Thursday, December 7, 2006

Big Daddy Drew Opens Up His Enormous Sack

I'll be honest, I don't know if we have enough readership to do a regular reader mail feature here. But I'm open to giving it a shot. Therefore, I'd like to introduce to you the KSK Reader Mail Bukkake.

If you have a question for me, or you'd like to make a comment (but are too lazy to register for Blogger, or are dyslexic and have had your confidence destroyed by the Word Verification), simply click "Email Big Daddy Drew" over on the right and let me know! I'll be sure to answer with the cheapest, most gratuitous dick joke possible. Or, if clicking on the right is too hard, just email me at (See that? It's like Dr. Seuss, only modified to echo the name of former Vikings tackle Todd Steussie! Isn't that clever?!). Or email any of our other fine contributors here over on the side. Only don't try and reach Falco. The Feds will bug your house and deport your nanny.

I, and my fine colleagues, will do our best to answer any question you might have about the NFL, Claymation Christmas specials, reporters' daughters, or anything else you might have in mind. We'll even answer hate mail, because hate is what binds us all together in love and harmony.

Be sure to leave the name you want credited on your email, and if you want us to link to a site of yours, we'll happily do that as well. After all, we gay blogging folk are in this together. It's like communism, but with tits.

Now, we can't guarantee we'll post every question. If, perchance, you suck, then we may skip over you. But let's see if we can make this work. After all, this is a blog. And I'm running out of ideas. So let's get excited about this bitch!


  1. It's like communism, but with tits.

    Somebody's never saw Mao in the shower.

  2. Wait wait... what about Ludmilla Vobet Drago?! Now there's communism with tits.

  3. That reminds me... Ivan Drago's wife has fucked Flavor Flav.

  4. I'm hesitant to ask this for fear that Siobhan will think I'm trying to fuel a crush on UM, but here goes...

    How 'bout catering a little bit to your female audience by describing your football-related dream date/fantasy?

    For example, Christmas Ape's could start out with him walking his cat in the park to pick up chicks, when a pert blonde notices that Jean Grey is on a Steelers leash. Love blooms.

  5. Tsk tsk, Swing. Teasing the boys like that.

  6. you want to cater to your female audience?
    there is only one way:

  7. You gents are real publicity whore's aren't you?

    A perfectly acceptable endeavor in blogdom btw...just saying.

  8. Referee Becky, I asked for more shirtless shots and got ignored. Maybe we need to be more forceful about this.

  9. Now that the boys are in cahoots with 289, they will probably just have him photoshop their heads onto Beckham's body for the calendar, which would be fine with me, actually. However, they may have him photoshop their heads over Drew's breadwich engorged tummy. Be careful what you ask for, is all I'm sayin' -- it could go either way.

  10. I am leading the crusade from inside the library for the next 2 weeks then. I need some eye candy to get me through.
    Consequences be damned.

  11. If "library" is code for "bar", then yeah, me too.

    Good luck on your exams.

  12. Hey, there is a decent bar in San Diego called The Library. They are very civil to drunk, obnoxious customers. Not that i would know personally mind you.

    Siobhan, what do you have in mind to get a little sumthing for us females over here? Loyal readers of both sexes should be represented on those posts which celebrate the human body.

  13. One of the great bars in the country is the Library in Tempe. Fully staffed by girls in school girl outfits who have a penchant for spilling pitchers of water all over themselves.

    btw, you should all go back to your homes on whore island, we'll be along shortly.

  14. I'm with you ladies. Not only am I a loyal reader, but I lost my job this week. I deserve some happiness.

    Whether that is in the form of hot KSK photo action, or laughing hysterically is TBD, but either way works for me.

  15. What a coincidence, I happen to be looking for a personal assistant who looks good in uniform!
    Have you ever seen Secretary?...nevermind.

  16. Couple years ago a friend of mine started his own business. As a congratulatory gift, I gave him a box of red Sharpies.

  17. just wanted to swing by and show some love for the hilarious and brutally honest shit you guys throw up here. It gets me through the long days at work. Check out my blog in your spare time guys!
    Rock On!

  18. Dear Drew,

    How do you type with boxing gloves on your hands?

  19. Which one of you gay mafia is going to gift all of us broads with the shirtless shot?
    It is Friday, after all.

  20. Why no mention you guys were up for a Web Award???
    What gives?

  21. siobhan, just look for an Jeter toplesshot. That should work, right? Or do you hate that Yankees that much

  22. Holy guacamole!
    Man I missed that link big time.
    Sorry. Nevermind me.

  23. Becky..sorry to hear that..good luck with the search, stay away from the casting couch..unless he is hot of course.

  24. Damnit, if only I owned a couch...

  25. At this point, I am making signs, "Will Rumph for Food"

  26. Sex clatter.

    And what the hell does fhjiiu mean?
