Thursday, December 21, 2006

Your Half-Ass YouTube Clip Post That May Or May Not Have Anything To Do With The NFL

Granted, it's been a couple days since Stephen Mara went apeshit on some old man on the NYSE trading floor, because said old man was talking shit about the Giants, just a couple days after getting pwned by the Eagles last week.

The Giants fascinate me; they might be the closest thing football has to an NBA team. You have the youngster with a pedigree for the game (Eli), the infinitely talented athlete who's also infinitely stupid (Plaxico), the backwater dipshit suffering from diarrhea-of-the-mouth (Shockey), and the I-wonder-if-he's-gay All-Star (Strahan) who shoots the ball waaay too fucking much.

Anyway, back to the old man scuffle, we were going to show some footage of the old-man fight, but then we realized, you know, Rocky 6 is already out, and you could get that action there if you were so inclined. Besides, I believe this conflict would be better if dramatized through the prism that is shitty daytime television.

(Clip does not contain beastiality. Sorry.)

Yeah, didn't you hear? Pugilistic midgets are the new the new roadside donkey fucks. Get with it, yo.


  1. I love how the bouncers allow the one midget to continually throw the other one to the ground, but as soon as he gets ready to deck the prone midget, they break it up.

  2. I don't understand what's happening but I love it.

  3. you have real problems mr. punter...glorious glorious problems.

  4. This has to be tagged NSFW. There is no way I can be expected to not laugh audibly when I'm avoiding actual productivity.

    Just in case you wanted to watch another small person make you uncomfortable:

  5. Ladies and gentlemen, winner of the 2006 Best Sports Blog: Kissing Suzy Kolber.

  6. If loving little people who can crawl at warp speed is wrong, I don't wanna be right.


    That little midget kept gettin clocked son! hahahahhahahahaha

  8. This is how the Black Knight would fight after he had all of his limbs cut off.

  9. Good thing I'm watching this at home. I love the chest thumping.

  10. Sweet Jesus in a speedo...bong time now just so I can make sense of what I just fucking sat here and watched. I think my laughter woke up the ball and chain. oh shit..

  11. That is SOooo wrong.
    What the hell is that root hoggin' crap?
    If I was that size I'd carry a magnum.
    Good work bouncers!

  12. There are no words that can describe this feeling inside me right now. I want to laugh, I want to cry, I want to see the girl midgit naked, I want to spray the small one with bug spray, I want to join the peace corp and help out these lil' freaks, I..., I just don't know how to feel right now
