-in-a-glass feeling.

  107. 2nd pick:

    A. le Coq's double bock.
    Double the alcohol, yet still the same price in Estonia as normal beers. (13€ / 24 pack)

    And it has a cool ram on it's logo

    Perhaps, they should strike a deal with the rams and make the games that more exciting.

  108. OK - time to move onto quality beers.


    some of these draft results remind me of my favorite bad Australian joke:

    What do American beers and canoes have in common?

    They're both pretty fucking close to water!


    thanks and I'll be here all weekend!

  109. Flying Fish Dubbel

    Best craft beer in New Jersey.

    I'll be at the bars in Morristown tonight if anyone wants to meet up. Check my profile for my email.

  110. @wormfather: killians is a good every-day beer. always makes me think of pizza hut crusts though, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

  111. devang, when it was time to get fucked up quick st. ide's was always there for me. and cheaper than a bottle of old crow whiskey.

  112. Damn, I can't believe I missed Allagash White by two picks...
    I'll respond by going to the hard hitting Bavarian, Schneider Aventinus

  113. my fourth pick: Hofbrau Haus Dunkel. comes in liter mugs, is like 2.50 euros per liter, and is on tap only at the Hofbrau Haus in Munich, Vegas, and Cincinnati. good luck even finding that shit in bottles in the U.S.

  114. for my cheap beer that brings back memories of high school, i'll take Milwaukee's Best. i would have drafted meister brau, but i don't think they make it anymore.

  115. After snapping up Crazy Horse for its alleged formaldehyde content, I'll now take just a plain old good beer:

    John Courage

  116. Rob, which bar? Might be tight, but I'll try and make it out

  117. Sapporo time.

    When ordering ethnic food, I always drink beer from the same country. Delish.

    Me rove it rong time!!!!!!!!!!

  118. Rogue Dead Guy Ale (

  119. Just thinking about drinking Meister Brau is probably going to make my head hurt tomorrow.

  120. Tsingtao beer from China. WHAT?!?!

  121. Sam Adams Triple Bock

    17.5% alcohol

  122. I have the low end covered with Mickeys, and the solid covered with Sierra Nevada, so I'm gonna take something a little high end now-


    As a bonus- it means "the cursed one". I like a beer that puts me in my place.

    In other news, if I don't make a trip across the street to buy beer at lunch time, please kill me.

  123. Negra Modelo fell to me?!?!

    I fucking win. No line in my beer though.

  124. I see where BDD's heading and have to pre-empt

    Nothing beats a Kingfisher when you're having Indian.

  125. I think anyone who can't spell banished should be banished.

    Sorry for not being here to man the repeat pick offenders. I feel like I've let you all down, but we're interviewing a hot blonde for our new receptionist and for once I had to act like management.

    Since I must take one quirky beer, I take Sea Dog, blueberry and raspberry. The bitches dig it.

  126. Shiner Hefeweizen... b/c nothing tastes better when it's 110 degrees in south TX and you just ate 5 lbs of Cooper's brisket, pork chop, and ribs.

  127. Rickard's Red in thing about crossing the border...

  128. That should read:

    no lime in my beer.

    Well, I don't want no lines in my beer either... ruins the taste.

  129. Time to support my local brewery.

    My 3rd pick: Red Oak. Available only on tap here in N.C. It's as North Carolinian as Julius Peppers and held twice as much.

  130. i'm going Euro on this one: Peroni, from Italy.

  131. For an IPA, I return to the land of unemployment, Thomas 'Hitman' Hearns, and the Ford Focus.
    1. Bell's Oberon
    2. Old Speckled Hen
    3. Schneider Aventinus
    4. Bell's Two Hearted Ale
    Delicious, and 7% for dat azz.
    Jason, why wait for lunch? It's already noon somewhere.

  132. miami diesel- my first pick is also a 20 percenter.

    chief- just had a speckled hen the other day. awesome stuff.

  133. To follow up my first pick and speaking of getting through college (and since Shiner was already taken), I am going to have to take Lone Star in round 2.

  134. fifth pick: anything made by Yazoo Brewing, out of Nashville. it's local, delicious, and you can fill up growlers right from their taproom.

