Tuesday, November 7, 2006

KSK Midterm Erection Bukkake

It's Election Day. Do you have voting fever?! Because I do! I voted this morning. They even gave me one of those stickers that tells people, "I voted and that makes me totally rad!" One problem I have with voting is that I have no real business voting for things like District 5 circuit appellate judge. That's right, Irma S. Raker, it's your lucky day! Because I thought your name was more interesting than Clayton Greene's, I voted for you. Hope you aren't a communist! Or a slut!

Maybe I should have done my homework. The legalese on the on proposition questions usually leave me in the dark as to whether or not voting YES actually means that yes, I'm in favor of that idea, or YES, I am not in favor of being against the negation of the installation of that particular traffic circle. It's all very confusing. And I'm not even an old Jew.

So we'd be remiss if we didn't capitalize on all the election hullabalooza here at KSK. It's our special Erection Day Bukkake. We'll be posting throughout the day and giving you a chance to vote on various issues that affect you as an NFL fan and drunken pervert as we hit the midseason point. Hope you enjoy.

And remember to go out and vote in the actual election today, unless you're like me and don't really know what you're doing.


  1. Irma S. Raker? BDD, we vote from the same ballot.

    So, a vote for Irma is a vote for bukkake?
    I'm in.
    Sperma in 2006!

    Kissing Suzy Kolber, now affecting voting habits. Somewhere, Jefferson is smiling.

  2. uh, revif.

    it's called election day, palm beach county, 2000. your bubby and mine fucked everything up.


    another jew

  3. good lord that was a retarted comment. we have no need to fill up column inches, we're a goddamn blog!

    and no, my grandfather did not vote for buchanan in 2000...but all of his friends did.

  4. I love it when commenters make fun of dipshits. Nice work, everybody.

  5. isn't voting for judges the same way Saddam won all those elections back in the day?

  6. Irma Raker?

    Oh, shit, you're the fucker next door who leaves the curtains open while he watches "Firehouse Hosedown" on the 60-inch plasma, aren't you?

    Oh, and revif? You're a fucking moron. And the reason why the joke worked. You want unfunny, go read a Christmas Ape post.
