Thursday, April 12, 2007

Bonus Kill: Len Pasquarelli Will See Your Inhaling Of A Seagull And Raise You

Ever see a pelican swallow a pigeon whole? Now you have. I think you're better for it.

Credit for this clip goes to intrepid reader Nick P., who asks, "Why aren't there 10,000 pelicans like that in Central Park?" Why, indeed. They can put a bunch of French commie-inspired orange gates up in that place, but no pigeon-swallowing pelicans? Way to have your priorities straight, Mayor Bloomberg. Prick.


  1. that little kid will be telling his therapist about this years from now. or the judge when they find the bodies stashed in the attic.

  2. God, I hate pigeons. Why the fuck do people feed them?

  3. If you outlaw pelicans, only outlaws will have pelicans.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. and the hits keep on coming. hard to feel sorry for the pigeons, they are rats with wings in my opinion.

  6. that pelican should really be concerned about catching the avian flu....sheeesh

  7. Holy fucking shit. It was still alive when he swallowed it!

  8. That's nothing, I saw a guy mixing cement in a pelicans mouth once. What? A cartoon?

  9. *In my best Tommy Boy voice*
    I've seen a lot of stuff in my life... but that was AWESOME!

  10. Wow. That's more effective than feeding uncooked rice to the damn pests.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This was on the news?

    That's a morning news department meeting I would have loved to sit in on.

  13. The best part was that the pigeon squawked the entire time. Yes, I like hearing lobsters scream too. What's your point?

  14. I wonder how many children tried to swallow their Eggos whole that day while they got ready for school.

  15. Well, that's solves the whole Pelican, spit or swallow conundrum.
    What? You guys left it on the table...

    - B

  16. Total Utter pw3nage!

    Fuck a dog, I want a 200lbs pelican guardign my home.

  17. damn, the carnage continues. i thought cows only ate grass. once again i am wrong.

  18. Raddest. Pelican. Ever.

    Big Bird...Ain't got SHIT...on ME!

  19. That was both hard to believe as well as hilarious... I love the slow-motion of the pelican's jowls wobbling back and forth. Had to scratch a bit on the way down, too. Sheesh.

    And man, imagine that pigeon...

    "Oh, look at that pelican eating bread crumbs...maybe I can snag a few -WHOA, WHAT THE FUCK??? AARRGHGHGGLGLGLGGURGLESMARFLE--"

  20. "...SMARFLE--"

    Good ending. Let the digestion begin.

    Stupid lame-ass newbie question. I have a picture of me choking a PREDATOR (from the movie with the Gubernator) in my profile. Why for doesn't it post here in the comments. It's not awesome cleavage like STS but y'know, it's a fucking PREDATOR. At least ranks with donut... mmmmmmmmmm, donutttttt...

  21. Ummm...actually Christo is Bulgarian. And they're kind of expected to be Communists.
