Monday, January 8, 2007

Michael Vick is now Bobby Petrino's problem

Bobby Petrino, as you may have heard, has taken the Atlanta Falcons head coaching jorb. Petrino, who just last week lead the University of Louisville to an Orange Bowl victory, inherits proven coach-killer Mike Vick. If Petrino doesn't make Vick into a consistent, effective winner, no one ever will. And if he can't turn Ron Mexico into a productive quarterback, in the interests of his own job security, he needs to at least learn how to manage Falcon owner Arthur Blank's lofty expectations for Vick.

* * * Homer Alert * * *

Many Louisville fans are justifiably pissed about Petrino jumping ship after signing a ten-year contract in 2006. I will leave it to the always excellent Card Chronicle to make the case against Petrino. However, I resigned myself to this inevitable fate quite some time ago. I'm just glad to get a BCS bowl win before it happened.

After his first season at Louisville, Petrino was caught secretly meeting with Auburn. After his second season (2004), Petrino signed a contract extension and then shamelessly interviewed with LSU a week later. Petrino's word was proven to be worthless early on. Only a wide-eyed naif didn't see Petrino's hasty exit coming sooner rather than later. If there is one small silver-lining, it's that now there is absolutely no chance Louisville will waste a scholarship on Petrino's midget son.

* * * End Homer Alert * * *

Atlanta is expected to have a press conference at 2 p.m. today formally introducing Petrino. Early speculation is that Louisville will go after Tulsa's Steve Kragthorpe.

Ash knows: the chances of Brian Brohm returning to Louisville for his
senior season are jack and shit-- and jack just left town.


  1. Ron Mexico wants to show you his boomstick.

  2. "First you wanna kill me. Then you wanna kiss me. Blow"

  3. Peter King douchebaggery alert!

    In today's "MMQB Ten Things I Think I Think" he spells MegaDeth as Megadeath.

    ahh..."Factoid of the Week That May Interest Only Me", but....DICK!

  4. As former zookeeper of Louisville's partial qualifiers, Petrino should feel right at home with the Falkens.

  5. UL gave Petrino a "no buy-out" clause if he bolted to the NFL, so can you blame him? Also the F-Birds are giving him almost 3x what Mora was making.

    Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.

  6. Ash knows: the chances of Brian Brohm returning to Louisville for his senior season are jack and shit-- and jack just left town.

    With Petrino's midget son, no less.

  7. Ash knows: the chances of Brian Brohm returning to Louisville for his senior season are jack and shit-- and jack just left town.

    Isnt the "other" junior Simms QB committed to L'ville? Not anymore, I bet.

  8. As a Falcons fan (we do exist) I greet this announcement with the same apathy and disinterest that I reserved for Mora's announcement as Head Coach. Maybe in 2 or 3 years we can hire Cowher and I can hate on his stupid chin.
