Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Hey Politics, Get the F*ck Away From My Football!

Holy shit it's midterm day already, and you know what that means...only two more years of W (the president, not the hotel...that place is money). We aren't what you'd call a "political" blog (apparently convicted felons can't vote) but on this day of election one name stands out in the minds of everybody from Deadspin to Wonkette. Of course I'm talking about current Senator George Allen Jr. (R VA), the son the legendary coach and also a complete son of a bitch.

Sr. was a great football coach, but he was a bit of an asshole. His son is exactly the same way...except for the football thing. He is such a goddamn vagina that he drinks Summer's Eve in lieu of bottled water. He's endured all sorts of controversies because of his big mouth, hard dying racist habits, and a decapitated deer. Of course none of this has much to do with the NFL that we cherish so dearly, so why do I even care?

Because George Allen is starting to fuck with my shit, that's why.

Soon to be ex-Senator George Allen...he's on the right.

Yesterday he was out campaigning in the parking lot of my very own FedEx field. While meandering through the tailgating hordes Allen found many Redskins fans with Virginia tags to annoy the hell out of. Seriously, the only thing worse than being called by a telemarketer is having some asshole politician beg for your vote while you're trying to get shit-faced at 10 am. While it may be a shame to see a struggling incumbent beg for his career in front of a large gathering of people who worshiped his father, I still think it's pretty entertaining.

Even though I don't appreciate a stumping politician (especially one from the commonwealth) showing up at my place of worship on a Sunday, I have other problems to deal with.

Because of his father the Senator has football friends friends in high places. We all know that Joe Gibbs is a big republican (and that's by NASCAR standards!), it shouldn't surprise you that he's a friend and an Allen supporter. Then there's Deacon Jones; he's the all time great who used to attack quarterbacks like Allen supporters going after an abortion clinic (preemptive response: calm down you whacky Virginians I'm just joking!). Deacon was also a very close friend of Allen's since his numerous years of playing for his father. It was also Deacon who spoke on Allen Sr.'s behalf when he was enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

None of this really bothered me all that much either. Sadly Deacon has been appearing in radio campaign ads for his old friend, and they're playing all over Triple X ESPN Radio here in Washington (owned by Danny Snyder...more on this later). Last week when Allen was unable to call in for his regular segment on John Riggins' radio show it was Deacon who filled in, the two of them shilled away (and it doesn't even count as a commercial). That's when I started to get a little bit pissed off.

Recently a straw broke the camels back like it was Theesman's leg. I found out that Danny Snyder contributed money to the campaign of evil. As a young Jewish Redskins fan I've been one of the biggest Snyder apologist on all the internets. Now that he's giving money to Virginians he might as well move to Great Falls and chop down all the trees his heart desires. Suddenly it seems as if he's more Ashuburn than Potomac...et tu Danny?

I always figured Danny was a republican...he's in that top 1% you hear so much about. But did it have to be this putz? Mr. Snyder, YOU'RE ON NOTICE!

The only reason the Senator is still in this race after his many embarrassments is because of his deep pockets and his total fucktard of an opponent. Even though Jim Webb is a bit of a fuck up he's the fun kind of fuck up. Check out one of Allen's recent "attack" ads on Mr. Webb.

So...uh...Vote for Webb! Because you just can't do any better.

Hopefully this is the last time I ever have to write about politics; football is akin to religion, we don't need no government 'round these parts...VOTE OR DIE!

Update: George Allen Loves Jerry Jones
courtesy of Chris Mottram at Saved by the Blog

Update 2: Is George Allen's Campaign Being Naughty?
Or just plain evil


  1. I just found out Jim Davis who is running for Governor of FL parties with terrorists. Not cave dwellers, but the ones who live 90 miles south of Miami. They are pushing this war on terror a little to far.

    Opps, time to go get re-educated.

  2. If only Allen were to be mauled by bears...

  3. Allen sucks balls. But since you brought politics to a sports blog, which is worse than campaigning before a football game, you now suck more balls.

  4. HA! For everyone who doesn't know, that scary clown in the ad is john wayne gacy. Mr. 30 bodies under his floorboards. He use to play a clown at his local hospital.
    So to summarize: don’t live in Virginia or clowns will eat you

  5. it's election day, it's like the nfl draft of politics! besides, the political landscape is traditionally littered with former pro athletes.

  6. Jim Webb is the balls. As SecNav for Reagan, he made a HUGE gamble by selecting Al Gray as the Commandant of the Marine Corps, which may not mean anything to you pussies, but it completely changed the face and future of the Marine Corps for the better. Also, Fields of Fire is a terrific (if occasionally heavy-handed) novel.

  7. Junior's a total wanna-be poseur from CA who wishes he was from the old South.

    Death to politicians campaigning at football games.

  8. Allen makes an abortion look like Thanksgiving dinner

    ok, now i'm just feeling sick

  9. it's like the nfl draft of politics!

    Does that mean that Chris Berman is gonna call races well before the polls are closed?

  10. As a resident of the District of Columbia, where I suffer with the burden of taxation without representation, I'm just thankful that this fucking election cycle will be over soon so I don't have to see Michael Steele fondling that damned dog in those commercials anymore. And, yes, I voted in our sham election this morning.

  11. you voted? for what???

