Thursday, November 2, 2006

Steve Irwin Memorial Meast of the Week - Week 8

One of my bedroom windows faces east. This morning it started getting light in my room at 5:45 a.m. Not light-light, but that blue Top Gun sex-light that makes you say, "Fuck, dawn already?" when you wake up for that been-asleep-for-six-hours piss that you start having to take once the ol' prostate decides it doesn't need to be as small as it was before.

Seriously: 5:45 a.m. Fucking light! In my bedroom! Now, my alarm goes off at 8:30. So can somebody -- anybody -- tell me how this is Daylight Savings Time when I'm trying to sleep through two and a half hours of it? You wanna save me some daylight? Make the sun set at 7:00 p.m. instead of 4:30 so I can go outside after work and get some goddam Vitamin D. My skin gets damn near translucent in the winter. By February I look like a giant fetus.

And you know who gave us this shit? Type A assholes. That's right, those fucking go-getters who try to start conversations in the elevator on the way up to the office first thing in the morning. I've been up since 5:00! It was such a beautiful morning! I had to get outside and go for a run! Don't you just love--urrrkgh... can't... breathe.

But Type A assholes run the country, so they get to determine when the sun rises. And you know what? They're secretly afraid of us: the extremely cool, smart, lazy drunkards who are full of brilliant ideas but just totally spaced on that phone bill, man. These early sunrises are just another way to keep us pacified so we don't burn down City Hall and start up a sweet new utopia where Type A people are forced to channel their organized energy into giving blowjobs.

I say we do it. Let's take back the sun from those organized dickheads! We'll give those pricks the Mussolini treatment and make the sun rise at noon! ...but, like, next week, y'know? I'm kinda hung over today, and I've got a thing tomorrow. I forget what, but I've got it written down somewhere. Hey, is this pizza still good?

Anyway, our Co-Measts of the Week are Tully Banta-Cain (2 sacks) and Mike Vrabel (7 solo tackles, 1 INT). They're accepting the award on behalf of the entire Patriots defense, which gave the Vikings a nationally televised rumphing even Fred Smoot couldn't help but admire.

This selection is in no way to cause Big Daddy Drew more pain (although if it's a side effect, I'm okay with it). Brad Johnson -- who receives constant announcer fellation for being "unflappable" and "taking care of the ball" -- threw three interceptions and got benched in favor of Brooks "Third String on the Jets" Bollinger, who was promptly sacked three plays in a row, leading to the rare but hilarious down-and-distance of 4th-and-30. As for Chester Taylor, last seen chugging 95 yards into the Qwest Field end zone: 10 carries, 22 yards.

So nice work, New England. You've got some measts on that team. But that doesn't mean your fans aren't still bloody vagina farts.


  1. My personal favorite is when Johnson throws a pick and the announcer says, "That was so uncharacteristic of Johnson!"

    Johnson has 7 picks on the year. Apparently, being uncharacteristic is one of his characteristics.

  2. Mike Vrabel is a horse's ass. But dude can ball.

  3. I'm wondering when one of the "special guests" the Mon night crew has in their booth hauls off and slaps the fuck out of Theismenn for being a complete idiot when talking about something retarded and trying to relate it back to the game he's supposed to be commentating.

  4. Arizona, Western Indiana, and France agree with you. Never in my life did I think I would be in the ideological company of those three.

  5. I blame it on farmers. First they give us vegetables and then they steal our sunshine. Fuck 'em.

  6. FenwayFaithful78, the KSK policy is to relentlessly poke fun at New England whenever possible in order to counterbalance all the Boston dicksucking that comes from other corners of these here interwebs (Simmons, Mnookin, etc.) and other media.

    It's also KSK policy to make fun of everyone else as well. Which means Boston can go eat a dick.

  7. Oh, and my Word Verification was JEWII. It's like they think I'm UM or something.

  8. Daylight Savings just ENDED, not began. That means if we didn't have DST legislation, you'd be getting sunrises at 5:45am 365 days a year, instead of just winter.
    And Mark Foley (probably never heard of him) introduced legislation to stretch DST four more weeks but for some reason that bill hasn't seen much attention lately

  9. Quit picking on Boston, they just lost Red Aurebach.

    Red is in heaven enjoying a pipe... I mean a cigar with Len Bias right now.

