Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Week 10 Meast Appendix - More Underrated Women (And A Dude)

To make it up to those of you who didn't appreciate seeing my beer gut during lunch (Mrs. Drew says I'm the handsomest man in the world), it's only fair to give you pics of some more underrated ladies, following suggestions from our commenters and couple of my friends. I'll also add a shot of new Bond Daniel Craig at the end for you ladies.

Giada Delaurentiis
Man, she's got a big head.

Kristen Bell
No argument here.

Kerry Washington
Ape's request

Isla Fisher
Engaged to Sascha Baron Cohen. Also apparently comes in triplicate. Prepare the wedding sack!

Minka Kelly
Plays a cheerleader. Works for me!

Christa Miller
Watch early episodes of Scrubs. She makes Zach Braff almost tolerable.

Rachel Harris
So snarky. She should be sex blogging.

Daniel Craig
In the Clive Owen/Russell Crowe badass mold. Layer Cake is a fine film. Speaking of which...

Sienna Miller
Bad move banging the nanny, Jude. Holy crap, this woman is attractive. Badmouth that shithole Pittsburgh all you like, my dear. It's not worthy of you.


  1. Mr. Craig appears to have put on a bit of muscle since his Layer Cake days. Looks like a smart move.

    And exactly what the hell is Sienna Miller wearing in that picture? Looks like a horse's tail. Why don't you take that off, Sienna? Make yourself comfortable. We can badmouth Pittsburgh together.

  2. this site needs more slipple.
    Exhibit A

  3. None other than Dame Judi Dench attests to the monstrous size of Daniel Craig's equipment. *Insert girlish squeal here.

  4. EWWW! Those women have hardly any belly hair at all!

    Sienna is money
    Bond guy...obviously gay

  5. Shut your filthy mouth, UM.
    And Kerry Washington used to work for me when she lived in DC. So there.

  6. Oh sure, I ask for some eye candy and get naked Will and Drew's tummy. Siobhan asks and gets Daniel Craig in panties. God I wish I was a redhead.

  7. Actually, Swing, I asked for shirtless KSKers and heard nothing but crickets. The red hair doesn't have limitless powers.

  8. I believe that's because they didn't hear the magic words from you, Siobhan: quid pro quo.

  9. ding ding ding

    nice work make with the picks siobhan!

  10. All I'm saying is "Does anyone here enjoy Hello Kitty?"

  11. That bond guy is gayer than a scarf sale at barneys?

    hello kitty? furburgers?

  12. Kerry Washington is so hot...

    that is all.

  13. daniel craig? that's the best you can do for me? dude's practically old enough to be my dad.

  14. Good God, Sienna... I mean, it took every ounce of mental strength to prevent me from subconsciously sliding my hand down the front of my pants, and I'm still at work.

    Yes, baby... Pittsburgh sucks... anything you say...

  15. big ups (do people still say that?) to you on Sienna Miller and Minka Kelly...Sienna is calling me...gotta go.

  16. Telling you, you are missing out Jenna Fisher(The Office)

  17. Nov. 17 cannot get here soon enough. Mr. Craig makes me a little weak kneed. And, Siobhan, THANK YOU for that article. So. Many. Dirty. Thoughts.

  18. Big head, but big hoohoos and she can cook.

  19. Giada Delaurentiis
    "What is that? Italian?"

    "Yes, it is."

    "I'm French-Canadian. Do you have any French in you?"


    "Want some?"

  20. mmmm Minka Kelly. Whoever came up with the idea of cheerleaders was a genius, whoever thought of castin this hottie as one is my hero

  21. I clearly need to start watching Friday Night Lights.

    It'd be worth good money to watch Giada's big head bob up and down in the proper manner.

  22. Is it too early to start ripping the new broad on Page 2? There's no grace period involved, is there?

  23. run up the score - no, it's never too early to rip anything on Page 2.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Her head is like those old Thunderbird marionettes, they sort of bob around in the air like floating turds.

    She's got nice cans and seems to get off on squeezing juices out of Italian meat...

  26. Jeebus, we get a lil eye candy and the males here have to haul off and call him a gay blade..bastards!

    Thanks for that link Siobhan.If the Dame says it, it must be true.

  27. I'll take Daniel Craig, but only because Judy says it's worth it. However, if a shirtless Brendan Shanahan picture becomes available, please post ASAP.

  28. Christa Miller has always been my under-the-radar crush. She was on the first cover of Maxim...and all of her pics inside feature clothes. WTF!?

    Siena Miller is an ugly dog. Did you see her topless pics in Vanity Fair? Gross. Siena Miller is one of the few celebrities that I see and think to myself "I've done, and will do, better."
