Wednesday, November 29, 2006

City Of Cleveland Continues To Demand Football Team After Losing Browns In 1996

Bernie Kosar was my favorite football player when I was a kid. No joke. Lots of the great QB's back then - Montana, Marino, Elway, Laufenberg - were brilliant athletes who made the game look easy. Kosar was the exact opposite. Kosar made every play look like a complete fucking struggle. Which made him easier to identify with for fat, slovenly children such as myself. I would sneak downstairs to watch him play on Monday night. I also snuck downstairs back then because we had just gotten Showtime and "Candy Stripe Nurses" would come on late at night. But in between spanking myself raw, I watched Kosar work similarly hard for wins.

In fact, the entire Browns teams of the late 80's were like that. They were winning teams, but they sure weren't very graceful. They were the kind of teams that ran the ball a million times, got a few big plays (usually on trick plays), and then desperately tried to hold on with big defensive plays. That's what made The Drive so devastating. After struggling mightily to gain leads against the Broncos, watching that horse-faced prick Elway easily march straight down the field to snatch the game away felt unfair. The Browns worked hard for those games, and then some asswipe Homecoming King coach's kid just swiped them away, like Henri stealing Woody Boyd's girlfriend. Fucker.

The Browns haven't been relevant since. At least teams like the Cardinals have the common courtesy to be entertainingly bad. The Cards suck, but they still played in the most memorable game of the year (the Bears loss). The Browns just got shut out 30-0 by the Bengals in a game so bad I would rather have looked at Britney's exposed furburger instead. And that thing is feral.

I blame two people for this. The first, of course, is Arsenio Hall. Stupid triangle-faced fuck. The second is this pompous dipshit on the right:

Carmen Policy. Policy made his bones as the GM of the 49er teams that won all those Super Bowls. But GM wasn't the right title. He was more like the Executive Producer, some fuck who managed to get his name on the credits without actually doing anything. Bill Walsh picked the players. Eddie DeBartolo paid them under the table (and who wouldn't take laundered money from a shady asswipe with Simon Cowell's haircut?). What did Carmen Policy do? I think he made some Shiraz so everyone could celebrate.

But when you're BFF's with Chris Berman like Policy was (allegedly, DeBartolo and Policy wanted to give Berman a 49ers championship ring, but ESPN viewed this as a conflict of interest and disallowed it, which annoyed Berman. And now you know why Chris Berman should die by Ooga Booga), you get the kiddie-glove treatment. Which is why Al Lerner thought Policy and Dwight Clark would make such a stellar tandem when he hired them in 1999. They then proceeded to give the team the Angry Pirate by drafting uninspiring player after uninspiring player. And the Browns have been horrible ever since, with injuries and bad luck compounding their efforts to recover.

Worse than that, they continually get upstaged in badness, which makes them hard to ridicule. Sure, Romeo Crennel has one mighty black FUPA. Probably has some hair on it. But Crennel doesn't rock the pleated shorts like Bill Parcells does, so his FUPA fades in to the limelight while Parcells' gunt flaps about for all to see. Kellen Winslow's Gary Busey impression got upstaged by Ben Roethlisberger's Gary Busey impression. Reuben Droughns' DWI got upstaged by Odell Thurman's (Chris Henry vomited on Odell's car, Reuben. Bring Braylon next time and see if he'll whip his dick out in front of a female police officer). Browns fans tossing bottles on the field got upstaged by Piston fans who had better aim.

No matter what the Browns do to get attention, someone else ends up taking the spotlight away from them. Elwaying them, as it were. And that's sad, because the NFL is really a better place when the Browns are interesting. So I have a plan devised to do just that. This plan won't make the Browns competitive. Far from it. It would likely make them even worse. But it will guarantee that people sit up and take notice, which is half the battle.

Step 1 - Trade for Drew Bledsoe. Don't worry about Bledsoe being fucking horrible. The magic is in benching him.

Step 2 - Have a player murder someone. And not in a pussy way like Rae Carruth. Get someone willing to pull the trigger himself. That would be fucking sweet.

Step 3 - Dump Crennel. Hire Ditka. I'm pretty sure Ditka can't read. You may go 0-16.

Step 4 - Stop affiliating yourself with Drew Carey.

Step 5 - Ditch the current doodie brown uniforms. Doodie brown plays slow.

