Thursday, October 26, 2006

Your Jewish Homeslice Mike Silver Dishes On Peter King

Fellow studs The Big Lead have a telling interview up with Mike Silver of SI today. Silver talks about players who'd like to beat him up, but he also tells this story about Peter King at an SI pre-Super bowl lunch:

Peter is fretting over his Inside the NFL column and blurts out, "You know who I'd love to talk to? Ted Cottrell," who was then the Bills' defensive coordinator and the hot minority candidate for head coaching jobs. So we order and start talking about who's doing what, and Peter's phone rings right as the food comes, which kills him, but then he gets this big smile on his face and says, "Ted? How are ya?" Now, as we sit there gawking, Peter loudly launches into a discussion about the dearth of minority hires and is taking notes and clearly getting great stuff. It was a sight to behold. At one point, in mid-sentence, without even looking over at (David) Fleming, Peter seizes this large, personal pizza from Flem's plate and takes a Fred Flinstone/brontosaurus burger bite. The tomato sauce is running down his chin and Peter, with his mouth full, is saying, "Ted, that is exactly why the system is so flawed!" Josh Elliott, who at the time was our young reporter at his first Super Bowl, was sitting there with his mouth wide open; the curtain had been pulled back on the Wizard of Oz. And then Peter does the most amazing thing. He asks a question that will surely produce a long answer, “Ted, give me the seven most overlooked minority-coaching candidates in football,” or something like that, and picks up Flem’s pizza again and starts devouring it.

Here's what amuses me about this:

1) Silver seems to think this makes King look charming.

2) It makes King look like an even bigger douche than before.

Thanks to The Big Lead again. If you order Domino's tonight, make sure Captain Fuckstick isn't hiding in the bushes. Your suggestions for other things King might find appetizing welcome in the comments.


  1. A good interview (albiet long), but if anyone had stolen my pizza, I would have eaten his gaddamned hand on the spot.

    Ted Cottrell agrees with me.

  2. After asking Cottrell to list his 30 favorite States, King eats the phone and puts a slice of pizza to his ear.

  3. Other things he might find appetizing? How about everything?

  4. Triple venti mocha sausage latte.

  5. Dang it, Rob, you beat me to it. But I'll say it anyway:

    If only they made a triple-caf green tea macchiato in pizza form. Guaranteed to make PK's "Coffeenerdness of the Week."

  6. I've been calling him Lieutenant Fuckstick, when did he get a promotion?

    Hopefully TO's pills.
