Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Three Things I Couldn't Stop Thinking During the Jets-Patriots Wild Card Game


Che and Reche walk into a bar. Che walks out. Which one's left?
Che and Reche walk into a bar. Che walks out. Which one's left?
Che and Reche walk into a bar. Che walks out. Which one's left?


"Hey, that Jabar Gaffney fellow sure is catching a lot of passes. I wonder how he got his name?"


"How come more football players don't have as many off-season Hollywood/music side projects as their NBA and MLB counterparts?"


But wait... If Laveranues & Shirley came to be, then...

And fucking NOBODY wants Squiggy as their quarterback in the playoffs.

(Special thanks to 289 for the third image.)


  1. Nice take on pete and repeat, classic.
    Needless to say, you were inebriated as fuck watching the game.

  2. Sure, this is good.

    But Christmas Ape MS Paint good? I don't know.

    VW: fabfucx

  3. Me: "You know, I always wondered where that Jabar cat got his name. Doesn't pretty much everyone else spell it 'Jabbar'?"

    Football Gods: "Yes, they do, Pity Da Fool. But Jabar's dad played for the Jets, and that means he can't do things like spell, drive an automobile or tie his own shoes without swallowing his own tongue. It's not his fault."
