Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"It's always there, in the lower right hand corner, just waiting to suck."

We at KSK like to think of ourselves as one big happy family. True, it may be the kind of family that has an alcoholic, cross-dressing uncle, a kleptomaniac mom and a knocked-up 14-year old daughter, but it's a family nonetheless. And what better way to examine the humorous foibles of families than Bil Keane's venerable (not to mention inexplicably popular) piece of Americana The Family Circus?

With this in mind, the entire KSK crew (except Big Daddy Drew, what has that lazy fucker ever done for this blog?) devoted their collective wit to bringing an NFL flavor to this funny page stalwart. That's right kids, today you're getting two posts that at least tangentially relate to football. Damn we're good (and handsome, and smart, and well-endowed, and humble)....

(A tip of Unsilent Majority's sombrero to the sick bastards at the Dysfunctional Family Circus, who have been doing this sort of thing for years.)


  1. brilliant. cue the spit-take on the Smoot one.

    so um...which one of you is the cross-dressing uncle?

  2. I don't like that you people made me chuckle out loud in Special Education law class....

  3. they have law school for special kids?

    this explains so much...

  4. These were absolutely hilarious. I always appreciate a good dig at OSU's academic standards.

  5. What? None of the cartoons where little Jeffy runs all over the place with dotted lines labeled with places Bengal players had committed a crime or Kyle Orton had passed out in his own vomit?

  6. @t - I actually practiced in special education law for about six months. good work, but depressing too.

    how about this:

    Tim Hardaway wants his banana back.

  7. i was expecting to see one cartoon goofing on eric mangini's and bill parcells' man boobs. also, where is the sex cannon cartoon ?

  8. ... and a knocked-up 14-year old daughter

    sorry about that. i'll pay for the trip to the clinic

  9. Excellent work. The Michael Irvin storybook is my favorite.

    And classy of you to give a shout-out to the Dysfunctional Family Circus crew. I thought they'd been driven underground by Bil Keane's hired goons. Good to see they still exist in some form.

  10. Hilarious Flubby, I was giggling all thru my Business Associations class.

  11. big fan of the joey porter dog cartoon.

  12. I almost lost it for the Ogden teabagging episode. And I was giving a test.

  13. And I just want to show my appreciation for that pussy, TO.

  14. Wow. A reference to "Go."

    Outstanding, gents.

  15. Ooo! ooo! Do Marmaduke next, ...that fucking dog.

  16. In my day, we didn't have wireless internet during our law school lectures. Damn whippersnappers. Get off my lawn!

  17. I see Flubby is back on the Peter King kick again.

  18. In my day, we didn't have wireless internet during our law school lectures. Damn whippersnappers. Get off my lawn!

    Yes Mr. Schottenheimer

  19. If I didn't have wireless internet in my law school classes, I would probably have died. Or played a lot more solitaire.

  20. In the late 80s we printed entire books of these. I still have some.

    They never get old.

  21. these were great...

    in a somewhat of topic thing

    better know a draft pick

    greg olsen
    nickname: g-reg
    hobbies: getting head

    height: 65
    weight: until the otehr 6 guys are done

    urine test: jiz
    stool sample: collard greens

    mainstream comparison: jeremy shockey
    ksk comparison: Mark chimera. for obvious reasons.

    who wants him: 7th floor hoes
    who will take him: hopefully not the colts

    favorite food: grits
    favorite expression: stick a nuthole in her ee

    story espn will shove down your throat: he is white and fast, and white.

    immediate impact: none except on your faith in mankind as a whole.
    down the road. probably going to pull a mark chimera.

  22. I'm guessing UM is like the knocked up 14 year old daughter?

  23. Brilliant, KSK. Just brilliant.

  24. WAAAAAIT! What about a cartoon with Jeffy running around with the dotted lines and pointing all the places Rextasy has shot a load on "marking" his territory?

  25. The "bad MS paint" tag never leads us astray. The black quarterback one made me spit up coffee.

  26. Well, this is just pure comic gold, here.

  27. Holy shit, I almost coughed up a lung. Nice work.

  28. either you cough up the lung or you don't. there's no almost about it.

  29. Making it rain...oh yeah...strippers love the rain. Until a muthafucka gets shot.

    Nice job flubberama.

  30. Can you believe the Pacers just made it rain AFTER they traded Stevie Jack.

  31. Like I said in the intro, it was a group effort. I think I did two of those comics.

    'Black QB' was all UM, by the way.

  32. I think UM was channeling a little Clint in that cartoon. But it was still pretty funny.

    Good job throwing him to the wolves. HAHA

  33. When did ThePhatPhree move over to KSK?

  34. Great post -- some of those were laugh out loud hilarious.

  35. I love these cartoons, anything that can make you laugh out loud is good for you my favorite is the woman telling the girl not to party but she replies what if they have weed, really funny. As a turf layer I get access to alot of staduims and seeing the people up close and refering to characatuers abd cartoons is hilarious.