  10. Caveman, Long time listener, first time caller. Funny shit. Thanks.

  11. Enough of this fucking horseshit!

    Boston didn't lose Red, Washington did! And you'll see that when we host the celtics on Saturday night.

    I'll be the guy in the third row wearing an Orange Gilbert jersey with a clover patch on the front.

  12. At last, a reason to watch Wizards ball.

  13. Yeah, you anti-New Englandite.

    Next thing you'll say is they should have their own schools.

  14. Especially since I'm stuck in the sports hell hole that is DC.

    Amen. Perhaps we could join forces and hate the Redskin together.

  15. *Redskins. I wasn't referring to one single Redskin, like Sherman Alexie or what have you.

  16. Fenway, I'm right there with you. DC sports is a total joke. Fuck the R***kins. I wish there were a decent Red Sox/Patriots bar around here, but the closest thing we have is Rhino...which is also an Eagles bar. How does that work?

    UM, Red is Boston's. Born in Brooklyn, lived in DC...but his soul was part of Beantown.

  17. Yeah Rusty, we all know how you feel about your beloved city.

    Fenway, as for your "everyone is from everywhere else" assertion...I know hundreds of thousands of people who beg to differ.

  18. Yes of course there's more than enough of Red to go around. He may be a part of Boston's heart and soul, but he was a Washingtonian baby.

  19. In the meantime, I hear Tony Eason is still alive.

  20. Worst. Zagat's review. Ever.

  21. TS Muttley's in Adam's Morgan - it's run by a kid from Southie...but get out before 9:00 when the popped collar assholes take over. And I'll join any and all in the Redskins hatred. Sorry, UM.

  22. UM, you wouldn't happen to have an extra ticket to the Celtics-Wizards game, would you?

  23. Oh boy! Yankees slap fighting about who's city is the best. Tell each other what you're going to do to each other then get someone to hold you back and get it over with, already.

  24. Sorry Rusty, it's been claimed by a friend of mine.

    fenway, you absolutely do not have to "dress up" to go watch games in Gtown. if you can stand the presence of asshole philly fans Rhino is a great spot...then again, i happen to prefer frequenting bars that don't require me to drive.

  25. How bout we just cut up Red's body, and all of you can get a piece.

    I don't really rip on fans of any city, fans are fans, but the one experience I've had with Pats fans was kinda ridiculous.

    I was at school in Champaign the year the Bears played there(Year after Pats first Super Bowl). I had season tix, and my parents were down for the weekend we played the Pats, and I was taking them to the game.

    So my dad and I are leaving Legends, when these 2 Pats fans start talkin a hell of a lot of shit to my father and I...for no reason. They just followed us out of the bar jawing, we hadn't even said a word to em, or had any Bears stuff on.

    So finally my dad turns around and asks what the fuck their problem is. They said something, but I couldn't really understand with that fuckin accent.

    Long story short, (says the DB 5 paragraphs into the story) it was a great bonding experience for my father and I pummeling those two fucktards in an alley.

    They should have a beer commercial that goes like that when you think about it.

  26. Rhino is not a great spot. The Flying Scotsman is pretty awesome, but it's closed on Sundays as is located by Union Station.

    Who the fuck goes to Northeast DC to drink?

  27. Someone else besides me can gentrify Northeast DC. I like the Argonaut, but fuck going to and from Maryland and Benning to drink.
    If you are a DC resident, take note: Stoney's, formerly of 13th L NW, is reopening Monday across from Whole Foods on P St NW between 14th and 15th. I spoke to an employee and they plan on playing sporting events and serving burgers and pizza.

  28. I knew Stoney's was re-opening (5 blocks from me - hooray!) but I didn't know the time was so quicky approaching. Jesus, they had the best grilled cheese sammiches.

  29. I up for the take over.
    Type A's give the best BJs.
    Just let me know what day we GO so I don't over sleep.