    Fenty is Mayor and your Councilman should have already been set as well. This is my first mid term election as a voting DC resident...it's pretty damn boring.

    Gilbert Arenas for Mayor!!!

  12. Voting in DC in general is terribly unfulfilling, knowing that it doesn't matter at all. General election, my ass.

  13. A politics post on a football blog and not one word about Lynn Swann?

  14. Wait, UM, you admit to both living within the District and being able to listen to Triple X radio?
    Does. Not. Compute.

    Otherwise, I agree with your post completely.

    Don't blame me I voted for Kodos.

  15. Steve, I listen to the riggins show in the car on the way home from work. at work i get no signal so i listen to Redskins Lunch over the internet.

  16. Didn't know they streamed (not that I'd tune in). Apparently, it's easier to pull in over the air Baltimore TV signals than some of the XXX signals the closer you get to downtown DC.

  17. I get no XXX ESPN signal anywhere in the District. I wish Danny Boy would stop spending his money on upping the signal strength instead of politics.

  18. I look forward to an orderly election to eliminate the need for a violent blood bath.
    All I remember about Fenty is that he is against tall boys.

  19. I guess you also enjoyed "Lost Soldiers," in which Webb writes about a man who embraces his four-year-old son and puts the kid's dick in his mouth. Seriously. I won't be voting for that sick fucker.

  20. Fenty is also the architect of the smoking ban in bars, which chaps my ass, but is the way of the world these days.

  21. Granted his books are a bit "dark" but it's pretty ridiculous to condemn somebody's character because of a work of fiction.

  22. tortfeasor, why do I get the feeling you don't have too many literary discussions? Your assumption is quite a stretch. Just because I liked "Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" doesn't mean that "You Shall Know Our Velocity!" isn't a meandering bore.

    I can't believe candidates' political worth is somehow being tied to fiction they've written. Ugh, I hate politics.

  23. Douchebags who take their talking points from Sean Hannity deserve the jackasses they vote for. But, why should I be punished for your fucktardedness?

  24. Or is that fucktardation? Damn, Webster's is no fucking help.

  25. tortfeasor, you should also know that that event was something he actually witnessed as a soldier, and he wove into his narrative.

    But hey, don't let reality get in your way.

  26. I like Webb personally but have zero faith in the Democratic party to not pull a Vietnam when it comes to dealing with terrorists.

    I've read this four times and still can't understand it. We're currently bogged down in a war that, by the administration's own intelligence agencies, has made terrorism much worse. But the Democrats might get us stuck in Vietnam again? Brilliant.

  27. Or did "pull a Vietnam" mean "abandon the quagmire and let the country go to hell"? Remind me again which Democrat was president when we left Vietnam in '73?

  28. George Preston Marshall-racist, jew-hating pigfucker.

    George Allen, Sr.- racist, jewfucking pig-hater.

    George Allen, Jr.- racist, self-hating porklover.

    Vote Webb: better on race, better on Jews, much better on pigs. And good on dick apparently, though I haven't read his novels.

    And hail to the Redskins.

  29. I live in DC and listen to political debate throughout the day, so I would appreicate it if you morons would get back to football, drunk QBs, and drunk lesbian cheerleaders (obviously, there is nothing wrong with that).

    Recommended topic: The pros and cons of the 3-4 blitzing defense to the modern 4-3 cover-2 defense. Talk amongst yourselves...

  30. Natty, your predictions about what will happen if we pull out of Iraq are scary.

    In fact, they're about as scary as the predictions back in the late '60s and early '70s about what would happen if we pulled out of Vietnam. The dominos were going to fall all over Southeast Asia, and then Red Communism was going to march into Japan, New Zealand and Australia. You're obviously much more well versed in all this, so remind me -- just how good did those predictions turn out?

    And you know, the same people who are making those dire predictions about Iraq now are pretty much the exact same ones who predicted we'd be greeted as liberators, who predicted that the war would be short and sweet, who predicted that the war would pay for itself with all that Iraqi oil money, who predicted that we'd find tons of WMDs, who predicted that we'd see sure-fire links between Saddam and al Qaeda, and who claimed that the war in Iraq would lessen the risk of terrorism.

    Those people are batting .000 so far in the predictions department. If you want to keep on listening to them, please feel free. But I'm going to listen to other people for a change. People like the sixteen different intelligence agencies of this government who have shown that our presence in Iraq has increased the number of terrorists and terrorist incidents and made us less safe.

    But you have fun with the Miss Cleo neoconservatives. I'm sure they'll be right one of these days.

    In the meantime, be sure to keep pissing your pants in fear. It's the patriotic thing to do.

  31. Despite my political opinions, I would like to second SOB's motion to get back to more lesbian cheerleader action.

    If we don't talk about those things, the terrorists will clearly win.

  32. You hate arrogance and ignorance, so you vote Republican? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

  33. Bourbon and Buttsex!!
    Whoo! Does that stem the flow of political blah blah blah?

  34. I must say I admire bosox siobhan for getting drunk and offering to take it up the pooper in order to keep peace on the board. You ma'am are a trooper and a team player. I salute you.

  35. We need more hot bitches in the House.

  36. Thank you, sir. I find the entire political process to be a lot more tolerable with the (ahem) liberal application of booze and sex.
