Wednesday, April 11, 2007

KSK Service Announcement: Thursday Bukkake Will Rock Your Face Off

Officially and for the record, I want to thank the Ladies for being gracious winners. They've always been very kind to me, and I'm thankful that The Starter Wife used a G.I. Joe doll to represent me. It's also likely that they put a lot of effort into the posts they wrote for today's material, which is more than what KSK would have done for them. Kudos. You girls are some classy broads, and we are lazy assholes.

Now, with that necessary caveat out of the way:

Let's be honest, folks. Today was fucking terrible. I mean, absolutely the worst day this site has ever seen -- and I'm including the early days before Unsilent Majority had any comic timing. On a scale of one to ten, with one being the day that the Gawker guy ran Deadspin, and ten being any post by Big Daddy Drew, the Ladies -- who no longer get an ellipsis in their name; that's always really bothered me -- were a solid negative three. I've watched Merchant-Ivory films that held my attention better.

As recompense, tomorrow -- Thursday -- will be one of our rare but glorious bukkake days. Our only previous bukkake days were for the start of the 2006 season and the day that T.O. overdosed, so we obviously save them for momentous occasions.

In this case, the momentous occasion is pushing the Ladies' posts off of our front page. I had proposed deleting them altogether -- keeping them in the archives wasn't part of the deal, ha ha! -- but, like I said, the Titsticks were real classy-like about beating us, so those posts will live on with a mere editor's note warning people not to read them unless they're having trouble getting to sleep.

In addition, this week's mock draft -- the REAL mock draft -- will be written by an astonishingly talented and popular guest blogger who will become only the second person (after J.E. Skeets) to write a guest post for Kissing Suzy Kolber at our respectful invitation instead of, say, masculinity-baiting bets that force us into lose-lose situations.

Anyway, to cleanse the palate from today's foo-foofery, here's some eye candy:

Thanks for sticking with us through these rough waters. Check back frequently tomorrow, where we'll be posting like voting in Chicago.

Oh, and I almost forgot: this whole thing would be for naught if you didn't give a boost in traffic to the best female sports bloggers on the Internet.


  1. Wow! There's a blog out there even more trite and shallow than Ladies...! Whee!

  2. Uhm, yeah...who are you, again?

  3. Not gonna lie.....that picture is pretty hot.

  4. Ding Dong the Queens are dead..

  5. Hat's off to the Ladies (no elipsis). Very well played. It was unbearable, but I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

  6. Even the eye candy is mediocre today. Talk about the day from hell, although that tea party was fucking hysterical

  7. I've been sitting on this for hours, wondering who would actually appreciate it. I can't believe I didn't come here sooner.

    Kung Fu porn. That's right. Kung Fu porn.

  8. Oh, and since the comment window won't expand in order to accomodate the movie:

    Just trying to do my small part to wash the estrogen off the site.

  9. Great Odin's Beard! It is finally over, my hungover ass could not tolerate any more vaginally originated "humor"
    eckikr indeed, word ver.

  10. CC, you're back! Thank god - you wouldn't believe what what was going on today - there was, well... The titties talked!

  11. They actually have their own website where they do this every day?!?!?! REALLY?!?! This isn't actually how they make their living is it? Tell me they actually have jobs that do not involve writing because now I just feel sorry for them.

  12. If you ever do this again, I will hunt you down, rip out your hearts, and feed them to you

    That is all

  13. Whiny (so as not to say titty) babies! If it had been up to me, it would have been a day full of Bella Abzug pics, Adrienne Rich poetry, and the films of Meryl Streep.

  14. You messed up the link, it's supposed to point here:

  15. so tommrow promise to get them off the main page, before i wake up. that could take awhile.

  16. "drdoom", you're being awfully cavalier for someone who was spamming our site for links to your blog last week.

  17. uh uh....

    runs away.

    In all seriousness my bad with the spamming and seems like a bad time to ask but.
    holly what does it take for you to trade the colts to me in the mock draft ( i actually have a blog.... if a blog exists and no one reads it does it exist?)

