Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Football Fans > Baseball Fans

Last night I accidentally saw a few minutes of Baseball Tonight (extended viewing of John Kruk has been known to cause hemorrhoids in test subjects). If you didn't see it you probably missed the single greatest baseball highlight we're likely to see all year (unless Manny Ramirez finally just takes a piss on the warning track). On first glance it looked like a routine foul ball, but there was so much more.

While the Baseball Tonight recap was everything I could have expected ("I would have eaten that!" -Kruk) it was the game's live broadcast on NESN that provided the best analysis. Now watch as this noble football fan shows a pussy baseball fan how they roll in Foxboro.

I'm not sure what Mystic Pizza is about but I'd like to think it involves Julia Roberts on the other end of a sloppy slice like that one.

I can't decide which reaction is my favorite, there's a bounty of greatness to choose from. You have to love the Oliver Stone inspired analysis conducted by the Jerry Remy, but my favorite is the reaction of the victim's friend. In a short period of time he goes through the full gamut of emotions; joy when the foul ball is headed his way, sadness when he spills his beer, anger when he sees what's been done to his friend, horror when he sees the wasted pizza, and finally happiness when he realizes that his dumb ass is going to be all over television.

We salute you random Patriots fan. You waited for the perfect moment before you stuck it to the northeast liberal elite baseball-istas for the world to see.


  1. If you've ever had pizza in Boston you'd throw it too.

  2. Loss of pizza is no laughing matter. I didn't think yesterday could be any more dismal.

  3. as a Yankee fan i hate all things Boston (except the mighty mighty bosstones and DKM'S), but Jerry Remy is great and calls a great game.

    btw, throwing pizza is not cool.

  4. Sadly, that was the most excitement in the games 3 hrs.

  5. The game was at Fenway, right? That Boston fan just saved an out. Why are the fans throwing pizza at him. They should be happy. Fucking Bostonians, they are all crazy.

  6. Rob I, pizza is like sex. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good.

  7. To totally derail this thread - Meatloaf was in concert in DC last night. Some chick was definitely there sporting a Sex Cannon jersey.

    I was uh.. there against my will.. or something. fuck you i got laid afterwards. by a woman. an attractive one. assholes.

  8. My favorite part is they didn't talk about the game once after the initial pop up. Couldn't have cared less. 'Wait, there's someone at the plate? Fuck that, look at the pizza! Let's watch the replay again. Now let's show it in slow motion. Wow, he was ready to throw down. We don't mess around with pizza here in Boston.'
    Freaking genius.

  9. Is it wrong that I also would have eaten that? It's just a little airborne, it's still good! It's still good!

  10. My take, the dude was throwing it at the player, not the fan, hence the apology. But how are you going to sell that to the ushers? Hence the ejection.

  11. can you blame remy and the other guy talking about the pizza for 5 minutes ? the game was a blow out.

    also, if it was a patriots game the guy would have thrown an empty bottle of whiskey.

  12. Thanks for the link, I was praying someone put it online!

    It's games like that when I remember why I love Orsillo and Remy as the TV guys for the Sox, they sound like they've been drinking half the time, and they come up with shit like this to make a 7-1 blowout the highlight of the day!

  13. @rdg

    You dont need to make an excuse for seeing Meatloaf. The Loaf fucking rocks. Nobody can deny the rock gold that is "Paradise".
    Best. Song. About Fucking. Ever.

  14. @BeaverFever

    An empty bottle of wiskey? That bitch would have been 3/4 full, we all know patriots fans can handle their liquor.

    The legend lies.

  15. Meatloaf singer < pizza

    Meatloaf dish < pizza

    Even though I like both Meatloafs (loaves?) Is anything really better then pizza?

  16. @wormfather

    i know a good number of Pat fans and they would be damned if they ever wasted a drop of alcohol. booze = liquid gold to Pat fans

  17. Pizza + Beer > Heaven

    Why does nobody care about fan interference at baseball games? I mean, if real football was setup like arena football and a fan swatted a pass away from a receiver I'd want to break his fucking arms. In baseball you cost people playoff games and go on talk shows. Well, I guess that Cubs guy got a lot of death threats. Forget I said anything.

  18. This clip shows many things:

    1) Fans in Boston are smart enough to go after the ball, but retarded enough not to catch it.

    2) Fans in Boston are smart enough to throw food at opposing players, but retarded enough to hit fellow fans.

    3) Fans in Boston are pussies who allow others to throw food at them without reprisal.

    4) Fans in Boston get drunk before noon better than anyone else in baseball.

    5) Don Orsillio and Jerry Remy may be the best baseball broadcast team out there.

    Met fans > Red Sox fans

  19. That Pats fan didn't throw the pizza! He was clearly trying to bring it back into his body when it fell out of his hands.

  20. @biggus

    Yeah Steve Bartman is still not allowed back in Wrigley under penalty of death. I know the whole meltdown wasn't really his fault, but we need someone to blame.

  21. Fuck the pizza, I would have politely asked the Angels player to go get me another fucking beer. I feel for you sad-faced-buddy-who-lost-his-beer

  22. Number 1: Pizzeria Regina in the North End has the best damn pizza this side of Napoli- if you haven't had it then don't diss Boston pizza.
    Number2: That's the finest piece of investigative reporting I've seen in ages. Rem Dawd and D-O are freakin hilarious. D-O had his full on high pitch squeal laugh in effect.

  23. Off topic, but who doesn't love hating Jay Mariotti.


  24. Vanilla wins.

    Ah hell, a Boston fan making an ass of himself and his whole fan base to all of America? We ALL win, really.

  25. Ah hell, a Boston fan making an ass of himself and his whole fan base to all of America?

    I think a certain writer with the initials B.S. has been doing that for a while now.

  26. meatloaf < pizza

    if "<" stood for devourers

  27. Real men throw their pizza slices by holding the tip. Like a ninja star. Having the hard, inedible crust hit you in the face is a sign that I mean business with that pizza throw. Beeeeeatch.

  28. If the Patriots fan was aiming for the person who just saved the Red Sox an out, he's a moron. If he was aiming at the outfielder, he is very bad at throwing pizza. I'd be pissed at the Angel though for knocking the beer out of my hand, especially since it looks like he did after the fan touched the ball as a reprisal. In short, everyone present sucks.

    Lou Malnati's in Chicago >> Pizzeria Regina
    Plus, if you hit someone with a Lou's deep dish, he ain't getting up.

  29. Awesome! Remy is the best analyst working in sports and that clip alone should net him an Emmy. And a Pulitzer. Hell, give him a Nobel prize too.

  30. Spilled Beer > True Meaning of Alcohol Abuse and should consider seeking assistance

    Thrown Pizza + Spilled Beer > Need for immediate on-site counselors for all parties involved.

  31. The highlight was definitely the victim getting the Pepsi Fan of the Game Award while he was picking a fight with the guy who threw the pizza.
