Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Have You Noticed that Peyton Manning Has Starred in Several Commercials?

Ah, precious YouTube: you save us on mornings when nothing is ready. However, in this instance, we're not microwaving leftovers you've seen before or just putting up some animals killing each other that Drew saw on Animal Planet. No, we actually have something brand new to our favorites series of tubes, and - bonus! - it's actually NFL-related.

Shocking, I know.

Anyhoo, this is the newest video from BradyFan83 -- best known around the Interwebs for the Kenny Loggins Rogers-inspired "Brady" -- and it's dedicated to a man who for so long stood in Tom Brady's shadow.


  1. I think you mean Kenny Rogers, not Kenny Loggins.

    Also, you can go to hell for starting my day with the musical stylings of those two cockgobblers in my head.

  2. I can't view video at work. (Sad for me, I know.) But I do now have Hiiiigggghhhhway To The Danger Zoooone stuck in my head, so that's something.

  3. I would rather have some hardcore horse porn to start my day.

  4. Did someone say Kenny Loggins?

    And even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with you honey,
    And everything will bring a chain of love.
    And in the morning when I rise, you bring a tear of joy to my eyes,
    And tell me everything is gonna be alright.

    Have fun getting that one out of your head.

  5. Flubby - I prefer the Me First and the Gimme Gimmes version of Danny's Song. It isn't so bad, then.

  6. The only time I've enjoyed Danny's Song was during the SNL skit with Dwight.

  7. Smello, I hate you for the Danger Zone song. All I can hear is that song and visualize Tom Cruise in a a bomber jacket with aviator shades, his hair flying in the wind and pumping his fist while riding a motorcycle.

    Damn you!! Damn you to hell!!

  8. Misery loves company, devang.

  9. You just made the list, Flubby.

  10. Loggins does footloose as well, right?

  11. Right. And at the risk of being sent to the Asshole Box, I like that song.

  12. Janie!!

    Where ya been? Did you drown in a few bottles of Jameson?

    And yes, off to the asshole box with you.

  13. devang, after the crappy few days I've just had, I am in need of intravenous Jameson. Forever.

    I am now safely positioned in the Asshole Box, from where I shall laugh while my husband cries as Chelsea beat Liverpool tonight.

  14. Janie - intravenous Jameson should not be saved only after bad days.

    For the extended Kenny Loggins reference, I can only say: die, Flubby, die!

    (Oh. It means 'The Flubby, The.')

  15. Intravenous Jameson, hmmm....

    Chelsea beat Liverpool tonight.

    No, no, no, don't root for Chelsea and the preening, pompous fuck Mourinho!!

    That's like rooting for the Yankees.

  16. I'm not exactly rooting for Chelsea - I just enjoy watching my husband suffer. I don't care who wins if Villa aren't involved.

    Mourinho is the greatest thing to hit the Premier League in years - he cracks me up. He gets extra points in my book for being ringside at the WWE wrestling show in London this week - one of my many guilty pleasures.

    I'm never getting out of this asshole box, am I?

  17. I just enjoy watching my husband suffer.

    Spoken like a true woman.

    I'm never getting out of this asshole box, am I?

    Not unless you bring the Jameson. Then all is forgiven.

  18. The Danger Zone song is awesome. Perfect thing for work.

    "Ghostrider, prepare to buzz the tower."

  19. devang - what's wrong with rooting for the Yankees? Please explain to a stupid limey girl.

    intravenous Jameson should not be saved only after bad days

    You're so right.

  20. You got a few days Janie?

    Alright, they throw money at players just like Chelski. they try to get the best player in the market every year. Their fans feel that the World Championship is their god given right, and anything less is considered a failure. Their fans always feel that they are the superior team even AFTER they lose, giving NO credit to the opposing team. They reside in the Bronx (which is similar to any shithole area of London).

    And, no I'm not a Masshole Red Sox fan. I hate them equally.

    End rant

  21. Thanks - I totally get it now.

  22. Has there ever been "a commercial you'd like to see deleted from the human consciousness" mock draft pitch?

  23. Oh. It means 'The Flubby, The.'

    Well, no one who speaks German can be an evil man!
