Friday, October 6, 2006

No Cheerleader Post This Week

We at KSK would like to extend a heartfelt apology to those who eagerly awaited this week's cheerleader. Due to the resource constraints beyond our control, we will not be posting a pic today.

Being a cadre of prolific masturbators and jag-offs ourselves, we would suggest cuddling up with a cold bottle of Newcastle and a warm bottle of Lubriderm (we recommend the Advanced Therapy brand) and blow the dust off of that catalog of porn, buried deep within the public library of your mind.

Eh, just kidding:

We'll leave you two kids alone.

We'll have some weekend shit up, so come back. When you get cleaned up, that is.


  1. Her and I have so much in common. I, too, never wash my hair.

  2. Have to admit, not overly impressed with this week's choice. Granted, better than pretty much everyone in the group shot from lo so many weeks ago, but still. There is no way I should feel like I hold my own against an NFL cheerleader, and this pic makes me feel like I could grab a pom pom and be as good. Bah

    Oh, yes. And I'm drunk posting, so tomorrow, my bravado will be totally gone.

  3. You guys might be right. But, to be honest, this is the first time I've looked at her face.

  4. Kobe is throwing his T-shirt at you right now.

  5. she kind of reminds me of the girl dancing with Greg Oden at the houseparty.

    be nice to the atl cheerleaders...they're friends of the program

  6. So if I read that correctly, becky wants to be next week's KSK cheerleader.

    Enticing as it sounds, I hope is doesn't become a trend. Next thing you know suss or johnny utah or big jim slade will want to be the cheerleader-- and I don't know if we're ready for all that.

  7. Actually, I'm surprised you guys haven't tried to use this site to get laid yet by hosting some kind of KSK Friday Poster Girl Contest. You know, you could have women compete for the "opportunity" to pose in a bikini of their favorite team's colors each Friday. I imagine your judging criteria would consist of things like "says 'yes' to date invitation", "likes to do it like the Christies", etc.

    And, no, I'm not interested in competing. If I won, I would have to reveal my identity, and I am waaaay to highbrow in real life to admit to slumming around here.

  8. I'm disappointed by the lack of her personal information. How the hell am i suppose to masterbate to her visage if i don't know her favorite food!... but a fine choice, monday.

  9. What are you talking about washing her hair? I guarantee there's no hair to was... oh, her head.

  10. tubesteak.

    now get out your vaseline and kleenex, helix.

    you can thank me later.

  11. A Philly fan claiming to be "waaaay to highbrow in real life to admit to slumming around here." Now that's comedy.
