Monday, October 23, 2006

Donovan McNabb Barfed

Enrico of The 700 Level, writing for the Fanhouse, brings to our attention this fun little video. With the Eagles trailing the Bucs 17-7, Andy Reid decides to play a prank on Donovan McNabb by telling him over the radio that the Broadway run of RENT is coming to an end. McNabb's response is understandably visceral.

Donovan, my friend, you've been punk'd.

(Enrico also linked to Westbrook's sweet touchdown catch, but I figured that as far as Kissing Suzy Kolber was concerned, the vomit was more important.)


  1. It looks like he says "It's too hot."

    When he has his helmet off.

  2. Didn't Donovan blow chunks during the Super Bowl in Jacksonville? Note to self: never bet on the Eagles on the road in Florida.

  3. "never bet on the Eagles on the road in Florida."

    Is there a way for the Eagles to not be on the road in Florida?

  4. Tampa's last second field goal, aside from destroying my psyche and weekend, saved us all from variations on the "puke and rally" storylines all week.

  5. mcnabb could be "at home" in florida if his team had home field in a florida based super i'm going to cut myself

  6. I hate to talk smack, but I can't resist this one time.

    Sixty-two yards, bitches.

    That is all.

  7. I have never before regretting having the HDTV.

    Well, except that time Roseanne Barr was on.

  8. waitaminute, RENT is closing???

  9. Ottoman-

    Two words-

    Andrea Kramer

  10. Crap, I forgot about her. It took years of therapy, but I forgot. The turkey neck, the bug eyes, the bad clothes, and hair that looks like it was combed by a cat. I don't need Jigglin' Jillian Barberie bimbettes for my sports ladies, but the faces shouldn't be cracking the mirrors either.

    In other news, if you guys want comedy gold, try to track down the video of Clinton Portis getting a helmet to the nutsack against the Colts. Ouch. To his credit, he hung on to all three balls.

  11. Is McNabb trying to steal Foxx's role in Any Given Sunday Part 2?
