Wednesday, January 17, 2007


We here at KSK are big fans of the PostSecret blog. It's voyeuristic, clever, artsy, charmingly earnest and, like this site, most of the stuff on it is totally made up.

With that in mind, KSK recently sent out the word that our site would accept and post anonymous submissions of personal secrets on postcards. It's the playoffs, after all. Tensions are running high and players need some sort of catharsis in their closely analyzed fishbowl lives.

Here are a choice few we received:


  1. I'd like to think that that is not Hawaii, but rather a stain of some sort.

  2. What no peter king masturbating to a picture of Peyton Manning?

  3. I was right with you on that one, Drew.

    It all goes back to Jay Mohr's only funny joke: "I'd like to show her my map of Hawaii."

  4. Chris, it's Peter King BLOWING Peyton Manning.

    CC, thanks for setting me straight. I got giddy like a teenager with visions of a naked Scarlett clouding my actions.

  5. Re: that dirty slut of a Saints fan. Enough with the goddamned tee-shirt, which wasn't that clever to begin with.

    Let her have the rest of her fifteen minutes of fame, complete with the inevitable Hustler photo spread, and be done with her trailer-trash ass already.

    Having said that, the team from the city that still resembles a clogged toilet in many areas should be able to defeat the Sex Cannon. Great... the feel-good shit continues.

  6. It's hard to tell you're an Iggle fan.

  7. The Romo one is fucking beautiful. Brought a tear to my eye.

  8. UM,

    I pride myself on being both subtle and discreet.

  9. The only one I thought was funny was the homeless guy...

    the rest were eh...

  10. All were funny, but the Romo snap one was hilarious.
