Tuesday, February 20, 2007


What would Mardi Gras be without a few gratuitous pictures of some buxom, bead-grubbing revelers? Laissez les bon temps rouler!

[Click on pic to enlarge (at your own peril).]


  1. Bill Parcells' man boobs are real and they're spectacular.

  2. you forgot the best set of tits of them all.


  3. MMP wanted to demolish NOLA... only because its dirty...Least heterosexual comment of the day should go to him. All I hear you guys talk about is getting shit faced then MMP knocks on "the getting shit faced" capitol of the US. Look at the picture... the coaches even dig Mardi Gras, parcells' is probably whacking it to people who can catch beads unlike TO.

  4. I'm a Jets fan, and last week the Mangenius/Mangina appeared to me in a dream. He told me to trust his program of tough love, media blackouts, tough training camps and character players.

    I have since decided that I would gladly suckle his drooping windbreaker pups if he so desired.

  5. gib (sorry, i'm not sure where one word stops and the other starts or if it's just one long word)- I'm all about the tasty beverage but I'm not really down with the whole public projectile vomit scene.

    That being said, I probably would not have drafted New Orleans if we went another ten rounds.

  6. Hey, I was in New Orleans this past weekend, and I projectile vomited in private.

    You're welcome.

  7. Hey, I was in New Orleans this past weekend, and I projectile vomited in private.

    So that's what happened in our mini-bar.

  8. There had to be a better of shot of Romeo's moobs in all their polo-stretching glory.

  9. Oh there was, but this is a family site.

  10. o.k., I know Dennis Green is no longer the coach in Arizona, but how did his picture get left out of that group.

  11. I bet Joe Gibbs has some old saggies. Probably a little pancake-shaped...mmm pancakes.

  12. I bet Joe Gibbs has some old saggies. Probably a little pancake-shaped...mmm pancakes.

    Agreed. Gibbs' are probably like Ric Flair's.
