Monday, January 22, 2007

Hey, No One Called Me To Tell Me They Felt Sorry For Me!

I guess we just live in an era where everyone is a cynic and everything sucks. I guess no one appreciates sports on the level that I do. Well, that's just sad.

Well, I'm going to just keep doing what I love doing: watching reality TV shows for 15-year-old girls and criticizing every black general manager in the NBA.


  1. What's with the random racist crack? I haven't heard him get on Joe Dumars' case. There's plenty wrong with Simmons' writing (as bleedjetsgreen just put so well) but racism isn't one of them.

  2. So, Drew won't publicize his last name, but has no qualms about posting a photo of him and Simmons? Odd.

  3. "What's with the random racist crack? I haven't heard him get on Joe Dumars' case."

    You haven't been paying attention, then. He ripped Dumars mercilessly for three years for drafting Darko. He even brought it up again relatively recently in some NBA column. Not saying Simmons is or isn't anything, but saying he "hasn't got on Joe Dumars's case" is flat-out wrong.

  4. Simmons doesn't rip on Dumars as much as the others because Dumars is with a winning team. But yeah, I get that feeling once in while read Simmons' columns that there's an undertone there. He unloads on black GMs of bad teams. Maybe not racist, but definitely un-PC. Meh. So does everyone else. We've probably all got some racist tendencies.

  5. I am unable to form a cognizant thought. suicide.

  6. Boston definitely has some UN-PC

  7. BleedJetGreen - great job on the props that was a great game to watch if you are a football fan. I have to admit as well, look out for the Jets next year it's rumored they are 28 million under the cap. Asante will probably be in green.

  8. I remember Drew's last name from that podcast he posted a while back...

    I want $1 milllllion dollars in small bills to keep it secret!!!


    Loved those games yesterday, especially since bandwagon boys like beantown can go away for 7 months.

    Let's just hope Peyton and Rex don't pull a Eugene Robinson the night before the big game.

  9. Bandwagon, please. It was a great entertaining game. As Dante Culpepper would say "it's time to get my head back to the grind board"...that has to be the craziest ass quote I ever heard, well maybe except when Tyson said he could use his left jst as well which made him "amphibious"....classic!

  10. very nice. i was waiting for someone to make fun of him for that. like most people i'm still reading his columns but it has gotten out of control now. if he stopped writing about the nba, i might wash my hands of him for good. i thought he actually had the balls to pick the colts but then they reverted back into his abdomen and all was back to normal.

    nobody called me to congratulate the bears win either. don't cry for me argentina.

  11. Ohh was it Matt, thanks for setting me straight. I can't think right now under the circumstances...

  12. I went back to SG's Friday post, and lo and behold... he's now tied with his wife for the year.

    So there's 3,000 words down right there...

  13. Chris Washburn made the "amphibious" quote.

    Nope. It was absolutely Charles Shackleford.

  14. You guys should check out

    Those guys RAPE Simmons

  15. His whole NBA column where he basically said that after the Celtics and Lakers of the mid-80s that there weren't any teams as strong as the Celtics was laughable. I'm no Bulls fan, but I guess the team that trotted out MJ, Pippen, and Rodman all in their primes and won 69 games was just a collection of bums? Idiot.

  16. Simmons co-owns a fantasy team. He actually RUNS a fantasy team with his friend. I mean that alone is

    P.S. His column was veeeeeery whiney


    Great youtube parody of our boy Simmons
