Thursday, October 12, 2006

Deon Figures Can Replace Richardo Colclough, Too

Because Ben Roethlisberger is already doing his part by playing like Mike Tomczak, the Steelers' front office is doing everything they can to turn this into a remake of the 1996 season. (Hey, they were coming off a Super Bowl and lost to Jacksonville early in that one, too.)

The solution: As Willie Williams left Pittsburgh for big money in Seattle in the mid-'90s, only to return as a shell of his self in the mid-aughts, so too now will Chad Brown, who turned into a measty pass rusher for a year with the departure of Quiver (Kevin Greene) after '95 and the injury of Quake (Greg Lloyd) early in '96, then left for more money elsewhere the following year, as all attractive Pittsburgh free agents inevitably must. Fellas, I have bad news if you're planning on bringing back Justin Strzelczyk.

One key problem with Chad that shouldn't have been overlooked: He has Patriot stink all over him.

This particular move was necessitated by the hammy-hampering of the conglomeration of human oddities that is Joey Porter. I understand the rampant anti-Steelerism but I'm too worn out with this week to make a coherent joke about Porter: BYAH!Dogs!KissingCowher! That's all I got. I need sleep.


  1. Is Bam Morris available too?

    And thanks to j.l. white for giving me an excuse to type "Nancy Pigpen"

  2. I love all the self-flaggelation going on in Steeler country. Relax - it's all going to be okay. You guys are going to roast the Chiefs and make a run at the wild card again. Breathe in - you'll be fine.

  3. What is hammy-hampering? Is that a real term I should know?

  4. Yeah. Those Fraudulent Champs. I mean, making a good play at the right time is fruadulent, right? If the Seahawks had actually, you know, made plays, they wouldn't have to bitch about the refs.

  5. Seriously wat does hammy-hampering mean ??? Peep into this amazing Christmas Blog to check out some really cool stuffs and unique ideas

  6. Christ, you just had to bring up Mike Tomczak? Thats fucking spiteful dude. Joey is a Cali resident..does that make him a bag of batshit?..perhaps. But I aint' buying. The whole team has post SB egos..they got what they had coming. In the NFL you can not live on your past laurels..suck it up and deal..It isn't Joeys fault they suck pond scum..the whole team took a powder. Joey's biggest faux paux is owning friggin pitbulls, which is a Bako tradition btw..and being on the cover of SI.

    If you dont' buy that..I got more..


    Nothing else to say.