Step 6 - Move to LA. Become the Flaky, Effete, Liberal Dipshits.

Step 7 - Copy the Detroit model. Hire an unpopular analyst to become an even more unpopular GM. But up the stakes. I'm not talking Theismann. I'm talking about the King Retard himself:

Are you an interesting team now, Browns? Yes, you are. Bernie would be proud.


  1. a few things step #7 would likely lead to:
    - cheerleaders. lots of cheerleaders. perhaps thousands.
    -the team nutritionist being replaced with one that is more experienced in enhancing player performance, on and off the field, but especially off.
    -more Miami Hurricanes. there would be so many playas from the U that they could save money and just have them play in their college unis.

  2. They never should have let tim couch get away. If they would have kept Tim Couch, they'd have been close to the Super Bowl by now (not necessarily making it because we all know they'd get Elwayed out in the final seconds).

    Charlie Frye throws funny. Their coach has big pubic hairs. Gary Busey would kick KWII's ass, and snort coke while doing it. They run a Tecmo Bowl style offense, run middle, run middle, pass short of sticks, punt. They snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    Fuck them. They cut Couch. The player with the most heart and class of any in NFL history. They deserve everything they get. They deserve annual Elwayedness. Fuck them. Bury them.

  3. Sir, I do so enjoy reading your prose. Thank you.

  4. Add some raunchy and outrageously hot cheerleaders, and start doing Al Davis better than Al Davis. That way you can say, "We still suck, but did you see that hottie?" and, "We would have won had (pick a number) not short-armed that bomb."

  5. They never should have let tim couch get away.

    Geez-o-pete, you make it sound like Couch escaped over the wall utilizing a ladder fashioned out of bedsheets while the screws in the tower had their backs turned. The Browns didn't let Couch "get away", they cut his sorry ass with impunity. If they want him back, all they need to do is call the Hyden, Kentucky Pizza Hut. His shift usually starts around three.

  6. If Tim Couch's grandfather will somehow help the Browns, you can find him at the starter's shed at Independence Green Golf Course.
    24360 Washington Ct
    Farmington Hills, MI 48335
    You'll know it's him because he's really old and will tell you, without being asked, that Tim Couch is his grandson.

  7. I think Drew Bledsoe would be better than the worthless wigger Charlie Frye.

    Plus, if we went 0-16, we'd at least have some relevance to the NFL.

  8. The magic is in benching Bledsoe? Might I introduce you to JP Fucking Losman?

  9. They didn't let Couch get away. They fucked with him, banished him from the practice facility and then cut him. In that order.

    It also had a little thing to do with the fact that Couch's throwing elbow is trashed. If it wasn't, he would have caught on with another team. Instead, his career is over.

    Other than that, I agree with everything except the moving to L.A. part. A team as bad as the Browns in a city full of frisbee-chucking cheeba monkeys (yes, blatant PCU reference) would fold. And that would just screw up the bye-week dynamic all over again.

  10. Is that blue coke on your uniform, Mr. Irvin?

  11. Get an editor. I bailed out about 1/3 the way through. Don't succumb to the curse of Bill Simmons.

  12. man country clint, you sound like an irrational UK fan. never met one of those before.

  13. The fact that Browns fans can throw bottles onto the filed already makes them better than Couch/Holcomb/Dilfer/Frye.

  14. Can someone clarify the death by Ooga Booga because I don't want to do anything similar to Berman

  15. I am so not looking forward to sitting in the Pound on sunday vs. KC. Now if Michael Irvin was sitting in the suite with his "fat" tie and his friend's crack pipe...

  16. One thing we know for sure - Bernie's great, great, great, grandma never... ugh. I can't even quote the Playmaker and not feel like I should be driving my friends home and hiding their paraphenalia in my car. I miss the good sense players - like Kevin Mack - damn, never mind

  17. man country clint, you sound like an irrational UK fan.

    You expected something rational from somebody with "country clint" as part of their logon?

  18. Bernie is my all time favorite player. He had the greatest hair.

  19. If the Browns would have taken McNabb over Couch in '99 things would be different. What a novel idea. A mobile QB w/ a big arm. It would have been a good combo for an expansion team w/ a garbage line. What am I saying, they still have a garbage line.

  20. The only thing worse than watching the Browns lose is Henri.