  135. I like the way you think, chief. Perhaps a Motor City Ghetto Blaster?

  136. My liver is the wolfman.

    The only cure is the silver bullet. Coors Light.

    Actually my two favorites have already been taken (PBR tall cans and Dogfish Head 120 IPA...fuck you, UM!)

  137. I pick the beer my fraternity roommate and I tried to brew ourselves during my second sophomore year. It was like brown paint thinner.

  138. Kronenbourg - mmmmm, mmmm, good.

  139. fuck, BDD starts the run on ethnic beers and i miss out on Kingfisher, which i thought only devang would be a threat to take. and of course the pirate sloth swoops in and takes negra modelo, which would've been my back-up. fuck both of you sideways. so my next pick will have to be Haywards 5000. That one's for you, dad.

    @UM - your first pick might be 20%, but mine set a record for alcohol content at 25.6% in 2003. on top of which, it tastes fucking fantastic. beer that both tastes good and has a record-setting level of alcohol? sorry, no one is beating that one today...

  140. As Billy Dee Williams said: "works everytime, Colt 45."

  141. FOR SHAME!!! I'm going seasonal with Harpoon Winter Warmer, but the fact that Harpoon remains on the board is a testiment to our collective idocy (is that a word?).

  142. @miamidiesel. Take the Haywards 5000 or 10000. Comes in a big as bottle

  143. Permanent4-
    good to see a fellow North Carolinian make a local pick. Red Oak is delicious.

    For all my fellow DC residents out there, try the Porter at Capitol City Brewery. It is a delicous (and filling) adult beverage as well.

  144. @devang

    Sorry Mark beat you to Colt 45.

  145. Me thus far:

    1) Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
    2) Harp's
    3) Mickey's Fine Malt Liquor
    4) Red Stripe
    5) Mackeson's Irish Stout
    6) Newcastle
    7) Maudite
    8) Motor City Ghetto Blaster.

    I just need to complete the 12 pack for lunch.

    Oh, and miamidiesel? Just for that, I'm gonna pick next a fifth of Canadian Club poured into a party ball.

  146. My bad.

    I'll take the Haywards 10000. Strong ass Indian beer.

  147. Banks - The Beer of Barbados

  148. Jason, Motor City Ghetto Blaster is a great pick! I last had that at a bar named Alvin's on Cass St. in Detroit...I miss the D sometimes.

    UM, if you had Old Speckled Hen on draft in DC, PLEASE share the location.

  149. miami- spoken like someone who's never tasted the Dogfish Head. it's the tits.

    chief- you have fantastic taste

  150. I know someone picked Guiness already, but does a Half and Half count as a new beer? If so, I'll oblige.

  151. Where you at now, chief?

    I used to drink at Foran's after work when I was in the D.

  152. chief- had it on tap at Bierreria Paradiso (the downstairs beer bar at Pizzeria Paradiso in Georgetown). that place has the best beer in the city.

    john john- isn't it nimbus gold monkey?

  153. i went to school in Rhode Island so i feel the need to represent them. Newport Storm.

  154. @jason: are we to open this thing up to whiskey? because then its really on...

    @UM: i am not disputing the deliciousness or alcohol content of Dogfish Head. i'm just saying, i think Sam Adams Utopia is tastier, and the numbers bear out that it has a higher alcohol content. fuck, i'm going to have to find some way to get everyone on this board some of that Utopia to prove my point...

  155. the tap (and cask conditioned) beers are always switching at Birreria but the bottle menu is available online

  156. Balashi: It was a surprisingly tasty beverage the missus and I sampled while on our honeymoon in Aruba.

  157. @ beaverfever - which school?

    I'm also a graduate of one of the finest of the dirtiest littlest state in union's schools.

    In the spirit of RI - Narraganset.

  158. @miamidiesel- no, no, whiskey is another draft, for another time.

    I'm supposed to be working, but I'm jonesing for a beer. A beer, or a 12 step program, apparently.

