Monday, October 2, 2006

Mr. Haynesworth Thinks Your Face Would Benefit From A Couple Extra Holes

Yeah, so Titans DT Albert Haynesworth tried to stomp another mudhole in Dallas C Andre Gurode yesterday. Gurode found himself lying on the turf with his helmet off when Haynesworth attempted to perforate his face in a fit of rage. Gorode left the game, bleeding, and Haynesworth was ejected. Everybody was pretty pissed about it, maybe no one more than Titans head coach Jeff Fisher, saying that the team may punish him ON TOP OF whatever retribution is handed from the NFL office. Haynesworth is pretty much in accordance with his coach.

What I did out there was disgusting. It doesn't matter what the league does to me. The way I feel right now, you just can't describe it.

We'd love to joke about this, but we saw the act, and it was pretty brutal (we're looking for video). Gurode was totally helpless, and he's lucky the damage was rather minor. You could make a case that Haynesworth sit for the rest of the year. Either way, it's too bad, as this may be the only stomping the 0-4 Titans do all year.

(Update: We found some video. See for yourself.)


  1. Odd item just came over the wire: Titans sign Savion Glover.

  2. Zhose are speed holes, zey make ze car go fastuh.

  3. Looks like a perfectly cromulent 'football move' to me.

  4. Peter King said on NBC that the NFL wouldn't suspend Haynesworth. I'd be flat out amazed if he weren't suspended for at least one game.

    I think a 4-game suspension is appropriate.

  5. Huh, it was far less violent than I thought it would be. That said, that is assault brutha, he should go to jail.

  6. Neither is Zinedine Zidane.

  7. I hate the Cowboys. FIFA will be keeping Haynesworth out of the next four international qualifiers.

    That was pretty heinous-worth Mr. Haynesworth. That said, Chris Collinsworth is ridiculous. Enough with the interrupting ejaculations. Douche. He needs to be suspended from broadcasting forever.

  8. The rumors are that it will be a 5 game suspension. That seems fair. If anything this proves that Peter King, who predicted that there would be no suspension, it a gasbag.

  9. That he had the nads to bitch about the call was interesting..or shows he has no clue about unsportsmanlike conduct. I second the call on Chrissy Collinsworth and the lifetime suspension.Peter King is not just a gasbag, he reeks of piss.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. It's five games. Just got handed down.
