Friday, April 13, 2007

"I don’t need no instructions to know how to rock!!!"

Sorry for the late start today, but an all-day bukkake can really wear out a Gay Mafia.

When I heard they were making a feature-length Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, I chalked it up as another dumb Williams Street hoax (e.g. “ATHF is cancelled”). But this is no goof, and the movie drops today. However, I still have no idea if I will see it before it comes to DVD. ATHF is the balls in 10 minute doses-- maybe even a couple episodes back-to-back. But will the whole thing hold up for 90 minutes? Will they be able to equal the mind-numbing hilarity of “Frat Aliens” or “The Foreigner Belt”? Will they allow bong rips and whippits in the theaters?

Alright, enough chit-chat, now some more pictures of women who do NOT want to see your meatwad.

Be sure to check back later today for a special mock-draft featuring a guest poster from the blogoshere. Isn't KSK good to you? We don't mean to smack you around when we've been drinkin', it's just that the boss is riding our ass about the Pinskie account and the clutch is out on our 1991 Honda Prelude... But we promise, we'll get our shit together-- you'll see.


  1. Oops, wait. Robin would never notice that.

  2. flubby, run to the store! We ran out of Bad MS Paint tags!

  3. Sorry Ape, I was hypnotized by that Bolts cheerleader's onion booty.

  4. We've been waiting all day and we get boobies and bad photoshop. You guys are really spent from yesterday's delivery. I had always imagined you boys as the types who don't need to rest in between sessions.

  5. "It's called, 'I Wanna Rock Your Body'... and then, in parentheses, 'Until the Break of Dawn.'"

  6. It is hard to view Bucs Girls when you know you had them at Mans Venus at some time. Anyone seen my belt? My ex girlfriend never understood why I came home without it from that Tampa convention...hmmm

  7. Yes to all of them except for the 2nd one from the left in the 3rd picture. She looks like a victim of gravity and and she needs a nose job.

    And no, I'm not perfect either.

  8. Who's Orson Swindle? Did I miss the auditions to join the KSK Gay Mafia?

  9. I knew there was somethin' special about you and I'm not just sayin' that cause you're a whore... but you are a total whore.

    I would love to see a guest interview with Carl Brutananadilewski.


  11. j.l.: another difference, I'm pimping ATHF out of booze-addled lust. Not for crazy $$$ like Gawker Media is probably raking it.

  12. ATHF offered Fubby a broodwhich sandwhich if he gave them some press. Can't say I blame him.

  13. Oh man.. those boobies have given me... Double Vision.

  14. ATHF...not a fan

    Tits...big time fan

  15. "Hey, there's a broad... HEY YOU! YEAH, I'M TALKING TO YOU, DINGBAT!

    "To start out I want a pitcher of beer, the fried jalapenes, and 50 wings extra hot.

    "Hey Fryman... you hear what I just ordered? I'm gonna be farting blood over here."

  16. I don't think UM is a genuine pothead.

  17. my lung tat...dude, that hurt like 8 bitches in a bitch boat.

  18. Not to be a dick...

    But all my favorite sites posting ATHF ads are pissing me off. I can't even view Deadspin anymore (probably a good thing) because the ginormous ads screw my browser up.

    And don't tarnish my Friday tits and ass with a talking fry box and milkshake. That will be all.

  19. let's go get drunk and rip off a 10 speed. i would like to welcome our angry, space invader looking overlords, err & ignignokt

  20. I hope Dusty Gozangas makes an appearance.