  159. I've got your Marques Colston right here -- Ellie's Brown Ale from Avery Brewing Co. Small brewery, big taste.

    Avery's got some good ones. If you dig the Pale Ale, Redpoint rocks, and Hoegaarden fans should try the White Rascal.

    My picks so far:

    1.) Allagash White
    2.) Sam Adams Black Lager
    3.) Red Oak
    4.) Ellie's Brown Ale

  160. Heading to the ATL for my third choice - Sweetwater 420

  161. Too bad I missed out on Vitamin K.

    Budvar - a very nice Czech beer.

  162. I'd have to agree with UM. Birreria Paradiso in Georgetown has a great beer selection. Unfortunately, it is in Georgetown. They also have delicious meat & cheese plates.

    RFD in Chinatown also has a great beer menu. First time I ever had Magic hat was at RFD. Memories...

  163. rfd is the place to go after wizards games. they've got great beer but the birreria has the most unique stuff.

  164. UM, I can't thank you enough for that information. And I'll be on the lookout for the 120 minute IPA...I drink the 60 minute regularly at Stoney's, my neighborhood bar.

    Jason, I'm a stateless bastard these days...I can still say that Michigan is the only state I've ever lived in.

  165. as a high schooler i have not had many differnt types so all the ones i have were picked already.

    See BDD i followed the rules this time (well except the law tih beer you know)

  166. What, no one wants to select the gigantor can of Foster's? Fine, more for me then. My 5th pick: a gigantor can of Foster's. Even if Foster's isn't really Australian for beer

  167. Sam Adams Oktoberfest please...

  168. Warsteiner dark.

    I think that covers all my favorites.

  169. chief- they had one keg of the 120 ONCE and by the time I got the text message alerting me to the fact it was kicked.

  170. @ don't you judge me, i graduated from URI. how about yourself ?

    WV: xxjewsx

  171. Brahma Chopp - The official beer of Brazil and Carnaval do Rio...

    Any beer that brings back memories of me dancing with fine ass Brazilian women in Rio is a fine, fine beer.

  172. jd: Hoegaarden's off the board, yo.

    miamidiesel: Foster's is still good when you've got a hankering for Australian football, which is almost as awesome as the NFL, but with more widespread recreational drug problems.

    And fuck it, since some folks here have almost ten picks in the bag, I'm taking my fifth pick now -- Blue Star from North Coast brewing. An American wheat beer that doesn't suck.

    My picks so far:

    1.) Allagash White
    2.) Sam Adams Black Lager
    3.) Red Oak
    4.) Ellie's Brown Ale
    5.) Blue Star

  173. Chief- I'm in Ann Arbor now, but I was just in DC on Wed. for work. And by in DC, I mean Rockville, MD. And by Wed, I mean 11-8.

  174. is there not one steeler fan here that will pick Iron City Beer just out of respect for the Steel City and their team ? I know the beer sucks, but like i said show some respect steeler fan.

  175. Since newcastle and negra modello have been picked, I'll go with Brooklyn Brown Ale.

    I love newcastle, but one of the best/worst decisions I ever made was to get a keg of newcastle when I graduated from college. Let's just say that the hangover from 15 pints of Newcastle is the equivalent of the hangover from about 37 miller lites and a few tequilla shots mixed in for good measure.

    I really want to walk over to the Dubliner right now and have a Guiness for lunch. Thanks BDD.

  176. @ Beaverfever

    your cross-state rivals, Providence College

    My picks so far:
    1. Pete's Wicked
    2. PBR
    3. Belhaven
    4. Sam Adams Triple Bock
    5. Kingfisher
    6. Narragansett

    for my 7th pick:
    Heineken Light

  177. Jason, I'm a U of M product. Lots of great drinking spots in A^2...enjoy.

  178. wow, three of brooklyn's beers off the board by my count. good stuff.

  179. yes, rivals indeed don't you judge me. at least you didn't go to Brown. nice call on Naragansett.

  180. I haven't heard anyone claim Old English 800 yet... not that I am claiming it.

    Eazy E would not be happy.

  181. I'm a U-M guy also. Maybe lunch will be at Ashley's...

    I choose for my next Long Trail Ale.

    Tasty, and from Vermont.