  18. Um, fuck. I missed all the fun because of teaching in Milwaukee today. While I did read most of the Ladies posts, there is no fucking way I am going to scroll thru 300+ comments to insert my witty line. I'd just look like that the kid no one invites to the party but who shows up late anyways because someone felt sorrow for him.

    With said: Pochacco and Keroppi are awesome, the only true fingernail color is 'Fuck Me Red', and The Token pick was the winner.


  19. So "Moist" is KSK-speak for "peace out" or "see ya later."

  20. Hmmm. That is interesting. What could possess me to trade away my favorite team to a spammer? And what on earth made you think this might be a bad time to ask?

    You realize this outs you as not even having read the blogs you've been begging at? I mean, I know all that linkwhoring takes time, but if you knew anything about me at all you'd know how I feel about the Colts.

    Nothing fucking doing, friend.

  21. Mamacita, I think "moist" is KSK's version of Dee's "affirmed." Seems appropriate.

  22. ok my bad... I spammed you once and I apologized if you want you can spam my blog.. Not posting the link because i am not spamming.
    Furthermore it was just a question and your no is accepted.

  23. Out first mistake was giving them the vote. From 1919 on, it's all been downhill.

  24. I was in work seminars all day today. I've spent the past hour catching up on things.

    I'll just say this... there's a reason why Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood wasn't three hours long.

    I'm going to go pass out now.

  25. Yes, but Dave! The 20th amendment was really important!

  26. lady andrea having just had a test on th 16th-19th amendments/ ww1. the 20th amendment is not important at all. It has to do with congressional terms and when the end, such as 12 noon on march 1 versus febuary 16 or somesuch thing.

  27. While there were only bits and pieces (uhh, huh-huh) of today's posts that I enjoyed, I must admit that I forwarded links to some friends who generally find my KSK links outside of their humor zone.

    /trying to pretend today was ok

    Thank you in advance, Gay Mafia, for your efforts tomorrow.

  28. holly i decided to go back and look at your posts from today in order to ridicule. unfortunetly i found nothing well done.
    except for the mastercard commercial which i thought you were kidding with the half naked guys.

  29. Thank you for the lesson, DrDoom. If you knew anything at all about our bet with KSK, you'd realize that one of the Mafia (who shall remain nameless) named his bracket "Lousy 20th Amendment." Try to keep up, fella. : )

  30. Ouch. It's like mommy just hit daddy.

  31. Hey, I included a smiley face. There is no real venom behind my words.

  32. But who's going commando tomorrow like Andie? My guess. CC.

  33. The boss, he's got a thing for the Ya-Ya's.

  34. About the 20th Amendment thing:

    [The scene: Captain Caveman fills out bracket half-heartedly]

    CC (to FEMALE roommate): Hey, which amendment gave women the right to vote?

    Female roommate: Ummm... the 20th.

    Silly me, assuming a woman would know.

  35. Sure that's how it happened. Whatever you say, CC.

  36. Was I supposed to read their post? The thing was longer than the Old Testament, and less organized than a Chinese traffic jam. Don't make any more stupid bets, please.

  37. my bad

    I didn;t look at the brackets that carefully.

  38. Gist of Caveman's post: Nice try ladies, now go away and leave us to our cheerleaders and dick jokes.

    But ladies, please do stop by more often. Sometimes we need to dish out the extra dose of misogyny.

  39. I want the last 15 minutes of my life back.

  40. Today was so gay I wrote a poem.

    Jezebels flaunt
    They know not of their folly
    I make more money

  41. Someone said earlier half the guys will call the women cunts, and the other half will hit on you.

    I am here to call you a bunch of cunts AND to hit on each and everyone of you. Especially the Ladies... yea, even the ladies.

    Once Claire has been passed around the Yizner mafia, she will think twice when someone says "Cream or Clear?"

  42. Titsticks? Did that post really have the word titsticks in it?


  43. Once Claire has been passed around the Yizner mafia, she will think twice when someone says "Cream or Clear?"

    Who's "Claire"?

  44. Claire is for the drunken yinzers spell Clare w/out their first beer.

  45. Aww...thanks Matt. Had we taken over for a day we would have at least provided everyone with titties. Because we're just benevolent like that.
