Monday, February 12, 2007

Arena Football at Last

Finally the tedium of the NFL season is over, and we can stop treading water about our excitement over the Arena Football League.

My God, Jon Bon Jovi's hair looks amazing. Still a dreamboat after all these years. Too bad his house is made entirely out of drywall.

NOTE: KSK will not, repeat NOT, be covering the Arena League, fuck you very much.


  1. Isn't that house a bit bigger than a regulation field?

  2. Damn, I was looking forward to Arena league commentary.

  3. Was that a reincarnation of the Madden Ambulance?

  4. If I were Jon Bon Jovi, I wouldn't let Tony Graziani anywhere near my house.

  5. My dad took me to a Columbus Destroyers game for once and I have to say, Arena football's not that bad. How many times in your life do you get the chance to be in an arena full of people and be absolutely sure you are the classiest person there?

  6. Don't Elway and Bon Jovi look like they could pass as brothers? Somewhat retarded, Aryan brothers?

  7. Damn I was so looking forward to Drew's Gay Porn Edition on Jovi and his star QB.

  8. Steagles: That's why God invented dive bars

  9. Wait a minute. I see what they're doing here. This is that reverse psychology stuff I was reading about in Reader's Digest last week.

    If you make an advertisement that makes me hate your product THAT much (I'm also looking at you, Chevrolet), I have no choice but to watch football with three linemen.

    Interesting strategy here, Cot. Let's see if it pays off.

  10. They should make Sean Taylor play arena football as punishment for whatever club he shoots up this offseason. He'd Trent Green every guy in the league, including JBJ, Elway, and Mike Greenberg. Dude's violence knows no bounds.

  11. This should be required to loop on a TV next to Elway's Hall of Fame plaque.

    Also I'm pretty sure the background music is "Gotta Go To Modell's: 60-Yard Remix"

  12. Now John Elway can concentrate on his real post-retirement focus.

    Get it, because he's divorced.

  13. Surprisingly, that's actually a pretty decent spot, if you can get past Bon Jovi's hair and the fact that Arena League football actually is pretty lame. Even worse, Mike & Mike will be announcing, so we won't even get any play-by-play...just Greeny's metrosexual schtick and Golic's mindless banter.

    Speaking of mindless banter...

    The greatest new sports blog since Kissing Suzy Kolber.

  14. One day, when sports history buffs are looking back on football and talking about the great coaches of the early century - I'm sure that Bon Jovi will be counted up there with other elite greats of football coaching.

  15. They should make Sean Taylor play arena football... Dude's violence knows no bounds.

    skip ahead to the 9:10 mark.

    gives me wood watching that man hit people

  16. If KSK will not cover the AFL, you have just lost a "reader". Get off your undeserved high horse and open your mind to something other than the ridiculous NFL, with the other moronic, drooling lemming "fans".

  17. Jon Bon Jovi is a douchebag. Not that Elway's much better, but at least Elway banged a Playboy Playmate and brought her to his Hall of Fame induction.

  18. How many milk crates was that little douche standing on?
